A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




Invocation of Renewal

2:21 pm, October 17, 2014 Quick question I have been wondering for a long time now: back when they revamped sorcery they changed IoR from a cast time burst to a hot>burst and they removed the cast bar. Before they chan [..] View

Feats Not Showing Up On Census App

2:21 am, October 10, 2014 Feats Aren't Showing Up On The DCUO Census App. We've (My League) have been using the app to look up our members suggested feats so we can help them out with what feats they should go for next and hel [..] View

PS3 Performance on different drives

2:21 am, October 9, 2014 I'm using a PS3 Super Slim and am a relatively new player to DCUO. I noticed that as I moved into end game content my PS3 started having serious performance issues. I replaced my stock drive with a hy [..] View


2:21 pm, October 8, 2014 I was stuck in the loading screen of artifacts after defeating the first boss. When my league mates told me my character was LINKDEAD, I exited the game and tryed to log back in. Everytime I tryed to [..] View

Rigged "Feats"

2:21 am, October 7, 2014 Bare with me as in his idea of "support" GM Volom made something clear and directed me to forums to post if I did not like it. well it got confirmed for me after a few days of dealing [..] View

Mepps, are our names safe now?

2:21 pm, October 6, 2014 I was shocked to read the Announcement regarding obligatory name changes. My characters use several of these special characters and have since the start of the game. I have never had issues with mai [..] View

New idea and concept for entering the vault

2:21 am, October 5, 2014 This is not me & (this picture does not belong to me neither) this picture is only an illustration of showing you what i mean. Do you see the green charger thing behind the broker? they cou [..] View

What to "NOT" do when you got kick from a group

2:21 pm, October 2, 2014 So today is the reset day and all of my league mates have already done Lockdown, so I have decide to PUG the raid. We finish the first boss with a little bit of problem (one DPS was lock outside), the [..] View

Why are some names just now invalid from character creation?

2:21 pm, October 1, 2014 So lately I have tried to get character names with "Thanos" in it but it is now invalid, no matter what you do. But some people already have names with Thanos in it which I assume they [..] View

Ideas on how to fix the vault

2:21 pm, September 30, 2014 I know I know... there is already a million billion posts for this, but I am way too lazy to look for one so here are some of my ideas on how to make the vault less broken 1. Remove all of the green [..] View

Remove cap for MoF & SoP and more..

2:21 am, September 29, 2014 I would like the devs to remove the cap for MoF & SoP as i'm always almost at the cap of SoP. so if you are at the cap and you play again you lose marks while you use those for better purpose. [..] View

What's the strategy for General Kraze?

2:21 pm, September 26, 2014 He's not teleporting to the farthest person anymore, and it seems like he's just teleporting to whoever in the group now. The one time when 2 tanking was a viable strategy, the devs remove it. Why? View

Names with special characters???

2:21 pm, September 23, 2014 Are names with special characters allowed??? I thought this was a bug??? From the forum some time ago posters would say that it was a bug and would be removed at some point. But the latest notes f [..] View

The Symbols and the grief from them.

2:21 am, September 23, 2014 Of all the things added to this game to slow our progression down, this was by far the worst. Before you skip and flame, let me explain. What it all comes down to is time. Time it takes to complete [..] View

Home Turf Equipment Mods: Please raise the max number per white Mod, that we can dispense

2:21 am, September 23, 2014 At the moment we can only get 4 of the same mods from the dispenser in our base. If we reach the cap, because we have various items, which are all modded, we either have to get rid of one of those ite [..] View

What if... Kicking Was Removed

2:21 pm, September 16, 2014 What do you think would happen if the ability to kick a team member was removed, or made really difficult to do? View

[REQUEST] Please remove the Proximity-Factor from Feats and Loot for active Participants

2:21 pm, September 15, 2014 A loooong while ago I posted on the archived PC Bug-forum about not getting loot for a boss-fight, when one was knocked out, respawned and didn't get back in time. I brought up this topic later again, [..] View

Safehouse Arena RESCUE

2:21 am, September 15, 2014 When can we expect to see the Safehouse Arena Rescue maps returned to the PvP map rotation? This has been bothering me for awhile now, and I'm sure many others. The feats that are attached to these [..] View

Back Controller VS POT Controller

2:21 am, September 15, 2014 Ok, so I decided to reset necro and utilize LFG. I know the rules about pugging Lolz. Get into a league run. With one friend **I keep my mic muted for most pug runs unless I can offer good advice, [..] View

The census app...change up?

2:21 am, September 13, 2014 Screw complaining about why it should be gone. Sore and what's his/her name I forgot already lol. I like that they worked hard on this app and I'm not going to lie, it is cool in a sense, the cool par [..] View

Vitalization drop and no cause?

2:21 pm, September 10, 2014 This past Friday, I had purchased my next to last piece of 94 gear from vendor and modded it with the T6 mod. My base vitalization was 3534. Logged off Friday and did not play all weekend (real life y [..] View

Defense SP Should be % and in every weapon like other roles innates

2:21 am, September 9, 2014 Fact: DPS have 1st tier SP innates in the form of % crit chance and % crit damage Healers have 1st tier SP innates in the form of % heal crit chance and % heal crit magnitude Controllers have 1st tie [..] View

My ideas for a DCUO revamp (long read)

2:21 am, September 8, 2014 If you could change DCUO and correct any issues that have been bugging you for a while, what would you have done to improve upon the game? Post your ideas. Be as detailed a possible. Here's just a few [..] View

'Socketerror: Host Not Found' for 6th time

2:21 am, September 7, 2014 I have already found a thread similar to this and none of those solutions helped me, so that's why I'm making this thread. I had a Windows 7 laptop a few days ago when I first installed the game and [..] View

League base mod (Walk ins)

2:21 pm, September 3, 2014 Here's an idea. A new mod for league bases where you can use prestige to unlock content for each tier so for example if your league had a member who wanted to level up an alt to benefit the league r [..] View

Please let us delete items from the base inventory.

2:21 pm, August 30, 2014 I want to permanently remove an item from my Base inventory. apparently Customer Support cannot even do this. Please either allow Us or them to do this. Thank you. View

Why HL players were angry with gu38

2:21 pm, August 21, 2014 Please discuss any feedback about our newest Hard Light improvements here! Have fun out there. Drenz Impact Added Power over Time component to this ability, giving Light players a way to apply PoT [..] View

To improve the game's integrity

2:21 am, August 19, 2014 I think they should restrict use of replay badges on new content for two weeks. Replays were introduced to the game so players could catch up, not get ahead. If there is a glitch in a raid, this wou [..] View

Ice's DPS side got no consideration...

2:21 am, August 18, 2014 This new hand mod coming out soon called Max Damage is going to ruin the one cool thing about ice's DPS side, Ice Armor. If you don't know what Ice Armor does for the DPS side its pretty simple. Once [..] View

Why electricity is Terrible

2:21 pm, August 17, 2014 Hello my name is Lightning Revenge . Well i'm going to start of by saying i love electric but its garbage we need a support role update not these dps updates dpsing is fine . for electricity we need a [..] View

Armory 2-pack missing from market place & loyalty vendor

2:21 am, August 12, 2014 i bought this when armories first came out on my main. i want to buy it for my alt now only to find that its not there anymore. it only has 1, 4 and 8. i dont need 4 or 8 and i need more than 1. w [..] View

"I am Wonder Woman!" -- No you're not

2:21 am, August 6, 2014 No, seriously, you're not. Gina, you are beautiful and wonderful, but your voice was removed from being Wonder Woman due to any one of a number of reasons. Everywhere in the game your voice has be [..] View

So AB?

2:21 pm, August 4, 2014 Any word on when this raid will be coming back? I heard it was up for the hero side but heard that like 5 days ago so don't know if thats still true or not. Why was it removed again cause I've heard [..] View

Movement restrictions while in combat

2:21 pm, August 4, 2014 Something that has bothered me since I started playing this game and has now become extremely annoying is the movement restrictions while in combat. By this I mean as soon as you pull your weapon ou [..] View


2:21 pm, August 3, 2014 Hi there we got our league hall yesterday and got our statue podium added a few people on it to see the rankings and poses and when i hit "save" we ended up with a "ghost&# [..] View

[REQUEST] Please add a feature to manually make statues for league-mates

2:21 am, August 3, 2014 I wanted to post in the other Topic about statuaries, but it's closed, so I wrote it on THIS topic but was also told, that it was worth it's own topic: Did I get it right, that who gets a statue is [..] View

My final plea to fix Light Blast for Hard Light

2:21 pm, July 31, 2014 Please fix light blast to a single target finisher and remove the cast time.... It is the worst finisher in the game and doesn't do enough damage for how the cast time is....the cast time is so much [..] View

Leagues see Members as income. Nothing more. (rantish)

2:21 pm, July 31, 2014 Ever since GU 39, it's been a mad dash to be the first on the server to get a League Hall. Employing any and all tactics to get one. Smaller leagues got devoured by larger Walmart leagues. More mem [..] View

Does anyone know if there are planes to speed up and vary combat?

2:21 pm, July 31, 2014 Hope you guys don't mind my asking, I kinda stopped following this game after weapon mastery and the normalization of weapons and powers. From what I was led to believe maximum damage was supposed to [..] View

A simple fix to trade that can go a long way

2:21 am, July 30, 2014 With all this nonsense about dup.glitches and scammers I would like to request a simple safeguard to the process. Can we have a final "are you sure you want this trade" note pop up af [..] View

CR no diminui - CR not decrease

2:21 pm, July 29, 2014 Ol, porque o CR no diminui quando voc deleta uma roupa ou tira um mod? Hello, why my CR not decrease when delete or remove mods from my gear? um defeito? Its a bug? View

Tides of War: What am I doing wrong?

2:21 am, July 26, 2014 I am not sure if this is a bug or something I'm doing wrong but every time I log on, Oracle announces the Tides of War alert to go help Aquaman at the Atlantean Outpost. The first time I did this miss [..] View

Can you lower your CR by gearing down?

2:21 am, July 26, 2014 Do items in your bank count towards CR or just inventory? If I buy T1 or T2 gear then remove all my T6 gear and put it in the bank will my CR be lowered? Of course, as you can guess, this is preti [..] View


2:21 pm, July 25, 2014 Since most USPS leagues were unable to get 50k-60k yesterday because of the servers errors. With the limit of 80k or so we are now unable to get our hall this week. PC players have already gotten LH a [..] View

No REMOVE from League button?

2:21 pm, July 24, 2014 OK so we have the new League Management stuff and it looks great...I like it, but I cannot remove anyone from the league. I have a couple players with alts that need to be removed and I cannot...unles [..] View

Rage crashing while ignore crash is in full.

2:21 am, July 23, 2014 I'm rage crashing with my protection fully running also rage crashing the second I use severe punishment. Now my question is with the new pvp tactics the enemies using, are the bosses using abilities [..] View

Controllers in future content

2:21 am, July 23, 2014 After watching videos on DLC 11 content, reading about the content in the DLC and discussing the content with various forum members both on and off test, it has become apparent that, yet again, contro [..] View

OG Batman

2:21 pm, July 22, 2014 This is the year of the 75th anniversity of Batman. They have one skin of future Batman. Yhey will soon have two new skins for Batman. But one skin is forever gone for new players. The original Batman [..] View

kicking people, too much player power

2:21 am, July 14, 2014 I know this has come up but obviously someone needs to make an adjustment (developers). In a matter of 1 hour I was kicked twice from instances. I can say with all honesty I was doing my part to help [..] View

Idea: League Hall Queue Stations

2:21 pm, July 13, 2014 You know that room in the league halls with those computers that currently aren't being used? I have an idea that those computers could be used as a queue station for the league. It would be a feat [..] View

GU39 Question/Suggestion for GM's

2:21 am, July 11, 2014 Hey fellas, Long time player and short time member. Still have the hacker hoodie and cowl on my villain (ah the good ol days). Anyways, wanted to say hello for the first time to everyone and also ask [..] View

REQUEST: Increase number of armories in a base

2:21 am, July 8, 2014 I think the restriction on how many armories in a base should be removed. Now yes u have 16 armories 4 in each base. But some people like the idea of 16 armored but don't have 4 bases. I am one of the [..] View

Need help with styles

2:21 am, July 8, 2014 Is there any way to get Beast/Animal like claws on feets or hands? and without any armor styles attach to it. I know that some armors in game, like Heart of the Lion which has claws, but I don't wa [..] View

need to remove the Poseidon's Trident quest bug

2:21 am, July 7, 2014 i have left the game for two years and i when i begin to play the game again i saw a Poseidon's trident quest so i thought it was a normal quest like any other so i went to the condemned shipping offi [..] View

Improper use of the function eject a player from 'instance

2:21 am, July 7, 2014 hello, I greet you all I'm new on the forum but not in the game, I wanted to point out that the function eject a player from instances is used for discriminatory purposes, I do not belong to any club [..] View

Uploaded videos to YouTube copyright?

2:21 pm, July 4, 2014 i sent in a support ticket then was told to post in the forums as someone from the community managers may be able to help me so here i am and here is my issue : here is my youtube channel where i up [..] View

Cap League Size at 80(?) Members... and other restrictions you'll hate

2:21 am, July 4, 2014 I think there is some confusion about what is best for League Halls coming from the difference in the Server populations. By that, I mean how the players think and behave. League halls are going to [..] View

Are you tired of Leqgues being attacked?

2:21 am, June 27, 2014 Are you tired of Leagues being randomly attacked by high ranking members? Are you tired, of high ranking members randomly removing/demoting people without reason, and don't know who it is? Well, tha [..] View

2 ideas to clean up the 'Trade' Channel. (pics inside)

2:21 am, June 27, 2014 The Trade channel is has severely degraded because too many folks treat it like an in-game version of Twitter. Certain folks are either constantly debating Dragonball & Naruto manga... or th [..] View

Are you tired of Leagues getting attacked?

2:21 am, June 27, 2014 Are you tired of Leagues being randomly attacked by high ranking members? Are you tired, of high ranking members randomly removing/demoting people without reason, and don't know who it is? Well, that [..] View

A Different Kind of Power Interaction

2:21 pm, June 26, 2014 I think it would be interesting if the type of powerset you use had different effects in different situations. A few examples below: Using Fire powers on an Atlantean enemy should hurt more or caus [..] View

Panic and Encasement effects

2:21 am, June 26, 2014 In a recent test build, the knockback on Gadgets Vortex Cannon was adjusted because the devs were getting feedback from the community. A quote from spord from the testing feedback forums, These change [..] View

DCUO Problem Solving

2:21 pm, June 23, 2014 Hi everyone. DCUO is and will always be a great game, however its heading down a dark road of late. One of the biggest problems its faces is the decline of support roles. Now we are becoming a game [..] View

[REQUEST] Possible League Improvements

2:21 pm, June 23, 2014 Below are some of my ideas to help with league management and league play in general. Let us see how long it has been since players last signed in so we can remove players from the league who have no [..] View

WM and Impressions to a Returning Player

2:21 am, June 23, 2014 After seeing so many negative posts about Weapon Mastery, is there anyone that has anything positive to say about it? To me the obvious solution is to remove it from the game. It does occur to me th [..] View

My skills have vanished

2:21 pm, June 21, 2014 My skills in flight have been removed it seems. I have not played continuously in about a year, and now my skills like supersonic flight are all gone. How did that happen and how do I get it back? I'm [..] View

GU38 - Removal of Hard Stuns and what it means to you. (PvE)

2:21 am, June 15, 2014 Since Hard Stuns wont be removed from PvP, this is strictly for the PvE side. The simple explanation is that you will not have to worry about match NPCs cheating. The long answer would be. Match N [..] View

Okay... i'm having serious trouble with counter mechanics in pve as rage tank

2:21 am, June 14, 2014 If i got countered in the wrong time i got crash to the hell!! and the bosses hitting me for 2k while blocking is stupid! What do i do? If i block i got BBed, if I stay up they hit me for 3k - 5k [..] View

Anyone else lose stats??

2:21 am, June 14, 2014 Hello every1, hope ya doing alright. Well I'm posting this to see if any1 else has lost any type of stats on their toon. This past week after I got my 7th T6 gear I was at 4158 might and 1988 prec. An [..] View

Dear Devs

2:21 pm, June 13, 2014 What in Sam Hill do I need to do to get the Time Traveler shoulders and belt? I know where they drop and I run the solo daily and the raid weekly. The belt drops 3/4 times...for other players. And the [..] View

Deathlink ever comes back ?

2:21 pm, June 12, 2014 long time since Deathlink was released and removed cause of problems. Do we get it back sooner or l8r its a very good and needed function. View

Precision Buff doesn't get the nerf hammer, it gets a nerf pile driver

2:21 am, June 12, 2014 Hi devs, Long time player and fan here. I rarely complain about your work, I generally try to highlight the failures of the community to embrace teamwork. But I just read precision buffs like Inspi [..] View

Remove Role Restriction on T3 Gear

2:21 pm, June 11, 2014 I think it is about time that the role restriction on T3 vendor gear is removed. This was done 3 years ago to give each class an exclusive look. It's obvious they chose to go a different way with futu [..] View

A plea to the devs: We don't want dramatic changes to the game mechanics

2:21 am, June 9, 2014 I think I can speak on behalf of a lot of long time players, both long time PvPers, and long time PvErs. We do not want constant dramatic change to the game mechanics. It is one thing to do revamps [..] View

Hardlight GU38: Q&A

2:21 am, June 8, 2014 Hi everyone! Much like the Electricity GU38 Q&A thread, I thought it would be really useful and informative to open a thread where everyone (including testers) can post their feedback about [..] View

How to remove leg style?

2:21 pm, June 7, 2014 first off, THIS IS NOT A TROLL/FAKE THREAD THIS IS SERIOUS ok now that thats thru, when i was playing DC today i was trying to make my ice toon look like a wolf (without any styles on beside the wol [..] View

Request to new PVP revamp changes in next DLC

2:21 am, June 6, 2014 Remove the Sparring Targets out of Lair Battles. Players place them in the second room to make you change your target in the middle of the fight to the Sparring Target. This will cause your and your p [..] View

Reasoning Behind T6 Iconic Solo Nerfs

2:21 pm, June 5, 2014 completely unnecessary and executed the wrong way. a few reason i can think of why they did this. first reason is they wanted to make the solos shorter in which case the correct way of doing it w [..] View

2 ideas: a base warp and a movement tweak

2:21 am, June 4, 2014 You know what I'd love to see? A "last location" warp in bases. Simple and would be extremely useful. Also, I wanted to try to remove the necessity of being forced into a slower mov [..] View

Request: Please add single weapon mastery to DCUO

2:21 pm, June 2, 2014 Single Weapon Mastery: As is, weapon mastery is limited in that there are only four abilities you can use with weapons to access higher damaging weapon attacks and these currently require your chara [..] View

Top Tier Synthetic mods need removed from the game

2:21 pm, June 2, 2014 It is killing the auction house. V experts need to be removed and VI should not happen till T7 in order to keep demand for R&D parts high. View

Vault :]

2:21 am, May 30, 2014 As we know right now that the vault is pretty useless to anyone who has all the styles out of there and is a pain in the but for us missing 1 piece of sharpshooter. Leave you suggestions here about wh [..] View

So about this " New PvP" next update

2:21 am, May 29, 2014 If you're removing sodas from PVP I feel like healers and DPS and trolls will be at a disadvantage. And if your trying to bring balance it's gonna be a failed attempt because some powers need more th [..] View

Whatever happened to Stealth stats?

2:21 pm, May 28, 2014 I can't find them anymore in the weapons' skills trees. Have they been removed and if so are we to assume that if we go in stealth mode our stealth is now automatically at the max it can be and enemie [..] View

Can we talk about revamping Movement modes?

2:21 pm, May 28, 2014 There has been so much talk of rebalancing powers (which was much needed, I won't lie) but I am interesting in there being a revamp of the current movement modes. As it stands now, they are a bit dul [..] View

[SUGGESTION] Please make crafted soders' buffs last even after a knock out

2:21 pm, May 26, 2014 I have plans for soders. I craft some once in a while. I don't really use them. I craft them to get the R&D-feats and I use them later instead of prime/max/whatever-soders (except when I too [..] View

Skipping Sucks, But So Does Fighting Adds That Drop Nothing

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 I believe this was mentioned in a previous thread but I want to bring it to more peoples' attention. There's so much in the T6 alert that gets flown over, and I hate it. It's a beautiful place with so [..] View

Remove Deserter after Excuse limit

2:21 am, May 24, 2014 Can we get the title to happen? Why should someone who's trying to leave an instance still be subjected to a penalty of leaving the thing when their crappy or insistent group refuses to just kick them [..] View

When Will Lock Boxes Be Useful Again?

2:21 pm, May 23, 2014 Ever since T4 ended, lock boxes were just completely worthless except for getting some marks. I remember back in the day all we used to get were drinks and jewelry and some auras. Now all we get are p [..] View

An idea to help the leveling process be more of an actual tutorial

2:21 pm, May 22, 2014 Trying to rack my brains over the details of this, but here's the very rough draft version of it. Add and remove details as you wish, but here's the gist. There have been many complaints about the [..] View

Kryptonian power trees HERE!

2:21 am, May 22, 2014 Hi Guys heres my thoughts and ideas on a possible KRYPTONIAN power set. Now please be nice this is just my thoughts and ideas. I have made this Power a TANK ROLE power. First of all I would love [..] View

Counter Mechanics in PvE

2:21 am, May 21, 2014 This is not a thread demanding that they be removed. Quite the opposite. I enjoy countering all of my opponents. Devs, if the NPCs are going to counter us, it's only fair that we be able to counter [..] View


2:21 pm, May 20, 2014 We've had a lot of upgrades and additions to the game over the course of its life that have made playing and completing content different from the time the content was released. From the most recent, [..] View

Why Can't We All Just... Get Along???

2:21 am, May 20, 2014 The amount of crying, and even bickering on this forums over the most recent changes, and additions, to this game are beyond boiling over. It's mind-numblingly dull to read through all these non-const [..] View

Stun being removed from Sorcery's Shard of Life

2:21 pm, May 18, 2014 Meh. This is pretty sucky. Who else is unhappy that stun is being removed from Shard? Spord said it here: https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...y-balance-updated.196613/page-45#post-2536290 The st [..] View

Proposal For Changes

2:21 pm, May 11, 2014 In lieu of the recent changes that have apparently hit the test server (I don't play on the test server so I'm going off of what I've read in the forums) I figured I'd put my thoughts on a few differe [..] View

Crashing problems

2:21 am, May 11, 2014 Crashes when I try to make my character all works fine until I get to the Costume then it crashes My solution to that was to skip it.. since i had planned on getting my sub going so I could get my c [..] View

To you who whines about DPS players

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 All this "STUPID DPS PLAYERS this and that", "BUFF 2-2-2-2 and 1-1-1-1", "troll/tank/heals are dying", "REMOVE Roleless Buffs" is gettin [..] View

Please remove the roleless buff from endgame content!

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 Not sure why it's a thing, but in endgame content it is not needed and does more harm than good. It makes dps think they are tougher than they are when they can kamikaze into adds with a defense buf [..] View

R.I.P. Tank Role GU36

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 I am here as a Tank player to say: The Tank Role is dying fast in the game. Since WM, people don't want to play with a tank in the T5 alerts and now even in the T6 alert. The Devs need do somethin [..] View

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