2:21 pm, October 18, 2014
So i see there are 4 pve legends feats on test atm. 2 of the 4 require u to finish the courthouse alert as certain legends characters. 1 feat is all heroes and 1 is all villains. Looks like 3 characte [..]
2:21 am, October 18, 2014
I play both on the PS side most of the time and will dabble in the PC side from time to time as well since I know some people who play there. While I know the servers cannot be merged there has to be [..]
2:21 am, October 17, 2014
Good morning,
I just reached the max SP in the game, with 901/901 feats unlocked. But something is annoying me. I will never be able to REALLY complete the game since I got no way of unlocking the i [..]
2:21 am, October 16, 2014
Which feats do you need and seem to never be able to complete... And why?
1.) 5 lair battle wins in a row with out losing a round
Because I'm not very good at pvp, and since lairs are never 1v1 anym [..]
2:21 pm, October 14, 2014
Thanks to all of you who provided great feedback, "DCUO Social Graph" has evolved to wavedox.com.
- New name inspired by the awesome raid Paradox Wave
- New color scheme [..]
2:21 am, October 14, 2014
I would like if possible to include in the feats like in the game to show how many left you need in a feat to complete I.e Healing Barrels, encounter all iconics....
Also, a short guide to completing [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
The name of this might be misleading to some, but I believe that in-game our characters should all share the same styles. What I mean by this is that we should not have to hunt for rare styles all ove [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
Long read, rant incoming....
As a statement of affiliation I really don't care much for PvP in this game for lots of reason, I generally prefer Legends when I choose to PvP and stay a season behind [..]
2:21 am, October 12, 2014
To use the line from "Philadelphia", "Explain it to me as if I am a 6 year old".
While in LFG I am seeing folks who are looking for whatever role for an instance,.... [..]
2:21 am, October 11, 2014
Hello everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone is having some issues with feats backtracking on your count. Took me months but I just completed my 2500 salvage feat. I go to check the next feat and t [..]
2:21 pm, October 10, 2014
Ever since Combat Rating was introduced a while back, I never really took much interest in it. All of a sudden, I began that whole quest of wanting to raise it to whatever I could by going for feats [..]
2:21 am, October 10, 2014
Feats Aren't Showing Up On The DCUO Census App. We've (My League) have been using the app to look up our members suggested feats so we can help them out with what feats they should go for next and hel [..]
2:21 am, October 9, 2014
Hello, you guys think would be a good idea, if we could purchase the feats involving PvP? I think it would be a great idea, I'm speaking for myself and for those who hate to do PvP, leave your comment [..]
2:21 pm, October 8, 2014
Hey, as the title suggests just saw this now, not sure if someone has already posted about it. If you go to the herokuapp census app and then to suggested feats from any character then scroll all the [..]
2:21 am, October 8, 2014
So I was CR 89 in PvP I didn't started the elemental android set since I would recieve the same marks at cr 90 pvp so I decided to get all the styles for feats first.
Then league halls came out, and [..]
2:21 pm, October 7, 2014
How long would it take me to get all feats from this event? It's the only seasonal I'm missing.
Reason I ask is because Destiny has the Iron Banner event at the same time, so I'm trying to spend my [..]
2:21 pm, October 7, 2014
I had hopes, big hopes, I heard rumors it was coming, and that this PVP update would see the return of the missing PVP mission "Safehouse Rescue". It's been years (year)? I'll go wit [..]
2:21 am, October 7, 2014
Bare with me as in his idea of "support" GM Volom made something clear and directed me to forums to post if I did not like it.
well it got confirmed for me after a few days of dealing [..]
2:21 pm, October 3, 2014
League and Friends List alphabetization.
Return to last location for Operations.
Fix the "Golden Objective Arrow" on Operations. (I always get lost, even sometimes when I look for [..]
2:21 am, October 2, 2014
I was just checking available feats for one of my toons in the census, and right down at the bottom of the list was "Creepy Kitsch" for collecting all the masks in the upcoming Hallowe [..]
2:21 pm, October 1, 2014
Some of this stuff might have already been brought up in past posts or might be in production atm idk but if they are then shout out and credit to where it's due.Also these aren't finished ideas they' [..]
2:21 am, October 1, 2014
I love this DLC. I want to marry it and have tiny little demonic sons of my own.
10, No Fog: One of the things that drives me crazy as I hit the edge of a zone is that big white cloud that let [..]
2:21 pm, September 29, 2014
Im probably not gonna do that anymore im tired of getting 8 drops worth of marks lol and im capped plus got rare style feats....the devs need to realize the game is dying and the direction they are go [..]
2:21 am, September 26, 2014
The next booster bundle that they do
Include the batman inspired mask
But make it so that it's like 1 in 100,000
Then include a token that gives u back from the hack feat
Make that 1 in 500,000
Then i [..]
2:21 am, September 26, 2014
Just a quick question for you that do pvp, I just started doing arena pvp matches to work on feats and in one of my matches the guy I was fighting called in back up and used a orbital strike. I though [..]
2:21 am, September 25, 2014
This is not new to some, I realize that, but I can't remember a thread dedicated only to it.
Seeing that we now have furniture in the Market Place meant for decoration only and not associated to any [..]
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
Im working feats and saw a token of merit feat,and was wondering what they are,wiki was very vague,thanks!!!
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
As a somewhat newer player I am way way way behind the curve when it comes to SP and feats.
Recently I have started trying to work on them, but I have to be honest its a chore. After the whole level [..]
2:21 am, September 23, 2014
Of all the things added to this game to slow our progression down, this was by far the worst. Before you skip and flame, let me explain.
What it all comes down to is time. Time it takes to complete [..]
2:21 am, September 22, 2014
Using Census for the benefit of all
I've been reading the various kinds of feedback on the tools Sore and I have been working on lately, from grateful and kind words to frustrations and concerns. So [..]
2:21 pm, September 21, 2014
Just got cr to 81 ,and im working on feats for sp and tried The Hunt and Test subject #1. I hate not playing my toon on a mission and was wondering if anyone could link me info on those 2 and the re [..]
2:21 pm, September 21, 2014
Change after change I read in the patch notes, I am getting very disappointed, and due to a strange policy, PS players can't even write on the Test Forum ( SOE could just give us access to the forum ) [..]
2:21 pm, September 21, 2014
Feat Grinder, here looking to grind some more feats .I was on marketplace and I realized I might be able to grab some more feats. In the suit section they have a bunch of styles I need for ex. Greco-R [..]
2:21 am, September 20, 2014
Alright guys this isn't a rant post, I want to be as objective as I can with this
First of all its true Skill Points doesn't equal skill in game, never has never will. That being said I do believe t [..]
2:21 am, September 19, 2014
So.... My light toon has been in need of a Sinestro Hoodie since I made her.
It's like I'm cursed because I keep getting GL Hoodies, Superboy Hoodies, Two-face hoodies but never the hoodie that matt [..]
2:21 am, September 19, 2014
Hey Guys,
Didn't see a list of feats so decided to get it started, facing a slight problem though I only have 896 out of the 899 attainable feats as villains will appreciate someone pointing out the [..]
2:21 am, September 17, 2014
Fellow DCUO Players,
Why is there so much complaining going on over this video game that has nothing to do with the actual game itself ?? From kicking, being kicked, to elitists groups, to census ap [..]
2:21 pm, September 16, 2014
I see the issue with SP being brought up all the time. Some say they are useful others say that they are not. But here is the true reason why I think people ask for a SP requirement when looking for a [..]
2:21 pm, September 15, 2014
I really liked the animation each time my toons had a lvl-up 'til lvl 30. It was like "Yeah, you grew stronger again, congratulations!" Since all my toons are lvl30 now, I miss it.
2:21 pm, September 15, 2014
A loooong while ago I posted on the archived PC Bug-forum about not getting loot for a boss-fight, when one was knocked out, respawned and didn't get back in time.
I brought up this topic later again, [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
I disagree with the general community opinion about the general availability of this data and how it is being used. In the majority of other games I have played, the ability to inspect someones overal [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
When can we expect to see the Safehouse Arena Rescue maps returned to the PvP map rotation?
This has been bothering me for awhile now, and I'm sure many others. The feats that are attached to these [..]
2:21 pm, September 14, 2014
Having trouble getting Content done?
Able to get into Raids/Alerts due to the CR requirement but the Community wont let you in?
Need advice on Powers/Loadouts/Skill point Allocation but don't K [..]
2:21 am, September 12, 2014
Videos of the controller PoV and the damage PoV can be found below.
cosmic war - Ice
Pentac - Sorcery
King Felsa - Mental
farm3rb0b - Light
Controller PoV:
Damage PoV:
Both views were uploa [..]
2:21 am, September 10, 2014
DCUO is one of the more engaging games that I've played over the years. It has many things that it offers that other MMO's don't which is why lately I've chosen to spend a great deal of time on this p [..]
2:21 pm, September 9, 2014
DLC storylines. At the moment, they are told by running the instances of each DLC in a particular order, with no reward other than what you get from each instance.
There is nothing stopping you from r [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
I run every role and enjoy doing so with my friends. I pug every role often and enjoy doing so EXCEPT Tanking.
Yesterday I was doing Necro, my toon is totally geared, I have run everything with my l [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
This last DLC effectively crushed all hopes that I had in the devs ability to create a variety of content that would cater to both the casual and hardcore sects within the community. I think the time [..]
2:21 am, September 7, 2014
Hey all! A little bit of explanation is in order...
There's been over 140 dissatisfied replies to Mepp's post announcing the Base Item Packs and his explanation that they are one-time purchases and [..]
2:21 am, September 5, 2014
Don't know if there was ever a thread about this, but I couldn't find one. So my idea is to have some way to respect weapons same way we do our own characters. Now i know since Amazon Fury came out ev [..]
2:21 pm, September 3, 2014
I know I know, there's been hundreds of threads on this subject, don't care, time to talk about it again. If you do not like this subject, move on to another thread.
For the rest of us, put your thi [..]
2:21 pm, September 3, 2014
CR - With the system we have right now it's pretty easy to gain Cr, this helps new players reach end game content faster. Honestly most veteran players don't run the early content anymore so it make [..]
2:21 am, September 3, 2014
Group Contributor Level (GCL)= CR + SP / 2
108+160/2= 134
108+30/2= 69
I love numbers
** Formula is relative [..]
2:21 am, September 2, 2014
I'm guessing at a PAX panel, they announced it, but I just heard spord say it during the live stream!
This actually makes sense. A few months ago, someone asked what would be the changes to the Vale [..]
2:21 am, August 31, 2014
I honestly didn't know where to put this, however, I'm just ranting, if you don't enjoy ranting threads, please don't read, there is a little 'x' on the tab you have open, lol, not saying that to be r [..]
2:21 pm, August 28, 2014
Can we please have last laugh or the feats. I REALLY think it's unfair you guys are still advertising this dlc and ripping people off. I've never seen any dev respond to one of these topics.
2:21 am, August 27, 2014
Why did we get a list of feats for every DLC except Halls of Power? How about a feat on donations leaguewide, like 5000 donations, 10000 donations up to like 100000 donations. And same for prestige... [..]
2:21 am, August 25, 2014
Anyone any quick and easy feats to do? I'm T6 and I really need to get them skills points up lol.
2:21 pm, August 24, 2014
Alright so I know a lot of people hate the way gear is luck based these days, I'm one of them. I don't understand why the devs decided making the best gear into drops. I hated it with Norsman gear an [..]
2:21 pm, August 24, 2014
What motivates you to go further and achieve more in DCUO? Feats? Gear? Storylines? Leagues?
Mepps should have also posted this question to the entire forum not just asking everyone who went to SOE [..]
2:21 am, August 23, 2014
With the advent of the Origin Crisis Iconic solo missions we got our first tastes of being able to practice with certain Legends characters (Huntress & Bizarro) without having to drag others d [..]
2:21 pm, August 21, 2014
I was really interested in this when i heard about it.
Its like flight and has no new feats with it and thats its a vanity item.
But im having trouble of what it would look like.
Someone told me li [..]
2:21 pm, August 20, 2014
I'm after the school of hard knocks feats, and I have only 4 more to go. I'm not sure where the locations are. I need:
Queen Bee
Circe (In the Shadowlands)
Robot batman
Lex Luthor (hall of doom)
2:21 am, August 18, 2014
Of gear with style feats.
2:21 am, August 16, 2014
The game really is going to the noob players...
They created a white mod called Max Damage, now every player will recive 60% damage.
They ****** forever powers like Mass Detonation, Fireburst, Tac [..]
2:21 am, August 16, 2014
We as paying members would appreciate it if you'd fix your busted a** "last laugh dlc".
I would like the chance to complete the feats in this dlc. I'm speaking on the rescue matches ma [..]
2:21 pm, August 15, 2014
Why don't we get extra loot when we do solo walk ins?
I ran Watchtower Containment Facility to get the Viking Chest dropped by the System Hacker, I got it, but it was for Tank. Don't you think I des [..]
2:21 pm, August 13, 2014
I've been switching powers alot 4 the feats and variety & I havent gone a troll power yet. I was thinking gadgets at 1st but, how about quantum? I've never been the 1 to say a powerset's trash [..]
2:21 am, August 13, 2014
I have zero main story missions and I mean none.
First things first I have 3 lvl 30 villains as my background experience and have had zero trouble leveling them up to 30.
Second my Hero Toon which i [..]
2:21 am, August 13, 2014
I'm a legendary member. I have multiple toons and experience with every power type (except yellow HL). I look forward to enjoying every DLC when it comes out, but I've noticed there's something lack [..]
2:21 am, August 11, 2014
I need little help in regards to a couple of the feats in dlc 11. In Breach theres a feat where u have to complete certain tasks such as not letting the bugs or druggs complete bombs or steal prisione [..]
2:21 am, August 10, 2014
This needs to happen. The villain side on my server is DEAD and I want to join them. The hero community is awful.
I don't want to create a new character all over again so this is the only way. Pretty [..]
2:21 am, August 9, 2014
So happy I finally got to cr99 today and easily went up to 100 thanks to the solo. I was really surprised..... they weren't difficult! I was so relieved.
Anyway, what's the easier missions to tackl [..]
2:21 pm, August 8, 2014
Any know or have a link to the list of feats? I will not have access to the game for a while and curious what they are.
The wiki I usually use does is not updated with them yet.
2:21 am, August 7, 2014
I really do enjoy beating the races, and I would like more of them for feats. Since we now have a few DLC maps to run around in, it would be cool to have 2-3 races in each one.
2:21 am, August 6, 2014
Are there any plans to have some walk-in port for most, if not all the instances in the on-duty tab? At least for T2/3 instances?
May not sound like something worth asking, but it's getting irritati [..]
2:21 pm, August 5, 2014
I still think DCUO is a great game but for hardcore players every few months you hit the "Wall", Nothing really to do but try and grind out the last few skill points . I enjoy doing Pv [..]
2:21 am, August 5, 2014
I am currently working on completing these feats and I was wondering if their were some good and useful ideas and suggestions in completing these feats. I'm just trying to make great use of my time wh [..]
2:21 am, August 4, 2014
I really wish we could use our currencies on all toons. Right now, my main character is capped on MoTs & MoF. I worked hard to get them despite the fact that I don't have much to spend them on [..]
2:21 am, August 4, 2014
Specifically HoF Op styles and their feats.
And while you are at it stop making ops altogether.
I'm done. That 2 SP is dead to me. Between RNG, role locked gear, and having a smooth no dc run being [..]
2:21 pm, August 3, 2014
Is this not the best suggestion ever? With the exception of villian and hero exclusive feats this would add a tremendous amount of replay value.
2:21 pm, August 2, 2014
so why are people saying "now there's nothing to do" just because we hit a cap? there's still a @#$%load to do. marks. feats. pvp. same stuff there was before. we didn't get prestige f [..]
2:21 pm, August 1, 2014
Man... gets me so frustrated when I get a armor style I need for FEAT and its always the freaking wrong role. Why do I never see a tank or DPS one?
I've been farming T3 FOS for like 5 monthes and I [..]
2:21 pm, July 31, 2014
What is the point of SM other than bragging rights? It's something that people do that does nothing toward progression. It gives no Feats, no Marks, no Gear, no Prestige. There is no need to run it.
2:21 pm, July 30, 2014
I really would like to do A&B before this week's reset. For Prestige, gear, marks, feats.
But I am waiting for more than 5 days now and nothing happened....
2:21 am, July 30, 2014
Now that its over, I figured I'd start a thread to give feedback on this past round of Survival Mode as what we'd like to see in future Survival Modes, including the next one which will take place in [..]
2:21 pm, July 26, 2014
The devs have made it pretty clear that they don't want us exploiting lower content by farming it for easy prestige in our superior gear. This has been shown by our diminishing return on content 2 tie [..]
2:21 pm, July 23, 2014
K so ive been trying to knock out my feats for the cc bounties im ay 287 out of 500 im soloing them everyday just to finish it. I would love to use replays just to get them overwith
2:21 am, July 23, 2014
first of I'd like to say most cutscenes are coolio. They mostly add flair to the given instance and make sense to most of its behavior-ly point. But I'm a little annoyed. If I have to see ano [..]
2:21 pm, July 22, 2014
This thread is both an idea for the Devs and a question for the Players:
The idea is, to have the opposite factions tier styles sold by Vendor 22 , I would love this (with or without feats). If wit [..]
2:21 am, July 22, 2014
Hello I quit posting on these forums for various reasons but I'am running out options. These Last Laugh feats have been bugged (for me at least) for months now with no resolution. I remember a post [..]
2:21 am, July 21, 2014
Ok, I beg of you developers: Limit the amount of base items that drop in the Prom boxes, or at least set the rotation of the auras and style items better. Here is my 2 points of this complaint: First [..]
2:21 pm, July 16, 2014
Any one but me ever thought it would be nice to take my hero and go bad!
We can respec. Powers,skills,movement modes. But why can't we start out as a hero,and go BAD!
I've made villains and spent rep [..]
2:21 pm, July 16, 2014
I never focused in the diamon heist and rign war feats so my questions are, I know they are every 30 mins but 1) Do they happen at the same time? 2) I was not able to replay the diamond heist yesteday [..]
2:21 pm, July 15, 2014
I've enjoyed playing each of the seasonal events but after a few years of the same thing I'm ready to move on. There have been some cool base items added to the game in the second year and I've enjoye [..]
2:21 am, July 15, 2014
So, i maxed out my gear and decided i need more sp. i was shocked to see complete sub and inner still unlocked along with the speed feats. did both on novice and expert within speed feat time but popp [..]
2:21 pm, July 13, 2014
1. Bank tabs. Allow us to buy more space!
2. Bank UI. Customizable tabs. For example allow me to create a tab with just enough slots for my pvp gear or for R&D parts etc...
3. Skil [..]
2:21 pm, July 13, 2014
Since there is so much complaining on these forums...let's make yet another thread dedicated to that very thing!
I wanna know what some of the complaints are about the feats available in game, espec [..]
2:21 pm, July 12, 2014
I just wanted to make this thread after reading some of the reactions towards people who suggested to the devs adding the base theme items to the marketplace (dynasty, mystical, shabby, prehistoric, p [..]
2:21 am, July 12, 2014
Ok so i was legendary for a couple months and played evry dlc
Now im premium and pick and choose the dlc
My main toon is 93 sp (always working on it) so im wondering which dlc wouls be better for feat [..]