A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




Modding an Earth Tank (PvE & PvP)...

2:21 am, October 20, 2014 I'm currently saving the few extra drops I get from the raids to eventually go Tank with my Earth Toon (Khalon)...but I haven't the foggiest idea on how to mod for Earth Tanking. The same goes for PvP [..] View

A day in the life of wonder woman on the PS

2:21 pm, October 19, 2014 woke up, held down triangle. walked a few feet, held down triangle tried to have a conversation, partner informed me they had a rare disease which prevented them from finishing a conversation unless I [..] View

Sharing feats across platforms, let'

2:21 am, October 18, 2014 I play both on the PS side most of the time and will dabble in the PC side from time to time as well since I know some people who play there. While I know the servers cannot be merged there has to be [..] View

Cant take it anymore

2:21 pm, October 15, 2014 if fire isnt fixed to be on the same level as other good AM, im doneunless they drop munitionsim tired of ppl not listeningim paying for this game, and if definitely not pleasedeveryone knows how bad [..] View

Old and new styles that should be added for everyone to acquire

2:21 am, October 14, 2014 I thought about it a lot and decided that it's long overdue that old weapon styles like Engraved Cutlass from lvl 5 mission the only way to get it it's if you superman mentored and you picked one hand [..] View

How to zoom in

2:21 am, October 13, 2014 Here's the problem. I have a smooth touchpad built into my laptop and obviously, those of you that have these kind of laptops know that modern day touchpads do not have a scroll wheel. I also have t [..] View

Account Bound Styles

2:21 am, October 13, 2014 The name of this might be misleading to some, but I believe that in-game our characters should all share the same styles. What I mean by this is that we should not have to hunt for rare styles all ove [..] View

The Cash Cap Should Not Be Removed But...

2:21 am, October 11, 2014 Greetings all, I have some stuff to say regarding, the current premium cash cap. I will start out by saying that I understand the fundamental NEED for the cash cap. I understand it's purpose. I know t [..] View

I'm angry. I'm very angry.

2:21 pm, October 6, 2014 That there are no mentor respec tokens. I'm going to keep my cool, but how is it that I have a Magic character that has never been in the Oblivion Bar? Granted, he uses Celestial, but still. And then [..] View

Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

2:21 pm, October 5, 2014 There's been about 5 or more threads of people asking for Free to Play and Premium accounts to be taken Some people have yet to realize Free to Plays only have 2 character slots Premiums only have 6 [..] View

Role Optional Off - Don't Make Healer Switch...

2:21 pm, October 5, 2014 Unless the healer is good at doing damage as damage role, it does not help to have the healer in damage role. Ask if the healer is good at doing damage first, at the very least. I had a tank yesterd [..] View

Skimming - Your Thoughts

2:21 pm, October 2, 2014 I didn't see any kind of official thread made by the devs where we could talk about Skimming now that it has been shown off, unless you count the one for the preview video. I wanted to make one specif [..] View

Why You Are Out of Power (Hint: It's not the troller)

2:21 am, October 2, 2014 I've been a power-set jumper & an Alt junkie for quite some time now. The beauty of it is that it allows you to see the game from every perspective - tanking, healing, dps'ing .... and trollin [..] View

Trolls and tanks

2:21 am, September 27, 2014 I know I'm going to get flak for this but, I'm tired of trolls CC trash mobs in the new raids before I pull them. Unless the mob is attacking members of the group, the troll shouldn't touch them befor [..] View

Introducing a Sub-faction

2:21 pm, September 26, 2014 I'm not sure if this goes in the Powers section or here. It could fit in either sections. Why is this not already implemented in the game? I just find it stupid that we have Red Lantern players as a [..] View

Just a bit of tanking advice..

2:21 pm, September 26, 2014 I tank a lot and let me state clearly: I am not saying I'm the best tank in the world. However, being a tank, I kinda look at things from that perspective even when I'm playing another role and someon [..] View

Innovative Idea For DCUO (Open World Events)

2:21 pm, September 22, 2014 The world of DCUO has had quite a tenure regarding any relevant video game to this time. We're talking about a time frame which began back in January 2011 (unless you want to get technical by includi [..] View

DPS meter

2:21 am, September 22, 2014 Can we please get an In-game damage per second meter. it is impossible to test some loadouts without this tool. I know some people use a 3rd party program that uses your combat log but unless a dev te [..] View

PvP Arenas after GU41...

2:21 pm, September 21, 2014 Change after change I read in the patch notes, I am getting very disappointed, and due to a strange policy, PS players can't even write on the Test Forum ( SOE could just give us access to the forum ) [..] View

Done getting kicked

2:21 pm, September 18, 2014 Three months ago I had no problems. I'm CR105 and usually Heal. Three months ago I could pug a TD run, we'd clear it in 10-15 minutes and everyone moved on with their lives. The last 2 or 3 weeks, I [..] View

What ever happened....

2:21 am, September 17, 2014 To iconic gear style drops?? They used to be the reason to run alerts and raids to make money on broker Now they are virtually non existent unless you count the ones in new dlc "rare" [..] View

Vault Rings and Necks

2:21 pm, September 16, 2014 Just scored a level 78 neck from the vault. That's be great if I wasn't already wearing a 92 neck... so into the trash bin it went. How about making those rare vault drops scale to the level of your [..] View

The mess that is the AM combo

2:21 pm, September 16, 2014 Just to be clear - this is not about damage potential but rather how the combo AM fundamentally works. This is a bigger issue on Rage and Celestial since most of their combos are only 2 hit combos. [..] View

Back Controller VS POT Controller

2:21 am, September 15, 2014 Ok, so I decided to reset necro and utilize LFG. I know the rules about pugging Lolz. Get into a league run. With one friend **I keep my mic muted for most pug runs unless I can offer good advice, [..] View

The census app...change up?

2:21 am, September 13, 2014 Screw complaining about why it should be gone. Sore and what's his/her name I forgot already lol. I like that they worked hard on this app and I'm not going to lie, it is cool in a sense, the cool par [..] View

Vitalization drop and no cause?

2:21 pm, September 10, 2014 This past Friday, I had purchased my next to last piece of 94 gear from vendor and modded it with the T6 mod. My base vitalization was 3534. Logged off Friday and did not play all weekend (real life y [..] View

Solo Content & DLC Storylines.

2:21 pm, September 9, 2014 DLC storylines. At the moment, they are told by running the instances of each DLC in a particular order, with no reward other than what you get from each instance. There is nothing stopping you from r [..] View

League Hall Is Great But You Forgot The......

2:21 am, September 9, 2014 BANK!! There Is No Personal Inventory Bank In The League Hall -___- lol. No Biggie, But I'm Saying Though...No One On The Development Team Thought Of Placing A Personal Bank In There? That Would've M [..] View

Bring back the challenge! Give us a level sync

2:21 pm, September 8, 2014 This last DLC effectively crushed all hopes that I had in the devs ability to create a variety of content that would cater to both the casual and hardcore sects within the community. I think the time [..] View

DCUO, Dead by the end of next year?

2:21 am, September 7, 2014 Let me start off by saying I LOVE DCUO, one of the most time consuming (in a good way) games I've ever played. Invested just over 2 years into this game. But, as of recently I've had this feeling tha [..] View

No drop reward

2:21 am, September 6, 2014 I'm not buying anymore replay badges till there's a reward for completing raids and getting no drops. It's not a good feeling to run and complete lockdown ten times and get nothing Nor is it fun to [..] View

The Truth about DCUO

2:21 pm, September 3, 2014 CR - With the system we have right now it's pretty easy to gain Cr, this helps new players reach end game content faster. Honestly most veteran players don't run the early content anymore so it make [..] View

Raid Battles on the way to Bosses

2:21 am, September 2, 2014 I was dreaming earlier about these NPCs, I wish they recycled NPCs like these in new content. These 2 only shielded each other. But if they were like the Shield Armors and shielded everyone they'd [..] View

Devs, go dps or go away? is this your intent?

2:21 pm, August 30, 2014 Cause its what your actions not your words say. With all the recent dps bonuses, trinkets, new mod and whatnot no support role is needed unless they solo. And am only for dps whaaat? Wow. I give. I wi [..] View

Ideas for new raid mechanics

2:21 pm, August 29, 2014 Raids seem to have recycled mechanics recently, so I've thought of a few new ideas. They can be debatable, they are just my ideas after all. 1. Deadly energy columns - The boss fight starts then 10 [..] View

Interesting mechanics for future content (SUGGESTION THREAD)

2:21 am, August 29, 2014 I heard an increasing amount of people complaining about the new raids being boring and very similar. I'm not saying a lot of people complained, but every day more and more leaguemates and people on t [..] View

Multiple league chat channels

2:21 am, August 29, 2014 Wondering if this could be implemented somehow. Example: 2 leagues that are allied. Rising Legends and say The Transcendent. create a channel. we'll call it "League Communication" No [..] View

New styles or inspired by

2:21 am, August 25, 2014 Unless my memory is failing me (and it could be) we haven't had much batman universe inspired gear in comparison to Supes and Wonder. Most recent if I recall being Huntress/Harley Quinn pvp gear. I'd [..] View

Premium and Cash Cap - please read before you judge

2:21 am, August 22, 2014 I fully understand the cash cap concept. I support some sort of cash cap. Each DLC, however, has increased the amount of cash flooding the marketplace for legendary players, and it's causing adver [..] View

With WM solo troller is mathematically sound

2:21 am, August 22, 2014 You know the thing that always made DC particularly unique from other MMO's is that, we have to have someone else give us the ability to use our abilities, such as a controller. I think we can all agr [..] View

The Op Cr Calls are outta hand..

2:21 pm, August 19, 2014 im a bit confused on why people want 105+ for even the simplest things on this game it most meaning they want carried? like really 105+ for td?.....you can do td without a tank an heal at 100cr peo [..] View

Max Damage

2:21 am, August 19, 2014 I'm sick of seeing a small but vocal minority blast this upcoming HT mod. Before you post I kindly ask you to skim through the threads in General and Powers; be on the lookout for the following: Icon [..] View

Gadgets Post GU40

2:21 am, August 15, 2014 So now that the notes are up, who here's excited (or dreading) the changes? What changes would you like? Personally, I'd like to see Vortex Cannon become max range with a larger cone. As far as the [..] View

Everyone has a role - LEARN THEM ALL

2:21 pm, August 12, 2014 I don't care if you want to play a tank or not, I don't care if you want to play a troller or not, I don't care if you want to play a healer or not - EVERYONE has a role, and EVERYONE needs to underst [..] View

Group Greifing

2:21 am, August 9, 2014 This past week, I've felt like logging out every time I've played the Stryker's Alert. Every single day, some dude, maybe even in healer stance, will act all normal until after the the first boss, wa [..] View

small dlc update.

2:21 pm, August 6, 2014 only 23MB really? seems kinda small for a dlc ? lol unless it uses the test server data too? View

Why so hard to play with friends?

2:21 pm, August 6, 2014 Why does this game make it so hard to play with friends? I can't do missions with my bro unless neither of us have done the mission before. Even when we can do missions together we reach a boss fight [..] View


2:21 am, August 5, 2014 Remember him? One of the greatest and most iconic superheroes ever created, if not THE greatest. He's also a mentor choice for all of us. I'd like to see more Superman content. Not to dis Wonder Woman [..] View

Friends list New UI

2:21 am, August 1, 2014 The new League UI is detailed and a great addition. So what about the friends list now? Could it show a friends power, last sign in, and previous names? Everything else could be left behind like Co [..] View

Let the backlash begin...

2:21 am, July 27, 2014 No point in running AF1 content anymore unless you like it or want to. View

What you Don't understand about Prestige.

2:21 am, July 27, 2014 I have been reading all of these league halls & prestige threads, and what I have seen is that most of you just do not understand the system at all. You guys have taken the surface of the syst [..] View

No REMOVE from League button?

2:21 pm, July 24, 2014 OK so we have the new League Management stuff and it looks great...I like it, but I cannot remove anyone from the league. I have a couple players with alts that need to be removed and I cannot...unles [..] View

Controllers in future content

2:21 am, July 23, 2014 After watching videos on DLC 11 content, reading about the content in the DLC and discussing the content with various forum members both on and off test, it has become apparent that, yet again, contro [..] View

Need Help fixing client

2:21 am, July 18, 2014 LaunchPad was unable to connect. Please check the network connection or try again later. If the problem persists, please visithttp://www.soe.com/help for assistance.(4-404) Unless I'm reading wrong [..] View

Option to delete someone's Base Tracking List

2:21 am, July 18, 2014 Recently just bought a teleporter since Bases and League Halls along with Gotham City mods dropped, and wanted to check it out. The only problem I have with it is that it gets extremely cluttered. I'm [..] View

Seasonal Content and Feats

2:21 pm, July 15, 2014 I've enjoyed playing each of the seasonal events but after a few years of the same thing I'm ready to move on. There have been some cool base items added to the game in the second year and I've enjoye [..] View

You heroes better start playin your roles!

2:21 am, July 13, 2014 im tired and tired of people not playing their roles. IT SICK JUST SICK! everyone hero wants to be a stinkin dps. Its funny how villians aren't like this. they play their part and that why villians ar [..] View

Why Is The World Still Down?

2:21 pm, July 8, 2014 The DCU world is normally up by this time unless it's an update or something, and the world is still down? Is there a reason for this because no announcement was made. View

Is winter coming for those who believe in living the pug life 4 ever?

2:21 pm, July 7, 2014 Sup, Even before Kirito from Sword Art Online debuted, dressed in black I fought in the DCUO MMO as a solo player for the last three years. Indeed, even while my real life friends played, I refused [..] View

Buying styles on alts with replays

2:21 am, July 7, 2014 So we have the ability to buy feats on alts, but whn it comes to the style feats your left wondering what pieces you have of that style if you bought the feat. Unless you go in each tab and look for t [..] View

Suggestion: Buying styles with replays

2:21 pm, July 6, 2014 So we have the ability to buy feats on alts, but whn it comes to the style feats your left wondering what pieces you have of that style if you bought the feat. Unless you go in each tab and look for t [..] View

Collections should be removed from Group Loot

2:21 am, July 6, 2014 Its a simple request and a easy solution. Exobits used to be group loot and now they automatically drop in your inventory, so, I feel that collections should do the same. If you grabbed it, it should [..] View

Population High? BIG LIE

2:21 pm, July 3, 2014 DCUO is LYING to us. Anyone ever notice how it always says the population is high? this is a LOAD OF BS for the last 4 days i sign on and play DC no more than 3 mins after restart and the population a [..] View

Which T5 raids are easiest/hardest

2:21 pm, June 28, 2014 So I just hit T5 and it is super scary. Just like meeting a boss on Dark Souls for the first time scary. I have done all of the operations and alerts. I have had good experiences in 1-1-1-1 situat [..] View

Is there a good reason why....

2:21 pm, June 24, 2014 The game has to go down every stinking morning at 7am Eastern Time?? I understand they have to maintain the servers, do updates, general maintenance, the occasional reboot, etc. But every day? The las [..] View

[SUGGESTION] Automatic Style Choice

2:21 am, June 23, 2014 I know this isn't urgent in any way. It is not game changing combat or storyline-wise, but I'd like to be able to set up a default style by double-clicking on one style. For example: 1. You want t [..] View

No more DLCs. No more Updates. Balance, Debugg and Stabilize DCUO FIRST!!!

2:21 am, June 22, 2014 Over the last week while taking advantage of the summer sale, I did multiple Themyscira Divided runs as different might based powers ( powers I assumed to be might based). Mental, sorcery, and quantum [..] View

Raid Boss Design - Something where 2-2-2-2 would be ideal.

2:21 am, June 22, 2014 This is something I've been thinking about for a while, below I have what I believe to be a reasonable design that would cater to this setup: Objective of Boss encounter: Protect an object for a set [..] View

PVP Season 3 Concerns

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 Lemme start by saying that I am actually looking forward to how Season 3 sounds, the way it was explained was that the devs are trying to get PVP Arenas back to being a fast-paced multi-KO extravaganz [..] View

Does this annoy anyone else?

2:21 am, June 11, 2014 Since the Gotham under Siege area opened I have noticed (? No that not quite right .. let's try I have been subject to) and ever increasing amount of what I consider rude behavior. I'll use [..] View

A Poll About Disciple of Parallax

2:21 pm, June 10, 2014 Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm sure some people have seen me post in these part of the forums before - both about Mentors for Light and Rage based heroes as well as concerning a Lantern name - sti [..] View

revamp nature

2:21 am, June 7, 2014 look just make the bug and wolf one slot, turn the rotweiller into a permanet pet and add a aoe poison cloud affect to bloom(blossom?) whatever one has the leaves that grow from your feet. Stop thorn [..] View

Proposed Changes to certain Iconic Powers

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 Please THUMBS UP so we can get a Dev to see this! Ok so as DCUO continues to work on balancing powers and giving users more options for DPS and support roles, I believe that revamping certain Iconic [..] View

Confirmed: Return of Brainiac

2:21 am, May 19, 2014 I knew this day would come! No more walkins! I cant wait to make a new toon and watch people learn how to play the game in the Batcaves! 1. Watch out for the Bat-Family in Outer! They will whip [..] View

Does anyone else feel like the RPG element has gone?

2:21 pm, May 14, 2014 Hi, I LOVE this game! I LOVE my league they are awesome!... BUT... does anyone else feel like the whole RPG element has gone from MMORPGs?.... They had my hopes up when they included the Hometurf DLC, [..] View

Supply lines feat question.

2:21 pm, May 12, 2014 Is it bugged? The one where you carry the crate to the end. I tried this numerous times and each time a random enemy spawns out of nowhere, breaks it, then disappears in thin air. (We stay by it the w [..] View

Proposal For Changes

2:21 pm, May 11, 2014 In lieu of the recent changes that have apparently hit the test server (I don't play on the test server so I'm going off of what I've read in the forums) I figured I'd put my thoughts on a few differe [..] View


2:21 am, May 10, 2014 ok this will be a slippery subject to some people for two reasons 1. some already use 90 pve vestment to do pvp and 2. some people cant see the fact that they are differant types of gear all together [..] View

Lets talk about adds

2:21 pm, May 9, 2014 The enemies we fight in instances I find to be lackluster and boring. I think that part of the reason people, particularly controllers, find some of these instances to be boring is because everything [..] View

Can't disable Voice chat if I'm in a League or Instance

2:21 am, May 9, 2014 Ever since GU36 Voice Chat is always on. Got it disabled but League and Instance channels are still active all the time. Anybody else getting this? The only thing I can do is turn all the volumes do [..] View

All Access still problematic for Steam users

2:21 pm, May 5, 2014 Most people I have talked to including myself can not open marketplace when launching the game through Steam. The only way to work around it is to go directly to the steamapp folder and launching the [..] View

Oolong Island inaccessible briefing/investigation and collection - changes not in update thread

2:21 pm, May 5, 2014 I ran Oolong at general and, after a couple of hours waiting in queue, T2 levels. The general manufacturing plant in the centre of the map was locked both times. The external door is closed and both i [..] View

What I noticed about the vets and GU36...

2:21 pm, May 2, 2014 is that most of them are not happy due to the new speed of their DPS rotations. The DPS rotation speeds have Definitely been slowed down from there original GU35 speeds (ironic how much faster raids g [..] View

Is "Lock and Load" Bugged?

2:21 pm, April 27, 2014 I'm stuck on stage saying, "Go to the Generator and Equip a Build". From what I can see on the boards, there should be some sort of tab on the generator to do this. There isn't. A [..] View

The point of junk?

2:21 pm, April 27, 2014 I do not see a point in junk as it sells for very less. By junk I mean the gray items that sell for like 8 each. I mean for me and other f2p players it makes it impossible to move on fast after a boss [..] View

Special Weapons with affinities

2:21 am, April 27, 2014 I had thought of this long ago but I didn't really give it much thought back then but a little more customization/enhancements usually isn't a bad thing. Though, I'm aware this is completely unnecessa [..] View

Power Balance Feedback: Aren't All Dot-less Channeled Powers Conceptually Useless?

2:21 am, April 23, 2014 Excluding 35% Finishers. Just some thing, I've been thinking about. Aren't they all conceptually useless as hell? The damage they do is not on par with the time they require. Off the top of my hea [..] View

When I go do an On Duty mission, my weapon dissapears. Why? How do I fix it.

2:22 pm, April 22, 2014 During normal mode and fighting and doing the story mode my weapons (dual wield) are there unless they are damaged. Then i get them fixed at a police station. However, when I go do an On Duty mission [..] View

I beg you

2:21 pm, April 21, 2014 Can we please have an option to run with people within our own ratings instead of just "whoever queues up"? It's too many overgeared players running around the T0-3 (minimum) instances [..] View

Why do people...

2:21 am, April 20, 2014 Randomly try to trade with you? I mean i guess its to show you stuff to see if you would like trade but what they want is and what i am willing to trade can be different things. I mean value is rel [..] View

If anyone is having issues installing game or updates READ

2:21 pm, April 17, 2014 was the installation program downloaded with FIREFOX, cause thats what u should use... and anti virus you should not have any antivirus but MSE Microsoft security essentials, and CC cleaner... thats a [..] View

New Skill Point assignments - What to Master first

2:21 am, April 13, 2014 Wanted to post this here as a placeholder. I'll probably put a guide up if things go well and they get finalized for live. DLC10 and GU36 bring some major changes to skill points in addition to Weap [..] View

Mental's Mass Lev , Dazed PI and other powersets

2:21 am, April 12, 2014 With the addition of gadgets getting a slew of PIs that interact with dazed, they have no way to apply it themselves . Earth and mental are the only ones who can apply dazed but in order for mental to [..] View

Power Regen from hit counter

2:21 am, April 6, 2014 I think this needs a small buff. You would need to get your hit counter to at least 25+ to even notice your power bar rising up from your attacks (unless your a troll). And it resets every time a powe [..] View

Bounties in Central City: The Courtesy Shout

2:21 am, April 5, 2014 I'm finished with Central City Bounties today... woot! 55.5 days is how long you will have to live with these at 9 a day every day...unless they are opened to replays. Some departing comments... Yes [..] View

#AskDCUO questions.

2:21 am, April 5, 2014 What does everyone think about questions choice for AskDCUO part of FNL? Recent show's questions was mostly answered before - we already knew that league bases gonna be part of the update instead of [..] View

The Insults, The Struggle

2:21 pm, April 4, 2014 Today has been a extra horrible day of pugging. Now before you think this is just some rant about my bad experience no I am going to ask a question but my own story is relevant or at least I feel it i [..] View

The Misconceptions Between Legendary Members And Premium Players

2:21 am, April 3, 2014 Just to start it off: I am a consistent legendary subscriber For years now, there has been this debate between Premium and Legendary with some rational people sprinkled in. There is also, many false [..] View

Out-gear Raids/Alerts to run them

2:21 am, March 30, 2014 This is mostly directed to the players who are already T5 geared, or T4 geared. I don't understand why you refuse to allow anyone in your groups that is below say cr100 (T5), for a raid/alerts, whos [..] View

Stop Leaving The Instance

2:21 am, March 30, 2014 I am really getting tired of people leaving the instance after they get or don't get what they want. Like Strykers Islanf for example everytime I Q up for it and get to The Rouges Fight everyone lea [..] View

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