2:21 am, October 20, 2014
Everyone is using the new app already and people can look up every stat on your character (including skill points) within seconds of joining a group.
So why is a 3rd party app more useful than in ga [..]
2:21 pm, October 18, 2014
Hello Brotherhood of the Bolt
I am Dark Horus Leader of EnSabah Nur the Best Egyptian themed League in the game, today I wanted to talk about the different types of Controllers and Communication.
1) [..]
2:21 am, October 18, 2014
Im tired the is kick from group,--- we need healer, troll tank ect -- I was in raid last where a person kick 4 people for no reason ,--- I cant cr up like that -- if i cant a mission its wasting my [..]
2:21 pm, October 17, 2014
So, I figured I'd make a thread about kicking around ideas for challenging boss encounters and the mechanics/setup of how they would work...
Scenario 1: You're on a space-station/spaceship/subterran [..]
2:21 am, October 17, 2014
I know WOTL II will have 1-One Player and 1-Two Player but I would love to have more. I love running these types of instances because they are short and I can do it by myself or only have to deal with [..]
2:21 pm, October 16, 2014
Me and a small group of 3 just spent the good part of an Hour looking for Weather Wizard. I even recruited others and had all his spawn points covered and he Never showed.
Please look into this
2:21 pm, October 15, 2014
Like my topic it says it all.
I'm sick of seeing those threads about the ps3.
Like **** the ps3 server.
If they don't want to play with a ps3 shout for ps4 only group.
We the PS3 players are letti [..]
2:21 am, October 14, 2014
REALLY GUYS... do something!!!
Everytime the same... tank or heal (OR BOTH) get massive lags and the group wipe.
Sometime my lags lasts for 3 sec and more!!!
Dont release content when performan [..]
2:21 am, October 14, 2014
There has been the idea passed around for updating the UI and after seeing that video,....it's actually something that I'm looking forward to. However, what about trying to expand on a couple of thin [..]
2:21 am, October 14, 2014
Everytime i play/Pug in a group in end game content the group is completely random but its EZ to recognize the PS3 users in nearly every aspect of the game they get some disfunction from slow animatio [..]
2:21 pm, October 13, 2014
Rather then have a fixed 1st 2nd and 3rd place layout, how about a "Rotation" option that would switch the statues after each reset or on a timer. So instead of playerX is 1st, player [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
I think this is a problem area when too many groups on both villains and heroes do this part. I'm starting to notice the lag issues in this area. Also I've notice that when both villains and heroes go [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
Just wanted to make this thread to let everyone know that the group that made to round 6 first was made by Devour Power. Mepps shouldnt have said its Minecrawler and friends. Minecrawler was a semi pu [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
Long read, rant incoming....
As a statement of affiliation I really don't care much for PvP in this game for lots of reason, I generally prefer Legends when I choose to PvP and stay a season behind [..]
2:21 pm, October 12, 2014
Okay so i was playing the game today just relaxing and doing my thing when i suddenly notice that i can hear someone typing on a keyboard and moving some papers around and maybe a TV in the background [..]
2:21 pm, October 12, 2014
This might seem a bit weird to begin with but it is VERY within the DC cannon for a super-hero to be a part of more than one super-hero group at one time.
We can start with the big guy himself - Sup [..]
2:21 pm, October 10, 2014
Lockdown has always been dodgy for me on the PS3 from day 1, invisible adds, holding the rifle for 10 seconds and nothing happening etc. I've managed to struggle through so far by constantly relogging [..]
2:21 pm, October 9, 2014
Just got left solo in an Themyscira Divided run because our tank did not want to skip adds (I was running damage role). The other two players kept skipping, and I kept going back to help the tank. It [..]
2:21 am, October 9, 2014
I'm using a PS3 Super Slim and am a relatively new player to DCUO. I noticed that as I moved into end game content my PS3 started having serious performance issues. I replaced my stock drive with a hy [..]
2:21 am, October 8, 2014
I'm asking this because I've never ran any of the SM that came out. Oan I couldn't do because I wasn't cr 100 at the time and for this one both my main and alt are t6 just that ( if I remembe [..]
2:21 am, October 8, 2014
Next year we should have Granpapa and Granmama Boo. When we have all the Boo's we will get an option to merge them into a new trinket called Boo Family which would allow us to summon all the Boo's to [..]
2:21 am, October 7, 2014
Is it popular now to just spam heals instead of healing on time, meaning as needed? I was controlling and told the healer don't spam heals and he caught a big attitude. Spam power so can spam heals, [..]
2:21 am, October 6, 2014
i was just kicked from a group because they wanted to try and get a healer for the Strike team and because I wasn't cr 100. How do they even know my cr? Does it show on the inspection page? So yeah I [..]
2:21 am, October 6, 2014
I know, this is one of the many "I complain about this in the forums posts" but i really needed to let it out.
I love DCUO it's simply my favorite game, playing with others and by myse [..]
2:21 pm, October 5, 2014
I don't know about the other servers but we EUPS servers really need a 4 roles system.
- It's very hard to find a tank, sometimes i'v been waiting litterly more than an hour to find a tank. or we ju [..]
2:21 am, October 5, 2014
A few moments ago in the LFG chat channel: "Need EXP 108 group for Kahndaq tg2g"
2:21 pm, October 4, 2014
I would like to get some input from the community about this, appearantly issue that necro has and maybe other raids as well.
ran it two times today and without exception, everyone in the group only [..]
2:21 am, October 4, 2014
Okay so like a lot of other players, myself included, you hit level 30 a while back and ran straight to the Magic wing and bought a full set of gear off of Aguaman and immediately found yourself a [..]
2:21 pm, October 3, 2014
This is an attempt to dispel the popular misnomer that Low SP players can't put out (and to some with high SP and higher egos, they think low SP players are carried). I'm tired of getting pulled up on [..]
2:21 pm, October 2, 2014
So today is the reset day and all of my league mates have already done Lockdown, so I have decide to PUG the raid. We finish the first boss with a little bit of problem (one DPS was lock outside), the [..]
2:21 am, October 2, 2014
I've been a power-set jumper & an Alt junkie for quite some time now. The beauty of it is that it allows you to see the game from every perspective - tanking, healing, dps'ing .... and trollin [..]
2:21 pm, October 1, 2014
I have been running a little experiment in-game with my toons and I have found something very disturbing to me. If I play on my male toons and pug I am subject to much ridicule if I am not playing up [..]
2:21 am, October 1, 2014
I love this DLC. I want to marry it and have tiny little demonic sons of my own.
10, No Fog: One of the things that drives me crazy as I hit the edge of a zone is that big white cloud that let [..]
2:21 am, October 1, 2014
Ok so I was playing on my alternate last night and ended up hooking up with a group of guys that needed some access to an area. Up until that point my system had been running flawless as possible on a [..]
2:21 pm, September 30, 2014
I'm a player that does not like to join groups based on stats or combat rating, so I'll shout in LFG chat (Looking for Group) "Healer for Inner Sanctum" or "Troller for any T5 [..]
2:21 am, September 28, 2014
As I can't find any directions on playing this game, I have some questions relating to groups.
1) How do you form a group? I see comms by pushing the controller touch pad but nothing about groups.
2:21 am, September 28, 2014
Themyscira Divided I understand; it's tough without a healer, but doable. I have yet to finish Intergang Crime Wave without a healer, though. Joined a group today; the player making the group wanted a [..]
2:21 am, September 27, 2014
I know I'm going to get flak for this but, I'm tired of trolls CC trash mobs in the new raids before I pull them. Unless the mob is attacking members of the group, the troll shouldn't touch them befor [..]
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
I'm not sure if this goes in the Powers section or here. It could fit in either sections.
Why is this not already implemented in the game? I just find it stupid that we have Red Lantern players as a [..]
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
Hi all
Im constantly, and infallibly seeing demands for CR105+ positions in raid groups. This is where demand is. I feel there is a lack of care for players below this "generation".
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
I tank a lot and let me state clearly: I am not saying I'm the best tank in the world. However, being a tank, I kinda look at things from that perspective even when I'm playing another role and someon [..]
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
He's not teleporting to the farthest person anymore, and it seems like he's just teleporting to whoever in the group now.
The one time when 2 tanking was a viable strategy, the devs remove it. Why?
2:21 am, September 25, 2014
I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem I've been having for about a week now. I will note right now that my internet connection is working properly, and can play many other games, stream movies [..]
2:21 am, September 25, 2014
I know i know they say don't pug but i like the adventure . I like helping new players learn the game but some groups can't be saved . we could have beat it but people rage quit and i can understand [..]
2:21 pm, September 24, 2014
i have been a villain over a year... my toon has over 140sp and i cant imagine starting over.
But there are not enough villains in this game. its so hard to get a group for the new content and PvE Que [..]
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
As a somewhat newer player I am way way way behind the curve when it comes to SP and feats.
Recently I have started trying to work on them, but I have to be honest its a chore. After the whole level [..]
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
So since this new survival mode has 20 waves, it is going to take an entire day to get that far! Sorry, but I do not have that much time. Could we have a checkpoint to resume another time? Instead of [..]
2:21 pm, September 23, 2014
Can we get a little animation either next to our Toons, or next to the health bars (when in a raid) showing that you are typing a message?
Often people don't know you are typing as your character s [..]
2:21 am, September 23, 2014
Of all the things added to this game to slow our progression down, this was by far the worst. Before you skip and flame, let me explain.
What it all comes down to is time. Time it takes to complete [..]
2:21 am, September 22, 2014
I have barley played at all since this last DLC came out.
I would have been ok with a DLC that was only group content IF I could still use the last DLC to grind out solo content and at least progress [..]
2:21 am, September 22, 2014
Using Census for the benefit of all
I've been reading the various kinds of feedback on the tools Sore and I have been working on lately, from grateful and kind words to frustrations and concerns. So [..]
2:21 pm, September 21, 2014
Change after change I read in the patch notes, I am getting very disappointed, and due to a strange policy, PS players can't even write on the Test Forum ( SOE could just give us access to the forum ) [..]
2:21 pm, September 20, 2014
So your toon gets to level 30..you more than likely haven't changed from DPS
t1 You don't have to change your role, then Oan and other t2 alerts..what's the easier thing to do? DPS
I for one can say I [..]
2:21 am, September 20, 2014
Alright guys this isn't a rant post, I want to be as objective as I can with this
First of all its true Skill Points doesn't equal skill in game, never has never will. That being said I do believe t [..]
2:21 pm, September 19, 2014
if a player rage quits the game itself ... pressing the power button, purposely closing/quitting DCUO, etc, linkdeath sounds like it'll still hold their spot for ten minutes waiting for them to come b [..]
2:21 am, September 19, 2014
I have noticed that most of the healers using this neck mod (cudos to Sore's census app).
I found it useless for myself a while ago because I almost never left alone and getting hit pretty often even [..]
2:21 am, September 19, 2014
So a few days ago, I posted about problems I had with the Shadow Artifact. I was not on my A game, so I kept mistiming the lunge to interrupt the boss from walking to the artifact. Had a happy acciden [..]
2:21 pm, September 18, 2014
Three months ago I had no problems. I'm CR105 and usually Heal. Three months ago I could pug a TD run, we'd clear it in 10-15 minutes and everyone moved on with their lives.
The last 2 or 3 weeks, I [..]
2:21 pm, September 17, 2014
I've heard just about every theory on how best to do it, ever since achieving the feat without glitching was possible.
One thing that remains unclear to me, however, having never bothered to attempt t [..]
2:21 pm, September 17, 2014
why not group together with each other rather than simply decry being kicked from player groups where people do want SP/CR? the only answer [other than entitlement] is that you must know you can't get [..]
2:21 am, September 17, 2014
In REAL Life I am a 42yr old Wheelchair bound Veteran I have been to most countries and conflicts. I am a father of a 13 & 9 year old. I can't turn the volume on when I play because most gro [..]
2:21 am, September 17, 2014
Come on, make some daily missions to earn some symbol of power because i never seen a group finish T6 halls of power raids, alerts or operation, and queue for these takes a long time, and i need earn [..]
2:21 am, September 17, 2014
Fellow DCUO Players,
Why is there so much complaining going on over this video game that has nothing to do with the actual game itself ?? From kicking, being kicked, to elitists groups, to census ap [..]
2:21 pm, September 16, 2014
What's the best way for a group to handle these enemies? They drop aggro instantly, so the only way I've found that somewhat helps is rooting them in place as a tank or getting help from the trollers, [..]
2:21 pm, September 16, 2014
I see the issue with SP being brought up all the time. Some say they are useful others say that they are not. But here is the true reason why I think people ask for a SP requirement when looking for a [..]
2:21 am, September 16, 2014
I'll try to keep this short and to the point.
People are leaving, people are returning, and some people are just beginning DCUO. The gameplay could use an overhaul to keep players around and intere [..]
2:21 am, September 16, 2014
While I have no doubt there are people abusing it I really don't believe every single claim.And I highly doubt every group you join you should constantly fear the thought that there is someone in the [..]
2:21 am, September 16, 2014
Yesterday I decided to do Artifacts. I joined a group on LFG and everything was great until we got to the Mister Miracle fight. I was the only healer and we failed 2 times. Then, one person started do [..]
2:21 pm, September 15, 2014
A loooong while ago I posted on the archived PC Bug-forum about not getting loot for a boss-fight, when one was knocked out, respawned and didn't get back in time.
I brought up this topic later again, [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
For many a year like some others I longed for a update or hotfix that would show peoples sp and cr, many a year later here we are lol. While I have mixed feelings about it I can and have already seen [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
When I logged out last I was in DPS stance. When I logged in I switched to Troll and tried getting in a group. Got picked up for Lockdown and I got asked what my Vit was. I told them 3440 (I rounded t [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
So with this new app comes the question will you kick or not kick? Say a dude gets in your lockdown group full raid gear with OP neck and a jawdropping 75sp would you kick him? What if he was a alt? [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
I disagree with the general community opinion about the general availability of this data and how it is being used. In the majority of other games I have played, the ability to inspect someones overal [..]
2:21 am, September 15, 2014
But I am not running with 2 Healers....wait what?
This is what was said in a group I formed earlier today in Artifacts and the Tank kept asking why 2 healers.
What is it with player's these days t [..]
2:21 pm, September 13, 2014
I think it would be nice to have such a feature to have especially for people who wants to learn the mechanics of a particular raid or just for entertainment purposes. I know there is youtube, twitch [..]
2:21 am, September 13, 2014
Welp, this has happened twice and it's pretty frustrating.
Last week, I was LFG and got into an A&B alert. Before we started, a member of the group asked for skill points which I found reall [..]
2:21 am, September 13, 2014
I'm sure that you all heard of the census app, and I'm here to tell you why it is such a bad idea
The discrimination going on in the game is CRAZY! You remember nexus and paradox and how much of a ** [..]
2:21 am, September 13, 2014
Screw complaining about why it should be gone. Sore and what's his/her name I forgot already lol. I like that they worked hard on this app and I'm not going to lie, it is cool in a sense, the cool par [..]
2:21 pm, September 11, 2014
I am a legendary member (run two accounts) and have played the game since launch.
I am also an altoholic and I love levelling up. But once you get a character past 30, it is quite difficult these da [..]
2:21 am, September 10, 2014
I wanted to create a thread that was constructive and generate some feedback amongst fire tanks about revisiting a frowned upon skill- inferno to tank mobs in these new t6 raids and ops. Because it wa [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
I run every role and enjoy doing so with my friends. I pug every role often and enjoy doing so EXCEPT Tanking.
Yesterday I was doing Necro, my toon is totally geared, I have run everything with my l [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
Ok building on from my controversial thread about buffing T6 raids I've come up with an idea for a debate on here.
The idea is: League Hall: Lockdown (Expert Mode)
1. There will be [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
This last DLC effectively crushed all hopes that I had in the devs ability to create a variety of content that would cater to both the casual and hardcore sects within the community. I think the time [..]
2:21 am, September 8, 2014
If you could change DCUO and correct any issues that have been bugging you for a while, what would you have done to improve upon the game? Post your ideas. Be as detailed a possible. Here's just a few [..]
2:21 am, September 8, 2014
I would like to have an open discussion on how additional content impacts our game and how the players feel, as well as the developers.
Currently: Lower level raids use the Queue/On Duty function to [..]
2:21 am, September 8, 2014
So I was thinking of some interesting things that could be done with the array of powers we have...the next evolution. I assume this actually can't happen until it's just PS4 based but I don't really [..]
2:21 pm, September 7, 2014
It has been a very long time. And I have seen multiple DLC's, Hacks, Nerfs, Patches, Buffs, New Mechanics, etc...
When will this ROLLING GLITCH ever be fixed? 1 out of 5 times I am rolling after a [..]
2:21 am, September 6, 2014
I would like to run Lockdown.
Looking for a group willing to run at least 3-2-2-1 set up or 2-2-2-2 set up.
The thing is, dps can stay how they are, but I'd like to have some hybrids shine in here. [..]
2:21 pm, September 5, 2014
I've been seeing a trend with healers in the new DLC using only burst healing. The healers do not use shields or healing over time powers. We're able to complete the content, so it is just barely enou [..]
2:21 pm, September 5, 2014
Hello everyone, my game name is Mcloud im playing a rage villain on eupc. I started to play again recently after a break i took in the end of war of the light dlc, i manage to learn the new weapon mas [..]
2:21 pm, September 5, 2014
Me and 3 of my league mates were trying to take down Raven tonight when we encountered a group of 7 villain players in a league who interfered. They continuously healed Raven's adds which prevented u [..]
2:21 am, September 5, 2014
Its not cool to encase everything. Also do not run in front of the tank and encase everything before we can pull...SMH. Your first move should NEVER be an encasement.
So nice to get everything final [..]
2:21 pm, September 4, 2014
With recent updates and especially Boost III mainframe upgrades, DLC11 raids are now definitely too easy. Lockdown in particular needs a buff; though its a harder raid than the other two Assault and B [..]
2:21 pm, September 3, 2014
CR - With the system we have right now it's pretty easy to gain Cr, this helps new players reach end game content faster. Honestly most veteran players don't run the early content anymore so it make [..]
2:21 am, September 3, 2014
Just a warning. If you're in a T6 instance and like using the T3 kryptonian styles on your character you might get kicked if the group is a bunch of nerds. If you're the kind of player who wants to pr [..]
2:21 am, September 3, 2014
Group Contributor Level (GCL)= CR + SP / 2
108+160/2= 134
108+30/2= 69
I love numbers
** Formula is relative [..]
2:21 pm, September 2, 2014
I can admit I'm not very talkative in a pug group but I call out when someone is down or if something is about to happen. I ran Artifact yesterday and it was a ghost town , the first part of the raid [..]
2:21 am, September 2, 2014
I was dreaming earlier about these NPCs,
I wish they recycled NPCs like these in new content. These 2 only shielded each other. But if they were like the Shield Armors and shielded everyone they'd [..]
2:21 pm, September 1, 2014
I was subscribed when DCUO got f2p and i played with great fun.
Back then item progression was too hard, too many token types etc... was the gretest backoffs. I see SOE handled it well now. Tok [..]
2:21 pm, August 31, 2014
So Ive tried this Duo twice today, and one time managed to get up to the ritual master before dying and the second we couldnt even get to the Ritual Master. During the last attempt it was myself (Ice [..]