A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




What would you like to see as future content in DCUO?

2:21 pm, October 18, 2014 Personally, I feel that the extent to which magic has been shown in DCUO is mainly with Wonder Woman and Circe, and does not show the rich tapestry of Magic in the DCUO that exists OUTSIDE of these ch [..] View

Why "I" am still upset over the MOV change to Lair Battles.

2:21 am, October 13, 2014 Long read, rant incoming.... As a statement of affiliation I really don't care much for PvP in this game for lots of reason, I generally prefer Legends when I choose to PvP and stay a season behind [..] View

League Request Mail Box Needed

2:21 am, October 12, 2014 We need a mail/message box specifically tailored for leagues, and invite requests for them. This is so that leagues can easily be contacted, in case someone is interested in joining, but no one is [..] View

Idea: PVD (Player vs Devs) Mode

2:21 am, October 11, 2014 I got bored so I thought of a bad idea. PVD stands for Players vs Devs. Basically, anytime a dev is on, they log into this mode if they wish to battle the players. There would be special gear vendors [..] View

I want a Dobby! (DFTBA) - Base elves for DCUO

2:21 am, October 8, 2014 Ok so I was listening to the Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince audiobook (DFTBA) and it gave me an idea. Can we have 'House Elves' for DCUO? Basically an elf/helper that you can send to area's/alerts/r [..] View

What's wrong with the players? Solution?

2:21 am, October 6, 2014 I know, this is one of the many "I complain about this in the forums posts" but i really needed to let it out. I love DCUO it's simply my favorite game, playing with others and by myse [..] View

linkdeath questions

2:21 pm, September 19, 2014 if a player rage quits the game itself ... pressing the power button, purposely closing/quitting DCUO, etc, linkdeath sounds like it'll still hold their spot for ten minutes waiting for them to come b [..] View

Add Black Aura's to the game please

2:21 am, September 18, 2014 Tittle says it all really I am sure villains especially would like this just to give their characters a more shadowy look to themselves and also hero's with ninja styles View

R&D Idea: Transmute Role Gear

2:21 am, September 18, 2014 So, since we can already transmute Exobits, what if a set of Plans, possibly broken up by tier, were added to the game that would allow you to transmute role-gear into either other role-gear or DPS ge [..] View

To Devs: Where does the line get Drawn - Privacy Expectation.

2:21 pm, September 10, 2014 I'm happy to accept an APP that helps the community become more informed, and the displaying of stats is absolutely fine, I have no objection to someone knowing stats because most games in some way sh [..] View

DCUO Optimizations Request

2:21 am, September 10, 2014 DCUO is one of the more engaging games that I've played over the years. It has many things that it offers that other MMO's don't which is why lately I've chosen to spend a great deal of time on this p [..] View

DCUO Hard Mode: A Challenge. Can you do it?

2:21 am, September 9, 2014 DC Universe Online Hard Mode Over the last years people complain about the the difficulty not being high enough or that they get bored with the actual content, here is my proposition to solve their p [..] View

Base Item Packs & Why I Will Not Be Supporting Them

2:21 am, September 7, 2014 Hey all! A little bit of explanation is in order... There's been over 140 dissatisfied replies to Mepp's post announcing the Base Item Packs and his explanation that they are one-time purchases and [..] View

Adding a new teleporter mod

2:21 am, August 25, 2014 Me personally I think there's not enough mods for the teleporter. I think adding a Instance set of teleporter mods will make the game better in the long run. For instance a set for Smallville, Ace c [..] View

The future of support roles in DCUO

2:21 am, August 25, 2014 With everything being done by devs to encourage playing as the dps role I am wondering what the future holds for players who would rather play as a support roles? If you disagree that the devs are e [..] View

The inevitable demise of the support roles.

2:21 pm, August 23, 2014 no heal runs,no tank runs,solo heal runs,solo troll runs.....if you think its bad now....just wait. with the upcoming mainframe upgrades there simply wont be much need for support roles.....any of t [..] View

Some Ideas For Improving The Controller Role

2:21 pm, August 19, 2014 So it is beginning to seem that with a lot of these updates we're seeing powers now gaining the ability to give themselves back some power while DPS'ing. Great. I love it, I'm all for getting rid of [..] View

My Opinion from 1 Month of DCUO (Cont.)

2:21 am, August 19, 2014 TL;DR: i am the great mighty poo and i am going to throw my ~*CURSE WORD*~ at you I would like to share my unbiased opinion on the state of DCUO as someone that has played the game from start to end [..] View

My Opinion from 1 month of DCUO

2:21 pm, August 18, 2014 TL;DR: i am the great mighty poo and i am going to throw my s##t at you I would like to share my unbiased opinion on the state of DCUO as someone that has played the game from start to end in only [..] View

SOE Live DCUO Keynotes Impressions

2:21 am, August 17, 2014 I don't play any other SOE game other than DCUO, but since DCUO is under the care of SOE, I watched all of the keynotes. One thing that immediately struck me was how insignificant DCUO seemed compared [..] View

DPS Role can Evolve into a Survival Role

2:21 pm, August 15, 2014 DPS with support role functions should be welcomed. This concept already does happen when DPS have a support role buff do to the lack of a support role(s) within a group in an instance, but at a lower [..] View

6 Questions About the Healing Roll

2:21 am, August 13, 2014 Hey guys! I have a couple of questions with regard to healing I'd like to ask; but before that, I want to say something. I've been playing this game for a little over a month, and I'm happy to say I'm [..] View

Everyone has a role - LEARN THEM ALL

2:21 pm, August 12, 2014 I don't care if you want to play a tank or not, I don't care if you want to play a troller or not, I don't care if you want to play a healer or not - EVERYONE has a role, and EVERYONE needs to underst [..] View

Solo walk-ins

2:21 am, August 6, 2014 Are there any plans to have some walk-in port for most, if not all the instances in the on-duty tab? At least for T2/3 instances? May not sound like something worth asking, but it's getting irritati [..] View

Your story(ies). Has League Halls changed them?

2:21 pm, August 3, 2014 I love hearing the stories of peoples characters. Threads have gone off before with these but I want to know 2 things this time. 1: Does the story of any of your toons intertwine with the story of a [..] View

League permission glitch, no love for villains

2:21 am, August 3, 2014 Since the update many leagues on villain side have been glitched, the permissions won't work and there is now the inability to kick members I am aware that 99.9% of the gms and we'll know players are [..] View

Pretty please with ice cream and sprinkles on top

2:21 pm, August 2, 2014 Dear Developers of this wonderful game, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman pale in comparison. The real heroes are the likes of Loche, Tunso, Crafty Crafter, Spytle and Mepps and anybody else associate [..] View

Discendo Discimus Console 1st!

2:21 pm, July 31, 2014 Despite the interruption we all had Wednesday that completely disrupted our plans to be first, DD pulled together still and pushed ourselves to make sure we were at least console first to get a League [..] View

Does Fire Need Restoration?

2:21 am, July 24, 2014 Since fire tanks heal themselves, does fire need to spec into restoration as well and/or crit heal chance and magnitude. Or do you just respec into dominance and health? View

Invalid Names, not really invalid

2:21 am, July 20, 2014 Okay, so I am super big on names.Like, thats one of the most important, cannot overlook features of a character, the name.It really ****** me off when I finally think of a good one, and it is taken.Wh [..] View

Hated To Do It But For The First Time Since October Of 2011 I Am No Longer Legendary

2:21 pm, July 16, 2014 Hated to drop the sub and lose the $29.99 3 month subscription but a few factors played into my decision. The biggest being money. If you remember, I posted a thread about buying a motor home. Well, I [..] View

******* Squad / Justice League Task Force - Extreme Missions

2:21 pm, July 16, 2014 Here's a suggestion for the developers or any body that will listen and can make a difference in making this the most awesome game on the block. Some may argue that this is still the most awesome ga [..] View

My League Is Not Recruiting...is Yours?

2:21 pm, July 16, 2014 My league has a nice base of players that play frequently together... There is also a few little sub-groups of players that play with each other... And still, even a few players that don't play wit [..] View

kicking people, too much player power

2:21 am, July 14, 2014 I know this has come up but obviously someone needs to make an adjustment (developers). In a matter of 1 hour I was kicked twice from instances. I can say with all honesty I was doing my part to help [..] View

Revel in Villainy/Heroism

2:21 am, July 3, 2014 When playing as a villain, I would love to earn a reputation represented by infamy. What this would mean is I can (at some point) expect a random encounter from one of the DC icons that has been assig [..] View

Anyone excited about Survival Mode?

2:21 am, June 26, 2014 Because I'm not. I am happy that those who want a challenge will have something to frustrate themselves with since they have been waiting a long time with only teases here and there. I am happy there [..] View

Halls of Power: What do you want to see?

2:21 am, June 24, 2014 Hey all, In anticipation of the Halls of Power DLC I thought I'd post to see what other people are looking forward to in that update. I myself have always been a big fan of bases and I'm really hopi [..] View

DCUO Problem Solving

2:21 pm, June 23, 2014 Hi everyone. DCUO is and will always be a great game, however its heading down a dark road of late. One of the biggest problems its faces is the decline of support roles. Now we are becoming a game [..] View

Instant power healing is gluttony

2:21 am, June 23, 2014 As a troll, I don't even need to begin to explain my less than pleasant encounters in the game. Everyone has an opinion on how to troll and insists on conformity. The instant power healing, imo, det [..] View

Analysis on AM's and how Dot's compare

2:21 am, June 22, 2014 Ok.. ive been very,very livid lately on the way the AM of Dots are getting treated compared to other AM's, in my honest opinion it just isnt fair or balanced from a player standpoint. I will only be c [..] View

All Quiet On The Developer Front

2:21 am, June 21, 2014 I notice today they have been exceptionally quiet... I gotta say I can see why from what happened yesterday... I ain't on a lie I've been critical towards the devs during the earth revamp through la [..] View

The Truth As I See It: Awesome Mechanic's Exclusion Rules

2:21 am, June 21, 2014 I've written a lot on this matter in the last 2-ish days. So much so, that I feel the need to put it all in one place in a semi orderly and respectful fashion. Dot Stacking as an Awesome Mechanic?: [..] View

WM - Want it to really work?

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 Posted this in another thread in a different forum section, but I think its worth having its own topic here. If people were to be able to use abilities to deal much more potent damage, while incurri [..] View

Why having a Walk-in to every instance is a good thing.

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 If we were to have a walk-in teleporter for every instance it would do a few things. This would allow the top end players looking for rare style to run any instances solo or with a small group or f [..] View

Sugestions to Improve leagues

2:21 am, June 16, 2014 These are some ideas I had on how to improve leagues and league mangment in the game 1 put a confirmation screen preferably in red you have to push confirm on to leave league to prevent accidental l [..] View

Stop increasing restoration on non-healer gear.

2:21 am, June 15, 2014 Want healers included again? Take away a groups ability to heal themselves constantly without a healer. Nerf the heal from the sidekick and supply drops. The T5 raids were hard enough to require hi [..] View

GU38 - Removal of Hard Stuns and what it means to you. (PvE)

2:21 am, June 15, 2014 Since Hard Stuns wont be removed from PvP, this is strictly for the PvE side. The simple explanation is that you will not have to worry about match NPCs cheating. The long answer would be. Match N [..] View

Base Item Versions

2:21 am, June 11, 2014 After hard long looks at the game, I've seen some amazing stuff...that are not base items. In my base I have a sink, picnic table, and a a couple of other things to make it feel like a "normal [..] View

A plea to the devs: We don't want dramatic changes to the game mechanics

2:21 am, June 9, 2014 I think I can speak on behalf of a lot of long time players, both long time PvPers, and long time PvErs. We do not want constant dramatic change to the game mechanics. It is one thing to do revamps [..] View

Why do overgeared players have such a god komplex

2:21 pm, June 8, 2014 So im playing with my alt recently and run pretty often into overgeared players in those lower tier alerts. So here is the things i've noticed so far. Like 50 % i ran into those overgeared players d [..] View

An Open Challenge for TD

2:21 am, June 4, 2014 I am admitting it right here and now. I am sick and tired of this subject being dragged out and beaten to ***** as far as the alert being too easy, having to snub other roles in the group (whether it [..] View

A Name Fit For One's Corps

2:21 am, June 4, 2014 Hi there, everyone. I've been trying for a long while to create a human Lantern character, and I equally love both the Sinestro Corps and Green Lantern Corps, however...I'm not sure what to do for [..] View

Power Mastery

2:21 pm, June 2, 2014 This would be implemented for characters that are role-played as NOT being weapon proficient as some DC iconic characters are more tailored to just using their powers and abilities. The way it [..] View

Devs need to do something about nerf threads

2:21 pm, May 31, 2014 This is seriously getting old Devs. You guys say nerf threads are not allowed yet from the opening of this forum I have seen many a threads saying to nerf powers, weapons, or content. It is time t [..] View

Ladies & Gentleman V1.1

2:21 pm, May 29, 2014 Hello everyone, I have been reading more and more of the same hate threads as of the late and would like to shed some light on what GU 9 was and how it was changed... Game Update 9 was the release [..] View

Honestly Developers....turn a deaf ear on this one

2:21 am, May 28, 2014 You guys created a monster and its time you tame it. Many, many people highlight that you yourselves, cater a little too much to the dps crowd in this game; leading to nick names such as DPSuniverse o [..] View

WHAT??? NO Solo Dpsing???

2:21 am, May 24, 2014 I was wondering lately.... We all been in groups with SOLO HEALER, SOLO TROLL, & SOLO TANK,...Why is it we've NEVER see in LFG chats a for Solo dps's for the new raids when they drop? I mean t [..] View

Book Shelves!.......aw

2:21 am, May 23, 2014 I was browsing the broker just now for new items and I saw book shelves!! I was so happy, then I looked at them and no books on them! They are nice enough looking shelves, but they are empty just like [..] View

Rise up and decadence of powers

2:21 pm, May 22, 2014 Since gu36, I'm playing only 2 powers with my toons, Ice and Hard Light. So I speak only for them and obviously for myself. Weapon Mastery brings to the game an amazing dps, reducing use of powers [..] View

For the Devs: DCUO vs Other MMOs & endgame content

2:21 am, May 21, 2014 This post is meant for the Devs, hopefully you devs take the time to understand what Im trying to explain here and my appreciation of the game. In this post I will talk about: 1. 1.The type of [..] View

Loosing Weapons to Bear Hands for all instances started from On Duty Tab.

2:21 pm, May 17, 2014 Ive raised a support Ticket ( #131219-001048 ) adding screenshots so the support team can troubleshoot, as ever since Update 32 went live I'm no longer able to use weapons within on duty instances. I [..] View

To you who whines about DPS players

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 All this "STUPID DPS PLAYERS this and that", "BUFF 2-2-2-2 and 1-1-1-1", "troll/tank/heals are dying", "REMOVE Roleless Buffs" is gettin [..] View

Tank role is not the damage role

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 Last night I was tanking the t6 alert. All I got time for is to throw out a power to taunt enemies then block. I got a lecture from a pug heal. I'm not doing my job because the controller had more dam [..] View

Alert set ups

2:21 am, May 7, 2014 Why does every one prefer 2 DPS 1 Troll 1 Healer? Do you really value Damage over Safety? Look at all the DPSs taking a knee why put yourselves through that? Damaging is not the same as it once was. I [..] View

Spytle & Liberty- Please Consider WM Cosmetics Sooner Rather Than Later?

2:21 am, May 6, 2014 Hey Devs! Larry Liberty mentioned that the cosmetic features of Weapon Master were not going to be addressed until GU 39 at the earliest. I know that GU37 is slated for Earth's Revamp, and GU38 is [..] View

I'm jealous

2:21 pm, May 2, 2014 after WM update, as fire tank i need much more sp then before to be a good self-healer...i have 180sp and my self-heals are 'good enough'...but i repeat: i have 180sp...with less sp my self-heals woul [..] View

Wonderwoman bugged or not?

2:21 am, May 1, 2014 It seems on the villain side, for the last boss of the alert. You have 15 second intervals between how much damage you can do. When I say that, I mean you can attack wonder woman for at least 15 secon [..] View

The best...Support?

2:21 pm, April 29, 2014 I'm sure we all know the many ways that DPS determine who's "Best" amongst themselves. Damage out, Power In, Overall efficiency etc, and I'm sure we all know some pretty great Healers, [..] View

What it takes to be a Gamer?

2:21 pm, April 29, 2014 Gamers? After seeing this video, I wondered about the conditions needed to be a gamer. This person, as well as many gamer call themselves, they feel very proud to be known in this way. According t [..] View

Possible Game Updates

2:21 pm, April 21, 2014 Hi guys, Here are some things below that I have noticed in my time of playing DCUO on PS3. These are some thing I hope will be fixed in the near future and/or added to the game. Players: Your feedba [..] View

Bugs That Affect General Gameplay Most

2:21 am, April 20, 2014 I'm curious what bugs others think should be fixed that affect you on a regular basis in general gameplay and not just in certain instances. Here are mine: Combat mechanics lag issues. Not network [..] View

Why You Might Be Getting Kicked...the real truth

2:21 am, April 19, 2014 From time to time posts appear from people upset about getting kicked usually from high end raids supposedly unfairly. Often its attributed to them not having the highest gear or using some unorthodox [..] View

Passive Buffs to make 2-2-2-2 viable

2:21 am, April 15, 2014 Before I get inundated with scrubs telling me how I "HAVE NO RITE 2 WELL ME HOW 2 PLAY THIS IS DCUO PLAY UR WAY!!!1!", that's not the intention of this idea. It's to make running a bal [..] View

Mental's Mass Lev , Dazed PI and other powersets

2:21 am, April 12, 2014 With the addition of gadgets getting a slew of PIs that interact with dazed, they have no way to apply it themselves . Earth and mental are the only ones who can apply dazed but in order for mental to [..] View

GU36 And Weapon Mastery: What Does It Do For Fire?

2:21 am, April 12, 2014 It does nothing that it needed to do. Nothing that the Devs implied that it would do. I'll tell you why. Enjoy: GU36 Balance Passes: Animation Times Pass Fire Melee has received barely noticeably [..] View

Running some DLC 10 Content with some info

2:21 am, April 10, 2014 I'll update this post as I run through content. Update #1 - Just ran Wonder Woman Solo - fairly easy until the end - last boss somewhat challenging - overall about as difficult/easy as the existin [..] View

Paradox Wave affects players who get migraines.

2:21 pm, April 5, 2014 So, my league finally decided to test the waters of Paradox Wave. We have been practicing on Nexus and getting really good. (We aren't a hardcore league. So we will be behind the curve.) We don't re [..] View


2:21 pm, April 5, 2014 We all read threads were players are criticized for their actions in-game, but this thread's purpose is to show the caring/nice/kind/helpful side of the community! If a player has been nice or helpf [..] View

Home Base Trinkets. Overhaul?

2:21 am, April 4, 2014 I have not seen many Sidekicks, Henchmen, or even the Orbital Strike's lately. I know Tanks don't like Sidekicks in raids, Henchmen float towards bosses in raids and melt after 1-2 seconds of combat, [..] View

Can we try not judging people by their numbers?

1:21 am, March 23, 2014 i have a healer on the usps server, who's cr 97, still finding it hard to get into groups. i'm tolerating it, but i would like to bring up a question to the community. Can we not judge people by the [..] View

What's the deal on these new soda prices?

1:21 pm, March 18, 2014 Like what the Hell? Are you guys serious?$2100 for a SODA we already can't make ourselves??????? This is what you do to loyal premium subscribers? This doesn't make me want to sub. This makes me wha [..] View

Lights Power Over Time (POT)

1:21 pm, March 15, 2014 To me it seems when they were making Light they wanted to introduce you to power comboing from power point 1. Both Light Claws and Boxing power combo just by themselves. It looks like they wanted your [..] View

No Response From Server, Invalid Session, Connection To Character Login, etc

1:21 am, March 14, 2014 When you get these messages No Response From Server Invalid Session or Stuck At Connecting To Character Login This is very common during Servers Down times and Maintenance When Maintenance Is Going [..] View

So no Hero Bashing Fest at Superman Memorial this Year?

1:21 pm, March 12, 2014 I thought I was not logging in early enough and missing out on all the action, but it's pretty dead at the Superman Memorial this St Patty's day event. In the past it was a brawl fest at the park this [..] View

Good things for GU35?

1:21 pm, March 8, 2014 Game Update 35 is coming and everyone is seeing the negative side of this. Since they are reducing the time to jump cancel, everyone is getting worked up about it and how it will drastically affect th [..] View

Healers MIGHT need a little more damage.

1:21 am, March 5, 2014 I'm not saying that they need to overtake the damage role or start pwning entire raids by themselves (pure heal group is quite spectacular btw) but healers need to at least be able to defend themselve [..] View

Devs Request: might buffs similar to reinforce, bloodlust, ect.

1:21 am, March 4, 2014 Ive recently switched back to a might based power from rage. Prec powersets have powers that buff themselves, but might powers do not, outside of nature. Ice and Electric are two that come to mind. Ic [..] View

Dear Dev's, aesthetic adjustments?

1:21 pm, February 28, 2014 Dear Dev's, This is a thread more designed to ask questions of why not? so that I can better understand the governance of this game. I love this game, I think the mechanics are good, the content i [..] View

If A League Member Doesn't Know Their Role, TEACH THEM!

1:21 pm, February 24, 2014 WARNING - The following is a long message and may be considered a rant... First of all, I signed up but never posted on here because I took a 6-month plus hiatus from DCUO from about the time Home [..] View

Improving DCUO - Re: Speech / Scorecard

1:21 pm, February 18, 2014 I was just looking at an interesting write-up connecting the 5 stages of grief with how people handle groups in DCUO. I find it very intriguing how social interaction happens in DCUO compared to othe [..] View

3vs3 and FFA

1:21 pm, February 18, 2014 Why cant we have 3vs3 maps and free for all maps I understand that free for all maybe be alot more difficult but could we please have 3vs3 maps idk why there isn't any 3vs3 maps yet how hard is it to [..] View

HL PoT and Defense Debuff

1:21 pm, February 14, 2014 This thread is meant to bring to light(sorry for the play on words but I couldn't help myself) some deficiencies in the HL powerset on the trolling side of the role. If you disagree please save that [..] View

Well how bout some competitive pve??

1:21 am, February 12, 2014 Hi guys, (Warning: wall of -hopefully interesting- text coming) Well first off i can't believe I've posted 1000 messages this past year. So to celebrate, i thought I'd post an idea I've had for [..] View

Please pass this on!

1:21 pm, February 11, 2014 Ever since Assault and Battery came out, i've been running it on average 10 times a day. Guess I finally found a use for my thousands of replay badges I first did it at CR 99, back when they were fir [..] View

Are Other Leagues Dying Too?

5:41 am, February 11, 2014 In the Aristocrats and with other leagues I've noticed is that they're dying. In-game that is. Outside of the game we all have each other on LINE and on Kik or whatever and we all still talk, but the [..] View

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