A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




What would you like to see as future content in DCUO?

2:21 pm, October 18, 2014 Personally, I feel that the extent to which magic has been shown in DCUO is mainly with Wonder Woman and Circe, and does not show the rich tapestry of Magic in the DCUO that exists OUTSIDE of these ch [..] View

Real cash taken but no market cash received...still...

2:21 am, October 17, 2014 I dont know where to put this so it goes here until further guidance. On the 3rd of this month i purchased two $10 transactions of market cash. Money was taken from my bank account but no market cas [..] View

Well here we go again...easy mode marks

2:21 am, October 9, 2014 after waiting all day to work my dbl shift, i get on to play some pvp, and what do i get. players standing outside of the spawn doing nothing. Now i know it goes by faster that way to just let me win [..] View

New PVP Launch - No Mention of Rescue Safehouse

2:21 pm, October 7, 2014 I had hopes, big hopes, I heard rumors it was coming, and that this PVP update would see the return of the missing PVP mission "Safehouse Rescue". It's been years (year)? I'll go wit [..] View

Why are their so much limits? Release the true power of teamwork!

2:21 pm, October 7, 2014 Don't let powers override each other. We work on teamwork all the time anyway to win! Let me gather the right players to cause a powerful maneuver or special attack That will devastate enimies in batt [..] View

Abuse of kick

2:21 am, October 6, 2014 i was just kicked from a group because they wanted to try and get a healer for the Strike team and because I wasn't cr 100. How do they even know my cr? Does it show on the inspection page? So yeah I [..] View

Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

2:21 pm, October 5, 2014 There's been about 5 or more threads of people asking for Free to Play and Premium accounts to be taken Some people have yet to realize Free to Plays only have 2 character slots Premiums only have 6 [..] View

League Halls: Too Out of Reach

2:21 pm, September 25, 2014 I'm sure plenty will disagree, and have there own reasoning behind why they like the current setup for how to get a league hall base using Prestige, but personally, I'm not so inclined towards the dif [..] View

Poor service

2:21 pm, September 24, 2014 I don't think this is in the right section, I made a thread in the bug section but got no reply. Basicly yesterday evening I purchased 5000 market place cash to take advantage of the booster bundle [..] View

The Symbols and the grief from them.

2:21 am, September 23, 2014 Of all the things added to this game to slow our progression down, this was by far the worst. Before you skip and flame, let me explain. What it all comes down to is time. Time it takes to complete [..] View

Automatic kick after new alerts

2:21 am, September 22, 2014 These automatic kicks after staying in an alert for so long is 1 of the top dumbest things SOE came up with. I was in crime wave after beating the final bosses looking for collections. 4 minutes later [..] View


2:21 am, September 18, 2014 Hello all i want to know is why certain names pop up as a error. For example if I type Loadout or Load Out (which either name I've been wanting forever) in friends list it says error or something simi [..] View

League turn overs and renaming

2:21 pm, September 11, 2014 With the advancement of league features such as halls, Leagues have become even more special and important. While for the most part these changes and additions have been top notch and well recieved, I [..] View

DCUO, Dead by the end of next year?

2:21 am, September 7, 2014 Let me start off by saying I LOVE DCUO, one of the most time consuming (in a good way) games I've ever played. Invested just over 2 years into this game. But, as of recently I've had this feeling tha [..] View

Mechanic between DLC's 11 & 12?

2:21 pm, September 6, 2014 The last few DLC's have been roughly 3 Game Updates apart, with that spacing over roughly 3 months. Between WotL1 and AF1, we were given Weapon Mastery, a fairly significant game mechanic that took [..] View

Weapons and Gear respecting

2:21 am, September 5, 2014 Don't know if there was ever a thread about this, but I couldn't find one. So my idea is to have some way to respect weapons same way we do our own characters. Now i know since Amazon Fury came out ev [..] View

Naming a Male Speedster Electricity Villain

2:21 am, September 3, 2014 Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I've last been here, hope you're all doing well. I have a non-Lantern based question this time around (shocking, isn't it? ) As weird as this sounds, I li [..] View

Chill Effect removed?

2:21 pm, September 2, 2014 I couldn't reply in the test server since I'm not on test, but I'm reading that the chill effect has been taken out of ice if using the Max damage tactical mod. Was this intended? And I'm not going to [..] View

What happened to Teamwork? :(

2:21 am, August 31, 2014 What happened to actually working together to defeat a boss. I was playing dcuo and got into a raid the tier 3 power core raid. They actually got to the last boss. So I went to their location. I'm a P [..] View

Alternative Raid Mechanics Suggestion

2:21 pm, August 30, 2014 What with all of the debate between the DPS fans and the "Support Roles", the chicken and the egg argument about whether the Community or the Devs foster the environment that favors mo [..] View

Naming an acrobatic Red Lantern with an ear for metal

2:21 am, August 30, 2014 Since everyone else is making these I thought I'd try... I have a rename token but have yet to find a really fitting name for my character. Here's some back story. My character is an in your face do [..] View

Symbol of Power changed back to Mark of Power

2:21 am, August 28, 2014 Im sure im not the only one who sees how stupid this system is. For the people who thought that this system was better then the Mark of Power system was obviously not the smartest bunch. Let's start [..] View

Name Creation

2:21 am, August 23, 2014 I wish there was a better way to figure out if a name was available rather than typing it in and then hearing that error reply. I am trying to make a new character and I would like a real superhero n [..] View

With WM solo troller is mathematically sound

2:21 am, August 22, 2014 You know the thing that always made DC particularly unique from other MMO's is that, we have to have someone else give us the ability to use our abilities, such as a controller. I think we can all agr [..] View

Home Turf 1 of the biggest Jokes to hit DC

2:21 am, August 16, 2014 I will keep this short and sweet but Home Turf mods have all together consistently done more harm than good to dc. Simple fact is that each mod has taken away from the skill needed or required to play [..] View

Granny goodness

2:21 pm, August 12, 2014 I'm not really a comic girl and all but I I know that granny goodness has something to do with this darkseid hall of power situation in dcuo, I remember watching Superman/batman apocalypse and granny [..] View

From Top to Bottom (Devs please stop excessive Nerfs)

2:21 am, August 12, 2014 I have been playing since launch, and have played every power. Now I understand the need to nerf things now and then but they have destroyed Celestial, seriously pre- DLC11 I was doing great damage, g [..] View

Halls of Power, CR, and You.

2:21 pm, August 11, 2014 When Amazon Fury was released, people looked at the content and after a little bit, began to breeze through a majority of the content during the duos and alerts because they felt it was "too e [..] View

Assault and Battery USPS

2:21 am, August 5, 2014 When will villains be getting A&B back it's unfair to us that heroes have it and we dont. You should have taken it down for both sides not just villians. Would be nice if we get something in r [..] View

Power Environment Interactions

2:21 pm, July 31, 2014 Okay hear me out, So I've had this idea in mind for like 2 years and wondered why no one have implemented of this. The idea works like this. A person with a certain power, lets say Fire, is i [..] View

Generator mods 6.3 should be in the new Style Vendor to Buy with New Marks

2:21 am, July 29, 2014 If I am not mistaken you can only get these mods from the current Amazon T6 alert and the drop rate seems to be pretty low. And the few people that I know that have been lucky to get them seem to get [..] View

NBE 1013 Error Fix

2:21 pm, July 27, 2014 Being fixed right now...not your Pc, so my advice if you did submit a ticket is, do not try all the fixes that were suggested in your ticket response. Ride it out, problem is not on your end with you [..] View

What you Don't understand about Prestige.

2:21 am, July 27, 2014 I have been reading all of these league halls & prestige threads, and what I have seen is that most of you just do not understand the system at all. You guys have taken the surface of the syst [..] View

Names with special characters "fix"

2:21 pm, July 26, 2014 So I was standing there wondering where my mail was for the items I just purchased from the broker, ran a duo, did some things and then was greeted with this developer message that they have a fix pla [..] View

Invalid Names, not really invalid

2:21 am, July 20, 2014 Okay, so I am super big on names.Like, thats one of the most important, cannot overlook features of a character, the name.It really ****** me off when I finally think of a good one, and it is taken.Wh [..] View

And now for a more contructive post on retaining pvp/pve choice at toon creation

2:21 am, July 13, 2014 *Dons the cowl of "To be taken seriously"* Ok, my medication has kicked in now, (no seriously) and now that I can think clearly, please allow me to make this point. It is clear tha [..] View

Theory or Law??

2:21 am, July 13, 2014 I have been debating with other forum members on another thread so I created this thread to further explain my "theory". There is a rumor spreading that a nerf/fix will be coming to [..] View

"Name has been taken"

2:21 am, July 10, 2014 This is just a thread about the matter of taking a name and never playing on the guy ever or even turning on the game in 3 years. I know everyone had those moments where they want to make a charact [..] View

Survival Mode Set up Idea's

2:21 am, July 8, 2014 After reading a few Survival Mode Set up threads i decided to go at it and look at things from a Different perspective. I'm proposing a unique way to build a group instead of basing it on CR and who i [..] View

Extremely Slow Download!

2:21 pm, July 6, 2014 This is my issue: My game was working fine until 2 days ago when it started to randomly freeze completely. I had to open my task manager and close the game from there every time. I thought it may have [..] View

Payback... from Craven Green

2:21 pm, July 2, 2014 Everyone please remember that that low level you **** repeatedly for giggles could be connected to a toon that can kick your toon all over the map. I say everybody because heroes and Villains are guil [..] View

Instant power healing is gluttony

2:21 am, June 23, 2014 As a troll, I don't even need to begin to explain my less than pleasant encounters in the game. Everyone has an opinion on how to troll and insists on conformity. The instant power healing, imo, det [..] View

PVP Season 3 Concerns

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 Lemme start by saying that I am actually looking forward to how Season 3 sounds, the way it was explained was that the devs are trying to get PVP Arenas back to being a fast-paced multi-KO extravaganz [..] View

I think I now understand.....

2:21 am, June 16, 2014 I've noticed there are a lot of Rage toons on recently. A lot! Tons! You can't sling a dead cat without hitting a dozen of them! So I decided to see what the big deal was. I tend to shy away of resp [..] View

What if they got rid of DPS role all together...?

2:21 am, June 14, 2014 SO they increased all the damage of the support roles AND: Controllers could specialize in a power troll, debuff troll and a CC troll. Healers could specialize in insta heal, Heal over time and a we [..] View

Does this annoy anyone else?

2:21 am, June 11, 2014 Since the Gotham under Siege area opened I have noticed (? No that not quite right .. let's try I have been subject to) and ever increasing amount of what I consider rude behavior. I'll use [..] View

Group kicking - whodunnit?

2:21 am, June 7, 2014 So I was in a group the other day and found myself on the receiving end of an unfriendly, undeserved and unexpected kick. The group started a boss fight while I was still returning from repairing my [..] View

Best character names with Pop Culture references

2:21 am, June 7, 2014 Every once in a while, I'll come across a character name that just makes me laugh out loud and say "That's brilliant!". And sometimes I'll see toons that make pop culture references th [..] View

Tier 6 is coming.Tactical Mod Ideas

2:21 am, June 5, 2014 Seeing as how T6 is coming I was wondering why nobody has made any suggestions for any new tactical mods in our armor. If there have been any threads I would've expected this to have been a hot topic. [..] View

Whats with the

2:21 am, June 5, 2014 White energy after the update? Its nothing too big but why do tap and hold range attacks have a white flash to them now? Its distracting looks really odd imo. I think its a bit ugly as my character do [..] View

"Thin" Aura Status?

2:21 am, May 31, 2014 Back in December I believe it was, the awesome 'thin' auras were taken away and the huge, ugly, overpowering"fluffy" ones returned- the ones the majority of players dislike. We were t [..] View

Vault Ambush

2:21 pm, May 26, 2014 It occurs to me that after alting several times the past several days I haven't been to the vault. I can't believe it. I literally forgot about the vault until a few minutes ago. So.... Some folks s [..] View

rage heals for dps

2:21 pm, May 25, 2014 I keep hearing rage heals are getting taken away in dps role in gu 37 but dont see in the notes. So if someone can show me if it really going to happen or just a lie spreading. View

Proposed Changes to certain Iconic Powers

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 Please THUMBS UP so we can get a Dev to see this! Ok so as DCUO continues to work on balancing powers and giving users more options for DPS and support roles, I believe that revamping certain Iconic [..] View

Themyscira Divided in 85:24

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 Right... Where to start... Screen-capped this to show that we were doing the 1-1-1-1 setup, with me tanking. After it took 30 minutes to get to the first boss (I wasn't the group leader btw... [..] View


2:21 pm, May 20, 2014 We've had a lot of upgrades and additions to the game over the course of its life that have made playing and completing content different from the time the content was released. From the most recent, [..] View

Why Can't We All Just... Get Along???

2:21 am, May 20, 2014 The amount of crying, and even bickering on this forums over the most recent changes, and additions, to this game are beyond boiling over. It's mind-numblingly dull to read through all these non-const [..] View

Possible to retrieve in game mail?

2:21 am, May 19, 2014 This may sound like a silly question, but I accidentally deleted one of the in-game mails you receive from the iconic characters, Aquaman in specific (the one from the Atlatian attack during the solo [..] View

Vending unit 22

2:21 am, May 16, 2014 I'm not sure if anybody else has a post on this, didn't search for it, I saw one in the testing feedback forums, but I do not have permission to post there, so I'm posting here. I think it would be co [..] View

Springtime event

2:21 pm, May 14, 2014 Hey does anyone lnownwhen the springtime event will be taken off? I just wanted to know like an estimate time even if there may not be a official time yet just curious in how much longer ill have to g [..] View

Sick from riding the DCUO Rollercoaster!

2:21 am, May 14, 2014 I am one of those players who watches my damage numbers, I play Celestial with 104 cr, last week while running a raid I was yet to be using WM, anyways I was out damaged by another player who only use [..] View


2:21 pm, May 11, 2014 ok so i paid for a new membership which i got, i paid for sc, didnt get, can some one help me....when i bought the sc the game said i couldnt process my order but when i look at my bank account i says [..] View

Instead of cutting off Walk Ins

2:21 am, May 11, 2014 Is it possible to have a 6-12 month restriction on new players so players who don't cruelly abuse walk ins can furthermore enjoy power leveling? I know a lot of people and a lot of people know me. I [..] View

The Community Of DCUO Is Degenerating

2:21 pm, May 9, 2014 This game has taken a massive toll from the introduction of T5 and 6. Especially T5. I remember how it used to be necessary to have a 1-1-1-1 or 1-2-2-3 group. And how people who were CR ready to do [..] View

Gold Sellers Taking All the Good Names

2:21 am, May 9, 2014 I am a USPC player tired of ignoring gold seller spam bots. I would have to sacrifice the Shout channel completely from my tabs to ignore spam bots entirely and I resent this gold seller for it. Whe [..] View

More dangerous foes?

2:21 am, May 6, 2014 Bosses and/or certain enemy types were able to rebuff or inflict status ailments on players in future content. I mean something similar to how the debuffs work in a PvP environment. I just think it's [..] View

Weapon Master - DPS vs role

2:21 pm, May 3, 2014 This isn't a complaint thread. Just wanna start with that PvP - So, from what I understand, dps get a damage boost and me, as a healer, get a reduced power cost? I've not tried it out properly yet [..] View

What I noticed about the vets and GU36...

2:21 pm, May 2, 2014 is that most of them are not happy due to the new speed of their DPS rotations. The DPS rotation speeds have Definitely been slowed down from there original GU35 speeds (ironic how much faster raids g [..] View

Disconnected "unknown"

2:21 am, May 2, 2014 Hello people of the forums, I am having trouble starting up DC Universe. When I start it, it would show the loading screen with all the mentors (Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, Joker, Lut [..] View

Game Not Responding at Character Selection

2:21 pm, May 1, 2014 The title is fairly self explanatory. After the latest update, the first time I was able to log in, and start playing for about five minutes. Then the game froze, to the point where I needed to bring [..] View

Is it cool to come back yet?

2:21 pm, April 30, 2014 I havent logged in for a little while, figured i'd take a little break until the update n DLC stuff came out. I still haven't logged into the game as i know [usually] after a big update, there are a [..] View

'The Bat-Crave' event the solution to everyones problems

2:21 pm, April 30, 2014 Almost every player that doesnt have it wants it, and almost every player that doesnt want (or doesnt wear it) has it YES im talking about the Batman-Inspired Mask BUT WAIT I have a solution that will [..] View

[Request] Please Update Iconic Power Innates

2:21 pm, April 28, 2014 **This thread is being made, because some of the iconic power innates need a serious buff. I can not ask for a few of them to be buffed otherwise there will be people who complain on how the buffs tha [..] View

idea: revamping the way trolls can give power

2:21 pm, April 28, 2014 (I haven't fully thought it trough, so there could be some logic mistakes) I never was so sure before, but after a marathon of 1 raid and 6 alerts on my troll yesterday I can clearly say that the trol [..] View

I would love to see character power scaling by content

2:21 am, April 27, 2014 I've been only playing for a few months, but since every one else is having such a great time complaining about stuff here I thought I would join the fun. Character scaling/level scaling/gear scalin [..] View

Are Their Ears Open?

2:21 pm, April 24, 2014 I know Developers have said that they listen to the players when coming up with modifications to DC Universe Online. But how many changes have they made that players have been asking for? The main o [..] View

DCUO in Singapore

2:22 pm, April 22, 2014 Does anyone know if DCUO has been taken off Singapore region? I used to be able to play it in 2012 and 2013 though.. Did I miss out any news with regards to this? Did a Google search and found nothing [..] View

Role viewpoints

2:21 am, April 16, 2014 This kinda bugs me beyond belief and it rolls its head around everytime I read a thread that mentions it within a reply like a creepy game I can't remember the name of. Apparently the current rumor [..] View

Themyscira Divided: No special attacks from bosses?

2:21 am, April 16, 2014 yo... i watched some video of some themyscira divided run... and i noticed that the way bosses fight is too...basic? they just do weapon combo on the tank and...stop...and if they do some different/sp [..] View

Melee in raids

2:21 pm, April 15, 2014 Melee is possible in raids now but when the T6 raids come out we probably won't have this. Melee in DCUO has almost alway been near impossible due to bosses and adds hitting so hard you just get one s [..] View

What would make a SC worth 100%?

2:21 am, April 15, 2014 The things im about mention are not meant to be taken absolutely serious but the goal is to find out what you think may make a 100% worth the super charge. I decided to go crazy with the idea after s [..] View

Why do you wanna know my Resto?

2:21 pm, April 8, 2014 I always found it funny when people ask healers their Resto. That one stat alone will not determine your solo healing success. And why ask Resto when there are two healers? Is the the reason this ge [..] View

Assault & Battery - Manhunters Question

2:21 am, April 8, 2014 I've run this a few dozen times now, and twice I have seen a Manhunter taken down within seconds of coming through the portal. Is this a bug, or is it a mechanic when not taking the batteries down bef [..] View

Can someone tell me

2:21 am, April 8, 2014 Where and when this was released? It has the recent flying animation, so I know it's not a bullshot. And the textures are pretty clear. Or am I being stupid and mistaken this picture of Alpha [..] View

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Turn and Face the Strange

1:21 pm, March 28, 2014 Change is coming. Some have donned their favorite THE END IS NIGH sandwich board signs and taken to the boards to preach "The Truth". Others have taken the 3 year old child method of [..] View

Anyone else excited to see weapon mastery after GU36?

1:21 am, March 28, 2014 I don't know about you guys but I'm really excited by the introduction of a new combat mechanic. I hated HL for having to clip animations, making your character appear as a seizing blob of color, but [..] View

GU 35 makes toons from unpurchased DLC unusable.

1:21 pm, March 20, 2014 So i hop on today ready to run some t5 stuff with my league and one of my members tell me that they cant run because their characters are locked because he does not have DLC. Life happens and sometime [..] View

Black Waters: A DLC Trilogy (HALP!)

1:21 am, March 19, 2014 I'm posting this in hopes of getting help from the community to fill in the blanks (literally), and to help me develop a proposal for this trilogy. Once this is done, I will be posting a new thread f [..] View

Another way of earning Sp

1:21 am, March 16, 2014 If im not mistaken, it costs 50 SP to get two weapons set up in weapon mastery right? So that's 50 extra sp on top of the skill points necessary to fill out your role innates. Now my concern is, in or [..] View

Corrupt Data, Unable to log in (PS3)

1:21 am, March 15, 2014 This actually just started as of last night. I've occasionally frozen in the past, but just simply turned on and back on the ps3 and started the game again and it was fine; but this time, it's differe [..] View

Who's responsible

1:21 am, March 14, 2014 Ran a&b. Inspected the group everyone was at least full scion and 5 were inI the same league. Long story short the secondary troller did not know that light claws activated pot and that he wa [..] View

What do you want from me!

1:21 am, March 14, 2014 Base item after base item after base item and then i get a soda from a lockbox. Seriously a soda, i thought these things had been taken out!?!? Compound ATK-04 Soda gives a few buffs including [..] View


1:21 am, March 12, 2014 Just the other day I purchased the Legendary Membership and the first thing I did was purchase another Armory with SC and it says I bought it as the cost was taken out, but the armory isn't showing up [..] View

One tip to make Trade safer...

1:21 pm, March 7, 2014 I encountered my FIRST scammer in trade few days ago. I have traded quite much but this low-life tricked me. I needed red bits and he had stack of them. I went and got my blue bits and traded him. He [..] View

sense of accomplishment

1:21 pm, March 4, 2014 what happend to feeling like you earned something? no more working hard and earning your loot/gear/items/feats/skills/whatever. why is the game so tailored towards that instead of making a challenge, [..] View

Batman Exobyte data

1:21 am, February 24, 2014 ok i dont want this too be one of those threads, please keep it on topic to the legends character and not items such as hack attack rewards. it has now been 3 years since DCUO Brought out batman as [..] View

devs "not intended"

1:21 pm, February 21, 2014 so i was earth tanking A&B and i was thinking. wow my phase dodge is gonna be taken out soon because its not intended to work like this. then i got block broken by a bleez and almost died. t [..] View

Why are these names banned?

1:21 am, February 19, 2014 Anything with the word "Marvel" or the word "Iron" doesn't seem to work. I've tried Iron Zeus and I know its available because it says Invalid Name instead of Name Ta [..] View

Improving DCUO - Re: Speech / Scorecard

1:21 pm, February 18, 2014 I was just looking at an interesting write-up connecting the 5 stages of grief with how people handle groups in DCUO. I find it very intriguing how social interaction happens in DCUO compared to othe [..] View

Serious Discussion: Longevity of DCUO

1:21 am, February 17, 2014 *Disclaimer I apologize in advance if I hurt anyones feelings. This is mainly a topic about the longevity of DCUO on the PC side. A lot of this comes from my personal opinions as to why the PC side i [..] View

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