2:21 am, October 11, 2014
The Cash Cap Should Not Be Removed But...
Greetings all,
I have some stuff to say regarding, the current premium cash cap. I will start out by saying that I understand the fundamental NEED for the cash cap. I understand it's purpose. I know that as of know it is working as intended. My argument here is why that it has morphed from "working as intended" to a "cruel punishment" in regards to the premium play-style.
I am going to list and explain why the Cash Cap is flawed. I will also go in-depth to why I feel it needs adjusting. This is "just another cash cap thread", but unlike those before, I will not be simply begging for something I don't have. I am asking for something I am and should be entitled too.
1. The Cash Cap is outdated
The cash cap was created at the launch of this game. When the economy was unadulterated and pure. When the prices the game asked for in regards to sodas and such were reasonable. In short, $2000 of today is no longer the $2000 of 4 years ago. The value of $2000 has been diminished for years as the prices on in-game items skyrocketed. It is no different than how the American dollar has diminished as the price of living has skyrocketed. Similar to how minimum wage should increases as the price of living increases. The premium cash cap is basically a minimum wage that has not kept up with the changes of the country. Yes, Increasing minimum wage hurt businesses. But that does not dispute the fact that the premium cash cap value is diminishing and will continue to diminish.
2. The Cash Cap limits individual progression
It is well-known the premiums cannot individually progress through this game. As R&D, gets more and more pricey, premiums fall farther and farther behind. Trading and Friendship become their only options. But that will not last forever. What happens once mods start costing marks to be made in addition to the cash price? Premiums will have to continually give up more and more to trade with strangers. Premiums will have to ask friends to sacrifice more and more to aid them. Synthetic mods have done wonders! But, I ask you: Is it right that a premium has to be statistically weaker than a legendary just due to access level? Synthetics are only single color/stat mods. Meaning a premium DPS will never be able to have a balanced build on their own that is equal to a legendary player. The highest level synthetic mods are on a delayed release schedule. They are not made available at the same time as their non-synthetic counter parts. So, i guess an individual premium needs to wait to be equal to legendary players? The bottom line is that premium players are having the progression punished for not being a legendary member. Unless synthetic mods become mixed and are released at the same time as their counterparts than this will not change.R&D may not have come in a DLC, but it boosts CR exponentially, and CR is unfortunately tied to the ability to access most DLCs content. And Mods are also now required to enter into content. You can no longer progress through the tiers without the help of R&D unlike the days of old.
3. No recognition of loyalty
A consistent legendary member that has had their membership temporarily lapse, A premium member that has bought every DLC, and a relatively new player that recently bought $5 worth of MC items. The current system sees no distinction. They are all labelled as "That guy who spent $5". I think this is flawed on many levels. So much so, that i honestly feel I do not need to explain the issue here. But alas, I will. No matter your contributions to the game, if you are premium... you will be treated as if you are nothing. There is no loyalty. There is no recognition. There is no " If you take care of us, we will take care of you". Currently their is no morally correct justification for why a former legendary member, or a loyal premium is treated the same way as a player that has spent just $5 dollars. Its criminal. Legendary members get loyalty points for being loyal. Why can't premiums be offered such fairness?
4. It is cruelly excessive
$2000 is less than 1% of $1,000,000. We all know that one million is chump change to many legendary members. A premium wallet doesn't even scratch that. The cash cap is beyond excessive. Yet asking for a small increase, is such a controversial topic on these forums. In my opinion, players have been conditioned to accept this disparity as normal.There is a difference between being limited in the economy of the game.... and being completely locked out of it.
That is really all I wanted to say. The cash cap is flawed and outdated. It works as intended at the expense of fairness. The sad thing is, that the cash cap can still do what it is intended to do without being a punishment. I once again want to stress that I understand the reason for the cash cap, and I feel is shouldn't be increased "just because". I think it should be increased at some monetary cost. I also feel it's increase should coincide with the introduction of a new legendary benefit.
I have some stuff to say regarding, the current premium cash cap. I will start out by saying that I understand the fundamental NEED for the cash cap. I understand it's purpose. I know that as of know it is working as intended. My argument here is why that it has morphed from "working as intended" to a "cruel punishment" in regards to the premium play-style.
I am going to list and explain why the Cash Cap is flawed. I will also go in-depth to why I feel it needs adjusting. This is "just another cash cap thread", but unlike those before, I will not be simply begging for something I don't have. I am asking for something I am and should be entitled too.
1. The Cash Cap is outdated
The cash cap was created at the launch of this game. When the economy was unadulterated and pure. When the prices the game asked for in regards to sodas and such were reasonable. In short, $2000 of today is no longer the $2000 of 4 years ago. The value of $2000 has been diminished for years as the prices on in-game items skyrocketed. It is no different than how the American dollar has diminished as the price of living has skyrocketed. Similar to how minimum wage should increases as the price of living increases. The premium cash cap is basically a minimum wage that has not kept up with the changes of the country. Yes, Increasing minimum wage hurt businesses. But that does not dispute the fact that the premium cash cap value is diminishing and will continue to diminish.
2. The Cash Cap limits individual progression
It is well-known the premiums cannot individually progress through this game. As R&D, gets more and more pricey, premiums fall farther and farther behind. Trading and Friendship become their only options. But that will not last forever. What happens once mods start costing marks to be made in addition to the cash price? Premiums will have to continually give up more and more to trade with strangers. Premiums will have to ask friends to sacrifice more and more to aid them. Synthetic mods have done wonders! But, I ask you: Is it right that a premium has to be statistically weaker than a legendary just due to access level? Synthetics are only single color/stat mods. Meaning a premium DPS will never be able to have a balanced build on their own that is equal to a legendary player. The highest level synthetic mods are on a delayed release schedule. They are not made available at the same time as their non-synthetic counter parts. So, i guess an individual premium needs to wait to be equal to legendary players? The bottom line is that premium players are having the progression punished for not being a legendary member. Unless synthetic mods become mixed and are released at the same time as their counterparts than this will not change.R&D may not have come in a DLC, but it boosts CR exponentially, and CR is unfortunately tied to the ability to access most DLCs content. And Mods are also now required to enter into content. You can no longer progress through the tiers without the help of R&D unlike the days of old.
3. No recognition of loyalty
A consistent legendary member that has had their membership temporarily lapse, A premium member that has bought every DLC, and a relatively new player that recently bought $5 worth of MC items. The current system sees no distinction. They are all labelled as "That guy who spent $5". I think this is flawed on many levels. So much so, that i honestly feel I do not need to explain the issue here. But alas, I will. No matter your contributions to the game, if you are premium... you will be treated as if you are nothing. There is no loyalty. There is no recognition. There is no " If you take care of us, we will take care of you". Currently their is no morally correct justification for why a former legendary member, or a loyal premium is treated the same way as a player that has spent just $5 dollars. Its criminal. Legendary members get loyalty points for being loyal. Why can't premiums be offered such fairness?
4. It is cruelly excessive
$2000 is less than 1% of $1,000,000. We all know that one million is chump change to many legendary members. A premium wallet doesn't even scratch that. The cash cap is beyond excessive. Yet asking for a small increase, is such a controversial topic on these forums. In my opinion, players have been conditioned to accept this disparity as normal.There is a difference between being limited in the economy of the game.... and being completely locked out of it.
That is really all I wanted to say. The cash cap is flawed and outdated. It works as intended at the expense of fairness. The sad thing is, that the cash cap can still do what it is intended to do without being a punishment. I once again want to stress that I understand the reason for the cash cap, and I feel is shouldn't be increased "just because". I think it should be increased at some monetary cost. I also feel it's increase should coincide with the introduction of a new legendary benefit.
1. http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/the-cash-cap-should-not-be-removed-but.224012/
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