2:21 am, October 19, 2014
Can we please get some way to unlock our styles we have already unlocked on other characters. Make it cost replay badges if you have to but please give is a option to do it somehow. Re-farming hard to [..]
2:21 am, October 18, 2014
I play both on the PS side most of the time and will dabble in the PC side from time to time as well since I know some people who play there. While I know the servers cannot be merged there has to be [..]
2:21 am, October 17, 2014
I making the Green Ranger from mighty morphin power rangers! I need to know what power and weapons would be best for him? I'm leaning towards Martial Artist, because One handed kinda looks like some o [..]
2:21 am, October 13, 2014
Hi guys ^.^ So I just learned this game existed while reading about AllAccess benefits and this looks really fun!
But I have a problem a problem Google reveals is not unique. Because, see:
The Lan [..]
2:21 am, October 12, 2014
Long time no see huh.... This is a thread I made so it can probably keep me for make another thread on making stuff, also I wanted people to post what they need help on as far as creations; I'll along [..]
2:21 pm, October 11, 2014
Just a simple question. Do the Gms even care about their players? I ask this to you my fellow Superheroes and Villains because I am honestly getting a little tired of being talked smack to by people [..]
2:21 am, October 9, 2014
after waiting all day to work my dbl shift, i get on to play some pvp, and what do i get. players standing outside of the spawn doing nothing. Now i know it goes by faster that way to just let me win [..]
2:21 pm, October 8, 2014
I have no idea why devs made R&D system with all exobytes ,plans ,all crafting materials and all kind recovery kits .
Now we have syntetic mod VI witch is same good like normal mods and guess [..]
2:21 am, October 8, 2014
This new pvp upgrade just kilt nature healing. The healing nerf has destroyed nature healing making this power absolutely useless for pvp. Celestial still has a 35% healing supercharge that they can u [..]
2:21 pm, October 7, 2014
I had hopes, big hopes, I heard rumors it was coming, and that this PVP update would see the return of the missing PVP mission "Safehouse Rescue". It's been years (year)? I'll go wit [..]
2:21 pm, October 7, 2014
I have recently started making my own VI flex sodas and have noticed that they dont always last for the full 30 min, in fact sometimes they may only last a few minutes, usally when I am going up again [..]
2:21 am, October 6, 2014
I know, this is one of the many "I complain about this in the forums posts" but i really needed to let it out.
I love DCUO it's simply my favorite game, playing with others and by myse [..]
2:21 am, October 5, 2014
This is not me & (this picture does not belong to me neither) this picture is only an illustration of showing you what i mean.
Do you see the green charger thing behind the broker? they cou [..]
2:21 am, October 4, 2014
This has already been posted long time ago but i think i would like to bring it back.
- So to begin with, i would like to have more cash rewards. make it so we can get cash in raids/alerts. i'm not [..]
2:21 pm, October 3, 2014
In DC Universe Online, it's the name of a character, a virtual personality that you can shape and mold into whatever you want it to be.
DCUO went free to play Tuesday November 1, 2011. There are [..]
2:21 am, October 3, 2014
Yes, it's one of those threads but I just want to make a few valid points.
Ok, all in all, I do like Weapon Mastery... however, I believe that it was implemented wrong. WM should be a natural enhan [..]
2:21 am, October 2, 2014
Hey Guys I am making this thread to state my own current problems with Mental Trolling.
Ok, Before I was Quantum I was Mental and now I've came back to mental and have some issues with the trolling [..]
2:21 pm, September 30, 2014
An option to buy an armory for ~$20 that is account bound and unlimited, but it only works while a player is Legendary.
Provide a Mogo device (perfect for the upcoming DLC but not attached to it for [..]
2:21 am, September 30, 2014
Everytime there is something that sells on this game everybody undercuts the mess out of the other person and you devalue the item. So in the end you cut your own throats on how much money you could m [..]
2:21 pm, September 28, 2014
Any1 notice. First boss in lockdown seems broken. I am not talking about how they fixed the idea of someone out of reach on a shelf making the boss easy peasey. He now just randomly spawns everywhere [..]
2:21 am, September 28, 2014
Themyscira Divided I understand; it's tough without a healer, but doable. I have yet to finish Intergang Crime Wave without a healer, though. Joined a group today; the player making the group wanted a [..]
2:21 pm, September 27, 2014
Okay so I'm bought a few of these booster packs and I happened to get the Green Plasmic aura twice so I decided to sell one.
Finally I have something of value to sell.
But I when I go to check the b [..]
2:21 am, September 27, 2014
Ok I went to Sony Support with this but they are unwilling to help me. (poor support IMO)
I digress I have an xbox 360 controller that I can not get to work with DCUO. It works fine with every oth [..]
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
I'm not sure if this goes in the Powers section or here. It could fit in either sections.
Why is this not already implemented in the game? I just find it stupid that we have Red Lantern players as a [..]
2:21 pm, September 26, 2014
Okay, this is regarding the auras. I have 2 red plasma, 2 yellow plasma, 1 orange plasma, 1 green plasma, 1 green nimbus, 1 red nimbus.
The red plasmas are easier to get then a stack of bits now. I [..]
2:21 pm, September 25, 2014
I'm sure plenty will disagree, and have there own reasoning behind why they like the current setup for how to get a league hall base using Prestige, but personally, I'm not so inclined towards the dif [..]
2:21 pm, September 24, 2014
I think it would be really cool if they made power based auras. What I mean by this is, having natures aura be like falling leafs or flower blossoms, and making it purchaseable on the market place.
I [..]
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
Yeah the power of money would be a cool power added to this game.
I thought of some superpowers specifically such as "Bribe", where your toon would convince adds to attack each othe [..]
2:21 am, September 24, 2014
while I love the changes to price and the taking out of normal auras, why not just put the auras in the MP and charge ten bucks for the new ones and five for the older plasmic ones and let us choose, [..]
2:21 pm, September 22, 2014
So for improving the vault, instead of the same old green style drops we always get how about we get consumables... And no I don't mean lame consumables like what players were complaining about gettin [..]
2:21 am, September 22, 2014
How about making it so we keep the powers we buy with real money? (Power tokens 10$).
i think everything you buy you should keep, especialy when you are bored and wanna try out new powers and after a [..]
2:21 pm, September 20, 2014
Saw spytle do it during Trigon sm
Can we have the option to do it?
I think it would be great for making Dcuo movies and content
2:21 pm, September 20, 2014
So your toon gets to level 30..you more than likely haven't changed from DPS
t1 You don't have to change your role, then Oan and other t2 alerts..what's the easier thing to do? DPS
I for one can say I [..]
2:21 pm, September 20, 2014
(I was about to the post this and then I discovered the post became locked).
If the indulgences of kicking players never stops (or at least reduces to being a rarity) this healthy community that dev [..]
2:21 pm, September 19, 2014
Think about it.. since the inception of replay badges, which were created to ensure people got their weekly raids in, has anything been created to help longevity of the game. Crafting was introduced a [..]
2:21 pm, September 17, 2014
why not group together with each other rather than simply decry being kicked from player groups where people do want SP/CR? the only answer [other than entitlement] is that you must know you can't get [..]
2:21 pm, September 16, 2014
Just scored a level 78 neck from the vault. That's be great if I wasn't already wearing a 92 neck... so into the trash bin it went.
How about making those rare vault drops scale to the level of your [..]
2:21 am, September 16, 2014
as a Huge fan of making my characters look like Actual heroes most of the time.. heres a collection of images ive screencapped over the years from batman, to lanterns. to Marvel characters
what im c [..]
2:21 pm, September 14, 2014
Having trouble getting Content done?
Able to get into Raids/Alerts due to the CR requirement but the Community wont let you in?
Need advice on Powers/Loadouts/Skill point Allocation but don't K [..]
2:21 am, September 10, 2014
My laptop is gone and the old one that I am using is not up to the task of running DCUO even with the lowest settings. I'm very sad for I miss this game and this community. I can't afford a new laptop [..]
2:21 pm, September 8, 2014
I've stated this before, but I believe making the number of revives a player does an active end-raid/alert statistic could totally redefine gameplay in DCUO. Just a minor addition that wouldn't be di [..]
2:21 pm, September 7, 2014
Let me first say I'm not opposed to players having to earn their buffs. I get that.
Now, can you please "modernize" this rent system?
Suggestion 1:
If you've rented slots in your uti [..]
2:21 am, September 7, 2014
I have already found a thread similar to this and none of those solutions helped me, so that's why I'm making this thread.
I had a Windows 7 laptop a few days ago when I first installed the game and [..]
2:21 am, September 7, 2014
Let me start off by saying I LOVE DCUO, one of the most time consuming (in a good way) games I've ever played. Invested just over 2 years into this game.
But, as of recently I've had this feeling tha [..]
2:21 pm, September 4, 2014
Game update 40 is here and the new flavor of the month is Gadgets, the controller class. Since DCUO has become so heavily DPS centric and every one wants to be top DPS because this will some how impro [..]
2:21 pm, September 3, 2014
Am I the only person who thinks the Gadgets DPS revamp isn't viable?
I've done some testing and it seems like it seems about the same amount of damage as I did with WM -- except using more power. Ye [..]
2:21 pm, September 3, 2014
CR - With the system we have right now it's pretty easy to gain Cr, this helps new players reach end game content faster. Honestly most veteran players don't run the early content anymore so it make [..]
2:21 am, September 3, 2014
Elitists need to stop discriminating against low sp players, content has a cr requirement not an sp requirement. The community needs to stop making up requirements that the makers of the game don't im [..]
2:21 am, September 2, 2014
So does VETs Trollers still advice Newcomers higher VIT MUST POT,
This Dude kept ranting me non stop:
"Higher Vit Must Always pot, that's like in every guide and is basic 101 for Trolling [..]
2:21 pm, September 1, 2014
I was subscribed when DCUO got f2p and i played with great fun.
Back then item progression was too hard, too many token types etc... was the gretest backoffs. I see SOE handled it well now. Tok [..]
2:21 pm, August 31, 2014
So Ive tried this Duo twice today, and one time managed to get up to the ritual master before dying and the second we couldnt even get to the Ritual Master. During the last attempt it was myself (Ice [..]
2:21 am, August 30, 2014
Since everyone else is making these I thought I'd try...
I have a rename token but have yet to find a really fitting name for my character. Here's some back story.
My character is an in your face do [..]
2:21 am, August 29, 2014
I heard an increasing amount of people complaining about the new raids being boring and very similar. I'm not saying a lot of people complained, but every day more and more leaguemates and people on t [..]
2:21 am, August 25, 2014
With everything being done by devs to encourage playing as the dps role I am wondering what the future holds for players who would rather play as a support roles?
If you disagree that the devs are e [..]
2:21 pm, August 24, 2014
Alright so I know a lot of people hate the way gear is luck based these days, I'm one of them. I don't understand why the devs decided making the best gear into drops. I hated it with Norsman gear an [..]
2:21 am, August 23, 2014
2 years ive been playing and the whole two years ive been mental. ppl ask me all the time why wont I change powers or im stupid for being mental, (until I out dps them by 2 or 3 mill) im not a fotm p [..]
2:21 am, August 22, 2014
I fully understand the cash cap concept.
I support some sort of cash cap.
Each DLC, however, has increased the amount of cash flooding the marketplace for legendary players, and it's causing adver [..]
2:21 am, August 21, 2014
I LOVE mr miracles cape. its long, any plans for making long non-collared capes? the average cape is ... average.
2:21 am, August 19, 2014
TL;DR: i am the great mighty poo
and i am going to throw my ~*CURSE WORD*~ at you
I would like to share my unbiased opinion on the state of DCUO as someone that has played the game from start to end [..]
2:21 pm, August 18, 2014
Hello fellow DCUO'rs,
So I will be making the move from the PS3 to the PS4 by or before the end of the year. I have been playing for close to 2 years now and have a few characters built up and desi [..]
2:21 pm, August 18, 2014
TL;DR: i am the great mighty poo
and i am going to throw my s##t at you
I would like to share my unbiased opinion on the state of DCUO as someone that has played the game from start to end in only [..]
2:21 am, August 18, 2014
"Bosses have too much health, fight is boring!"
Tactical mod coming, will definitely boost everyone's damage, consequently making fights shorter.
"OMG, you are making noobs dps [..]
2:21 am, August 16, 2014
The game really is going to the noob players...
They created a white mod called Max Damage, now every player will recive 60% damage.
They ****** forever powers like Mass Detonation, Fireburst, Tac [..]
2:21 am, August 16, 2014
I am going to be making a thread were people can come up with ideas that satisfy both premium and legendary players
1. Please only constructive criticism
2. I will be updating this post/ [..]
2:21 pm, August 15, 2014
I was thinking.
What would be the problem having more than one power on the one character through the use of armories?
A) it is the same account
B) the extra power(s) would use a respec token and armo [..]
2:21 pm, August 15, 2014
DPS with support role functions should be welcomed. This concept already does happen when DPS have a support role buff do to the lack of a support role(s) within a group in an instance, but at a lower [..]
2:21 am, August 14, 2014
When are the devs going to realize that by the community saying we want more difficult content- we don't mean "make the bosses have 25 million health". I'm sure I'm exaggerating that n [..]
2:21 am, August 13, 2014
Today I ran ICW with the setup of 2 DPS, 1 healer, 1 troll. I pretty much tanked Bruno Manheim in a corner for the entire duration of the last boss fight. I used a combination of counter mechanics, a [..]
2:21 pm, August 12, 2014
I wish they would go back to making the iconic and top gear styles look awesome again. I miss the days of getting an iconic set and rocking the whole style feeling like I really accomplished something [..]
2:21 am, August 12, 2014
Sorry for any bad typo/grammar (I'm in my job/ and in a rush)
As a person that plays FFXIV and DCUO currently. I tend to compare them a lot in regarding the mechanics and such. I personally been lea [..]
2:21 am, August 8, 2014
The servers were just announced as back up. Guess what? Ps4 can't get on! Just making you all aware.
2:21 am, August 8, 2014
First let me say that i think SOE are doing great with the new content in terms of content and variety.
Between AF and HOP they are clearly giving us alot more to do and trying to make it so all rol [..]
2:21 am, August 6, 2014
"New to the Marketplace Auras!
Anything can be made definitely cooler by making it glow. B [..]
2:21 pm, August 5, 2014
Started a New toon the other day, was in need of a tank, so this will be my 2nd support role toon.
Anyhoo, I was going through and noticing how stupidly similar the leveling grind is no matter what Me [..]
2:21 am, August 5, 2014
By around 5pm or so, Clockwork Orange had gained the 100k+25k prestige necessary to get our League Hall, and now we're up and running. Sadly, after giving much tribute in a short period of time, we hi [..]
2:21 pm, August 4, 2014
Something that has bothered me since I started playing this game and has now become extremely annoying is the movement restrictions while in combat.
By this I mean as soon as you pull your weapon ou [..]
2:21 am, August 4, 2014
It seems that league halls have provided even less incentive for players to join leagues that are building or rebuilding. Our league falls more into a rebuilding process; we have 300 members, but very [..]
2:21 am, August 4, 2014
Specifically HoF Op styles and their feats.
And while you are at it stop making ops altogether.
I'm done. That 2 SP is dead to me. Between RNG, role locked gear, and having a smooth no dc run being [..]
2:21 pm, August 3, 2014
LocheCaps are always good to have. There can be issues with going over your allocated size (int vs short). But mostly caps allow you at least some modicum of control.Pez FedoraLoche - correct me if I [..]
2:21 am, August 3, 2014
I wanted to post in the other Topic about statuaries, but it's closed, so I wrote it on THIS topic but was also told, that it was worth it's own topic:
Did I get it right, that who gets a statue is [..]
2:21 pm, August 1, 2014
Man... gets me so frustrated when I get a armor style I need for FEAT and its always the freaking wrong role. Why do I never see a tank or DPS one?
I've been farming T3 FOS for like 5 monthes and I [..]
2:21 am, August 1, 2014
We just managed to get our league hall and as far as I'm aware we are the first villain league on EUPC to do so. The excitement in TeamSpeak was palpable to say the least. I just want to say a huge co [..]
2:21 pm, July 30, 2014
I have about 14 toons. Some are in leagues. Some aren't. My main has a league that I started (cuz I'm picky about names, if anyone remembers me mentioning this before).
I can't make a league hall [..]
2:21 pm, July 30, 2014
These guys at SoE finally made something good for dcuo and its only temp?
wow... just wow
how to get old players like me back in your game?
Bring SM back perm
Then make it infinite and add a [..]
2:21 am, July 30, 2014
Been thinking of a few things for the past few days and the main thing is mixed colas. Can we please get a might prec cola. Or resto power. Anythind containing two of the same Bytes. Lessen the stats [..]
2:21 am, July 30, 2014
Since they aren't making a thread for gadgets changes and the intro to AM I guess I'll start one myself....
Some suggestions I would like to see
1.....change the energy shield to activate when caste [..]
2:21 pm, July 28, 2014
Everyone said One Handed focused blast and Dual Wield charged dual throw were OP because they were critting for 5k damage? Then the devs came out and said that charged attacks were producing more dama [..]
2:21 am, July 27, 2014
I have been reading all of these league halls & prestige threads, and what I have seen is that most of you just do not understand the system at all. You guys have taken the surface of the syst [..]
2:21 pm, July 26, 2014
To snowball off of the success of the Testing Server Initiative I am starting up the Live Server Initiative. Like TSI this will be a Skype based group with a companion blog to highlight known potenti [..]
2:21 pm, July 26, 2014
The devs have made it pretty clear that they don't want us exploiting lower content by farming it for easy prestige in our superior gear. This has been shown by our diminishing return on content 2 tie [..]
2:21 pm, July 25, 2014
And it was awesome!! We wiped twice at the very end (it's really challenging) but a DPS volunteered to Tank and we won. The reason I am making a thread about it is because of two things.
1.I noticed [..]
2:21 am, July 25, 2014
EDIT: And now the UI is back within minutes... is this to be expected until tomorrow's hotfix? Leagues disappearing... Prestige not applying properly...
How can the devs defend not mak [..]
2:21 am, July 24, 2014
So they didn't make a roll back on stuff people bought with glitched Triumphs?
This is really making me wonder why I keep paying to play this game. Why should I spend hours and hours to earn gear an [..]
2:21 pm, July 18, 2014
And no I don't mean as in do the work for them... I mean litterally carry them, like this:
Or this:
Or this:
You get the idea... I mean aside from the Batmobile it's one of the most iconic ways [..]
2:21 am, July 18, 2014
I'm having a hard time making a character and sticking with it. I've always wanted a character to star in mini movies with, but it's hard for me to stick with a certain character, get it to level 30, [..]
2:21 pm, July 17, 2014
Is there a way to search available character names?
I am just saying, it is really annoying having a good idea for a name, getting to the end of Character Creation only for it to say "not av [..]
2:21 pm, July 17, 2014
Please tell me you didn't fix the dom bug for Earth and Rage tanks without removing the 2k cap issue. One bug was making up for the other. Not all tank powers can spec resto and get much benefit from [..]
2:21 am, July 17, 2014
Can we start a petition to quit making earth so op. It's such a newbish power.
Earth PVP-
Every counter knock [..]
2:21 pm, July 16, 2014
Here's a suggestion for the developers or any body that will listen and can make a difference in making this the most awesome game on the block. Some may argue that this is still the most awesome ga [..]
2:21 am, July 15, 2014
How many people have quit the game due to lack of content, only to come back because they missed their online friends? How many people find the bugginess, glitches, constant freezes irritating, but ke [..]