A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




Last GU shrank View/Draw Distance?

2:21 am, October 18, 2014 I play the PC version of the game, and having a really nice graphics card, I have always played the game in 1080 with all settings maxed. I have also played this game since launch and the range that t [..] View

Reporten los problemas de idiomas

2:21 pm, October 17, 2014 Saludos a todos los jugadores que utilizamos el juego en espaol encontramos animaciones sin sonido de lo que habla el personaje un ejemplo evento de Halloween. Este problema no ocurre con el idioma in [..] View

Why "I" am still upset over the MOV change to Lair Battles.

2:21 am, October 13, 2014 Long read, rant incoming.... As a statement of affiliation I really don't care much for PvP in this game for lots of reason, I generally prefer Legends when I choose to PvP and stay a season behind [..] View

Creation Surgery 101...

2:21 am, October 12, 2014 Long time no see huh.... This is a thread I made so it can probably keep me for make another thread on making stuff, also I wanted people to post what they need help on as far as creations; I'll along [..] View

PvP Marks conversion.

2:21 am, October 9, 2014 So, I was bored yesterday and decided to level up an alt I had laying around. After managing to get to level 30 (and having to relaunch the game at least 25 times due to linkdead disconnecting in EVER [..] View

Playstation Subscriptions

2:21 am, September 26, 2014 I just logged in and realized that I am no longer legendary (3 month $30). So I searched and it seems a lot of players are also not being renewed and complaints are on multiple sites. This is clearly [..] View

Accidental Perfection & the logic behind feats

2:21 am, September 20, 2014 Alright guys this isn't a rant post, I want to be as objective as I can with this First of all its true Skill Points doesn't equal skill in game, never has never will. That being said I do believe t [..] View

DCUO Optimizations Request

2:21 am, September 10, 2014 DCUO is one of the more engaging games that I've played over the years. It has many things that it offers that other MMO's don't which is why lately I've chosen to spend a great deal of time on this p [..] View

Base Item Packs & Why I Will Not Be Supporting Them

2:21 am, September 7, 2014 Hey all! A little bit of explanation is in order... There's been over 140 dissatisfied replies to Mepp's post announcing the Base Item Packs and his explanation that they are one-time purchases and [..] View

Where are the Imperial Insect Head, Chest and Legs?

2:21 pm, August 31, 2014 So, I have ran the raids nearly a 100+ times and have not see them drop ever. I have like 8 spare utility belts, 5 additional hands, 6 necks, 5 extra backs, 3 extra belts, 2 extra feet, five face mask [..] View

Hard Light Controller bug or not?

2:21 am, August 25, 2014 Today I started playing as a Hard Light Controller (who was previously a DPS) and I noticed that only the first ability grants what it says it does (debuff, pot) and after I chain them, nothing happen [..] View


2:21 am, August 23, 2014 Wondering if the invisible adds in DLC 11 are ever going to get a hotfix. DLC 11 is lagging and some adds like the (The Parademon Fixer) and another adds i cant remember all their names that are invis [..] View

Everyone has a role - LEARN THEM ALL

2:21 pm, August 12, 2014 I don't care if you want to play a tank or not, I don't care if you want to play a troller or not, I don't care if you want to play a healer or not - EVERYONE has a role, and EVERYONE needs to underst [..] View

Non Teaster's feedback

2:21 pm, August 10, 2014 Since I can't post in testing feedback I still have an issue with Big Barda in Breach and with Boom Tubes in Artifact villain side. Others post thing you have noticed as well would help also. I don' [..] View

warping to base

2:21 pm, August 5, 2014 The cooldown timer for warping to your base is 2 hours?? Thought it was changed to 10minutes awhile back. Was this intentional? If not wondering when this will be fixed. Thanks View

My Two Cents on the Prestige Cap

2:21 pm, August 3, 2014 LocheCaps are always good to have. There can be issues with going over your allocated size (int vs short). But mostly caps allow you at least some modicum of control.Pez FedoraLoche - correct me if I [..] View

A Solution to The lack of Prestige in Old Content

2:21 pm, July 26, 2014 The devs have made it pretty clear that they don't want us exploiting lower content by farming it for easy prestige in our superior gear. This has been shown by our diminishing return on content 2 tie [..] View

Giving DPS more responsibility

2:21 pm, July 8, 2014 As a Healer most of the time, I'd like to see DPS given more group responsibilities as a role. To me it always feels like the one "lone wolf" role out of all roles and not burdened wit [..] View

Separate 'Inspect' from 'Kick from Group'

2:21 pm, June 28, 2014 Despite the effort of players trying to be careful.... all too often someone in a group gets unintentionally kicked. This can occur either because of lag, a slip of the finger, or being hasty when sc [..] View


2:21 pm, June 26, 2014 Last night during the momentary inclusion of the Summer Seasonal event I purchased the new Atlantean style set: head chest and legs. I love the style it is **** and different. While I don't have a s [..] View

A Different Kind of Power Interaction

2:21 pm, June 26, 2014 I think it would be interesting if the type of powerset you use had different effects in different situations. A few examples below: Using Fire powers on an Atlantean enemy should hurt more or caus [..] View

Easter Egg Created by Overgearing

2:21 am, June 23, 2014 I thought I'd start this thread since wanning didn't want to post it himself. Did you know you can turn into Robot Batman? Even at level, we would be able to either wipe or beat him pretty quickly, [..] View

Everything is back to normal

2:21 am, June 12, 2014 Well it happened again this morning and I'm seeing where it's more common. A 2 1 1 group for the T6A. Back to 2 DPS 1 Healer and 1 Troll. It wasn't intentional of course, there's a shortage of Tanks [..] View

DEVs, I have a quick question about balance...

2:21 am, June 2, 2014 Hi, been an avid player and follower of the game for over a year now (and a bit more ) so here's my question... I know you're always striving for balance and that's why you introduced Weapon Master [..] View

Combat Mechanic: Celestial

2:21 am, June 2, 2014 I have a question concerning celestial power. I am not sure if it is intentional or not, but Celestial's "Wither" combo into "Smite" combo activates the small blue fist [..] View

That's it! The Scoreboard has to go.... NOW!!!

2:21 am, May 30, 2014 It's really not even a debate anymore: 99% (go ahead and quote me) of this games issues stem from one underlying factor.... The scoreboard *I'll admit that some time ago, I was in favor of having [..] View

Weapon Mastery Experience

2:21 pm, May 26, 2014 Haven't been able to test every weapon. Not that dedicated TBH. I'm curious to know what everyone's general experience with different WM weapons has been. My experience so far. Bow - Great melee [..] View

Lets speculate about addition for DLC #11 (HoP #1)

2:21 am, May 18, 2014 So, we lived up until DLC #10 practically dropped into the game. It's time to talk about next DLC - HoP #1, which promises be alot sweeter because New Gods rule more than old greek gods (+ it will con [..] View

Devs, we need an option to "lock" gears.

2:21 pm, May 6, 2014 First, I just want notify you and forum users that I am not creating this thread with the intention of saying "I want a weapon that I lost back." I just want to tell you something that [..] View


2:21 am, May 1, 2014 I'm not even going to use weapon mastery. I'm sorry, It's just not fun....and it's too slow for my taste...I'm not saying this game is ruined, but DPS definitely isn't going to be the same if this is [..] View

Logitech Dual Action Issues

2:21 pm, April 29, 2014 I am having an issue with the game and or my gamepad. I have used the Logitech Dual Action Gamepad since before the end of beta. Now I know there have been issues with keys being swapped and such and [..] View

Add a CONFIRM function for joining groups

2:21 am, April 27, 2014 In three years I cannot believe that this has not been implemented. I cant tell you how may times I have accidentally declined a group invite because I was activating something (Broker, Bank, Armory) [..] View

Passive Buffs to make 2-2-2-2 viable

2:21 am, April 15, 2014 Before I get inundated with scrubs telling me how I "HAVE NO RITE 2 WELL ME HOW 2 PLAY THIS IS DCUO PLAY UR WAY!!!1!", that's not the intention of this idea. It's to make running a bal [..] View

Information from Spytle about Premium Cash Cap in T6

2:21 pm, April 12, 2014 SpytleHello everyone, let me just lead off and apologize for the pricing you are seeing for the Amazon Fury PI gear on the vendors. It is not our intention to make those cost more than the $2000 dol [..] View

Uniting Heroes and Villains.

2:21 pm, April 9, 2014 Firstly credit to Remonator for starting a thread that helped me think of this. But here's my idea of how both side can fight alongside each other. Halls of Power is based around Apokolips and Dar [..] View

3 little annoying things to fix

2:21 pm, April 8, 2014 1. preview of base items from inventory...yes i do want to SEE it before i put it on sell, not to search for it with search feature than preview it from the broker. 2. broker Add Item tool tip, yes [..] View

GU 36: Why Overall Combat Has Been Made Slow If Clipping Is Intended?

1:21 pm, March 29, 2014 Nearly 3 years of Mepps confirming that Jump Cancelling was intended, it is now an exploit. Fair enough! If its an exploit, change, remove and alter it suitably to balance the powers. Now according [..] View

Player Letter : GU 36! We can choose?

1:21 am, March 27, 2014 Hello, I wanna start to say i play since 3 years ago and i wanna give to devs my opinion about gameupdate 36. I tested GU36 on test server and i dont understand which is the intent of devs because Har [..] View

What are your opinions on the voice acting in the game?

1:21 pm, March 25, 2014 For the purposes of this question, please disregard the fact that game sound glitches out all the time. This is about the quality of voice acting - when you can hear it. At this time, I would like [..] View

Decreased Collection Respawns

1:21 am, March 8, 2014 Alright, so to start, I was out trying to find all the Shivs and Shanks at Stryker's today so I could get the Bank Amenity for my base. So I logged on an alt I had that had all the lovely map enhancem [..] View

Zone Unavailable.

1:21 am, March 3, 2014 Got stuck in the loading screen going into an Arena. After a few minutes, it gives me the "Zone Unavailable" screen. I log back in, and go to re-que, and behold, what fairly distribute [..] View

Guess I bought the knock-off sparring target

1:21 pm, March 2, 2014 I'm not sure if this is something intentional, I don't see how it could be though. My problem with this thing is that when I hit it with a weapon attack my entire combat log gets flooded with this: [..] View

Unecessary Player Tactics

1:21 pm, February 22, 2014 I've seen people go pretty far out of their way to cause or prevent certain things from happening in game, and it can get a little crazy sometimes. Here is a partial list: Summoning as many on screen [..] View

What is the biggest cause of wipes that you have noticed??

1:21 am, February 22, 2014 ....Whether you are in a PuG or league run, what have you noticed that have lead to the group "wiping". Doesn't gotta be T5 only either. My favorite cause of a wipe is Oolong islan [..] View

So I healed the Hero version of A&B...

1:21 pm, February 20, 2014 I healed the hero version of A&B for the first time on my Nature Healer account. I'm only working on him to he can get hero related feats my villain can't get in order to finish all the trophi [..] View

Broke a box in the Vault, and a purple drop showed up...

1:21 am, February 20, 2014 My heart raced. Could it be, after two long years, the Bat Gauntlets I've so longed to have? Could it be that finally, I will no longer be taunted by people who have gotten them but have no intention [..] View

Here Is Where The Fire Revamp Made Mistakes.

1:21 am, February 20, 2014 What is wrong with Fire in the current state of the game is directly the result of the revamp. OBVIOUS mistake the Devs made that they neglected to fix for whatever reason. They made great changes yet [..] View

Seriously questioning the leveling changes

1:21 pm, February 19, 2014 I created a character, for the sole purpose of experiencing the new leveling path, and thus far I'm not sold on it. Let me preface by saying that pre-GU31, Usually by the time I hit Level 9 content, [..] View

Frost snipe

1:21 am, February 15, 2014 Hello, Just wanted to ask for some advice about getting and keeping aggro with frost snipe, so since Assault and Battery came, I've been running it with my league, every time I have ran it I have used [..] View

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