A Fan Site for DC Universe Online - News, Guides and Discussions




Last GU shrank View/Draw Distance?

2:21 am, October 18, 2014 I play the PC version of the game, and having a really nice graphics card, I have always played the game in 1080 with all settings maxed. I have also played this game since launch and the range that t [..] View

Red and green shadows

2:21 am, October 17, 2014 How come that all the graphics are separeted in red and green shadows? Is it possible to turn it off? My graphic card is a GeForce GTX 670. Thanks in advance for any input. View

Request for hand blaster animation change for Munitions

2:21 am, October 17, 2014 Please, please, please. Instead of a beam that comes from the hands please have it so the animation is like guns attached to the forearms. It should be fairly simple. The hand blaster singular (tap, t [..] View

Dear Devs: About The 'Accidental Perfection' Feat...

2:21 am, October 16, 2014 ... are we missing something? I don't need you to tell me what it is specifically ... I'd just like to know if there really is some sort of graphical/audial/numerical hint that exists for getting th [..] View

ISSUE: The game gets slow - El juego se vuelve lento

2:21 pm, October 14, 2014 Buenas, resulta que me he vuelto a instalar DC universe porque estuve haciendo limpieza y me puse Windows 8.1. Bien, pues llevo descargado el juego 2 veces, 1 por steam y otro por el launcher oficial [..] View

DCUO Social Graph is now wavedox.com

2:21 pm, October 14, 2014 Thanks to all of you who provided great feedback, "DCUO Social Graph" has evolved to wavedox.com. Featuring: - New name inspired by the awesome raid Paradox Wave - New color scheme [..] View

Tip: DCUO on Mac and Ubuntu

2:21 pm, October 13, 2014 Sup guys, I posted something similar to this for EQ2 here, so I'll just copy, update and paste the information below. Right now I will focus most of my time on EQ2, but I'll switch back to DC nex [..] View

An idea for improving the vault/lockbox loot tables.

2:21 pm, September 22, 2014 So for improving the vault, instead of the same old green style drops we always get how about we get consumables... And no I don't mean lame consumables like what players were complaining about gettin [..] View

Using Census for the benefit of all

2:21 am, September 22, 2014 Using Census for the benefit of all I've been reading the various kinds of feedback on the tools Sore and I have been working on lately, from grateful and kind words to frustrations and concerns. So [..] View

Windows 8.1 Pro DCUO Render Errors- Solutions Please!

2:21 pm, September 18, 2014 I recently updated my operating system to Windows 8.1 Pro, caving in to the computer's demand that i upgrade my windows 8 OS to 8.1 Pro. I loaded up DCUO with no problems until i got into the game. i [..] View

Windows Update and Graphics Card Capabilities

2:21 am, September 18, 2014 PLEASE GEEKS OF THE FORUMS HELP ME So my brother has the error with the graphics card not being capable when trying to play DC Universe. I understand how and why what to do to fix that error. The pro [..] View

Earning your DCUO Name

2:21 pm, September 13, 2014 After researching some names and using the DCUO Social Graph to see if they were available I have come to these propositions: A. The naming of your Avatar occurs after you have reached level 30 and [..] View

A minor gripe

2:21 am, September 9, 2014 As much as I love this game, and I do. I have found a few things that I want to put out there that, personally, bug me. 1. The "Teen" shape for characters. Why do they have to look l [..] View

lots of lag since last update 40

2:21 am, September 5, 2014 I've been gettin lots of lag since dcuo update 40. game play freezes for like 5 to 10 secs. when fighting. Can't access menu , or get into zones with out another 15 sec delay. Toned down graphics a [..] View

Dps Powerset

2:21 am, August 29, 2014 Just a thought. Based on population census; Keeping in mind with respec power tokens sold. Game direction and development. Precentage fraction of support roles actually being played and the trend patt [..] View

So, I'd like to discuss this data...rationally, please

2:21 am, August 21, 2014 This graph was posted by Spytle in another thread, which was locked due to going off-topic. I thought it appropriate to create a specific, on-topic thread to discuss it. I understand that the Dev [..] View

Been playing DCUO on PS3 for almost 4 years now

2:21 pm, August 17, 2014 But I finally decided to quit, after 6 level 30 characters and seen the game change so drastically. Some good, some bad. In the beginning it wasn't so hard to level up to level 30 by yourself. And [..] View

Strange Lag Spikes

2:21 am, August 12, 2014 So my desktop is getting strange lag spikes that aren't present on my laptop. It's really strange because it seems to be specific enemies/locations. The T3 Circe's Stronghold (the moment one of the rh [..] View

A Quick Shoutout to the DCUO Sound Team

2:21 am, August 12, 2014 In my humble opinion, the DCUO Sound Team gets overlooked far too often. I know that I personally don't even hear their work most nights because I usually have the game sound turned down so that I ca [..] View

Weird graphical issue

2:21 pm, August 10, 2014 Has anybody else experienced a strange graphical error when entering your base? My base (tech style only, cave works properly) is showing up pitch black with no details except for the lights. I can [..] View

Halls of Power Part I: Investigations and Briefing locations?

2:21 am, August 9, 2014 Is there a map guide for Investigations & Briefings? Update: Mementos of Mister Miracle Collection: Autographed Photograph Broken Shackle Escape Diagram First Appearance Poster Crumple [..] View

What changed for the past few hours?

2:21 am, August 6, 2014 Playing DCU for like 3-4 days everything running smoothly including today untill this very momment i get this message "Your graphics card is not capable enough for this game (VendorID=0x10DE, [..] View

major disconnect!

2:21 am, August 2, 2014 I,m having major dc issues my computer is an alienware with only 34% of memory used as of right now and all it keeps doin in dcin me wth only happened since the update! can anyone help? my graphics ca [..] View


2:21 pm, July 28, 2014 Hi all, I got a ps4 over the weekend and thought I would download dc online again the game plays amazingly I can't honestly notice much difference with the graphics but it runs so smoothly and mobs d [..] View

The Ultimate LAG FREE! Guaranteed 100%

2:21 am, July 21, 2014 guys this is for you all. if you are in trouble with screen stuttering, lags of every kind etc and so on, so this is for you! two steps will make your pc run so fast like 200 Fps and so smooth. [..] View

Oldest Surviving Leagues

2:21 pm, July 16, 2014 I just need names, not entire biographies. 'Ello, this is just a simple request. I'm a player from near the start of DCUO and sense then, I've seen many powerful leagues...end. I was strolling down [..] View

graphic processor question

2:21 am, July 16, 2014 First off if this is the wrong place for this i apologize. currently i am using a laptop with an amd radeon graphics processor that according to can you run it beat out what is required. but at th [..] View


2:21 am, July 8, 2014 i am trying to downloand the pc version and it tells me about it cant download cause my graphics card is not capatable with it. how to i change that under my settings View

Phase change, please...?

2:21 pm, June 30, 2014 Is it possible to ask for a menu option that let us change phases (NOT pve to pvp and vice-versa), when graphic rendering becomes too glitchy? I (and everyone else I've asked) are weary of having to g [..] View

New Player Question =)

2:21 pm, June 27, 2014 Can I play this game smoothly at low / mid graphic setting? I really like this game,still downloading at 10% atm and really hoping to play the game soon . This is my computer diagnostic report by Raz [..] View

FPS/Audio issue

2:21 am, June 27, 2014 Hey folks. I'm having an issue where, after anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, performance drops, audio stutters, and I have to restart. It's awful, because after multiple tries to give this game [..] View

guys please help when i open the game error

2:21 pm, June 23, 2014 Error Your graphics card is not capable enough for this game (VendorID=0x8086, DeviceID=0x29C2, Name=Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family) why? how i open the game please [..] View

We Need Jobs. Some Ideas.

2:21 am, June 22, 2014 The economy is broken in the game, and things are too expensive. I believe many players would love to have in-game jobs to help cope with the expensive needs of modding and repairs. Add various jobs [..] View

Strange Issue

2:21 pm, June 21, 2014 Apologies if this has already been posted. Ran into a strange error tonight. I'm guessing a graphics glitch or something? Trying to complete a mission in the brainiac incursion zone in Gotham. Enemies [..] View

At my breaking point...

2:21 pm, June 20, 2014 I have tried just being patient and seeing if this fixed itself on its own, but apparently not. I can't 100% tell you the error i'm having because I've never seen this occur in any mmo I have ever pl [..] View

Lags Lags Lags Lags....

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 im so frustrated about this game. i play more online games and this one is the only one i lag. once i could play very well since up36 and dlc 10 the lags appear. i already did all what its possible t [..] View

PS3 Lag Issues...

2:21 pm, June 19, 2014 I understand these issues may have been discussed in the past, but I do not think they have been properly addressed. The getting stuck in the graphics after porting to HoD or watchtower issue I get, i [..] View

Overgeared players are RUINING this game!

2:21 pm, June 18, 2014 Dear Sony: Do you not play your own game? Are you not concerned about the integrity of the game, or the in-game experience that comes with it? I quit DCU a year ago because overgeared players were r [..] View

attack but no damg error again ??

2:21 pm, June 17, 2014 hi all, kindly refer to the link below: https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/attack-but-no-damage.206549/ im also encountering the same error again despite suggestion given by [..] View

PS4 (MY opinion)

2:21 pm, June 16, 2014 I just got a PS4 yesterday. Only game uploaded so far is DCUO. Been playing on PS3 since Halloween or so. PS4 is such a vast improvement, it is almost a different game. Controller and comboing see [..] View

3D Graphics?

2:21 am, June 15, 2014 My DCUO client is all in offset red and blue, as if for 3D glasses. I cannot include a screenshot as they appear normal. Can someone tell me how to turn this off? It's been like this since I installed [..] View

Graphical (And extremely annoying) error

2:21 pm, June 10, 2014 I get a really weird graphical error in both Gotham and in the Watchtower, basically it changes the space-outside bit into some nasty looking graphic bit and then leaves a huge after image when I turn [..] View

Tip of Hat, Wag of Finger..PS3 PLYRS MUST READ!

2:21 pm, June 8, 2014 Yeah yeah, I stole that from Colbert, but whatever. I just got a PS4 & felt I NEEDED to make this. Tip of the Hat: WOW, just WOW. The graphics, the smoothness! All the things I'm doing [..] View

Stick to ps3 or switch to pc?

2:21 pm, May 31, 2014 Hey guys, so I don't really know which thread to put this in so I decided to put it here. So I have been playing dcuo on the ps3 for almost a year now, and it has been a lot of fun. I spent many hours [..] View

Combat Log Analyzer (new url)

2:21 am, May 31, 2014 I updated this tool again and also created a shortened url for it: http://bit.ly/dcuoinfo It is a tool which parses your combat log and produces tables and graphs. PS3/PS4 users can also use it for [..] View

Timing will **** dcuo, be ready

2:21 am, May 30, 2014 I have been on this game since it's inception and actually really like the changes. Weapon mastery, armories, unattunded gear, unlock able feats I am a big fan. I just sit here with gu 37 taking 3 we [..] View

Is it compatible?

2:21 pm, May 26, 2014 I am looking to purchase this graphics card, and I am wondering if it will be able to run DCUO. GeForce GTX 660 3GB from EVGA http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-660 Game De [..] View

disconnecting way to much

2:21 am, May 21, 2014 I have been disconnected twice in less than 2 hours today. My computer has VERY high graphics processing and has a very fast processor so it's not my computers fault. Please fix this ASAP!!! View

Characters Flashing Black

2:21 am, May 19, 2014 Video of problem. Windows 7 64 bit ATI r9 290x 8 gigs ram Recently started to play DCUO because of the new all access but I'm getting a graphical glitch where other characters keep flashing blac [..] View

graphic card problem

2:21 am, May 19, 2014 i have a problem. my problem is when i want to start the game on my pc. a error pops up and says your graphics card is not capable enough for this game (vendor id=ox0000, deviceid=0x0000, name =) [..] View

Retro-Tech Rocket (back style) Graphic Not Working

2:21 pm, May 14, 2014 I've had a retro-tech back piece (rocket pack) since forever...and it never had a rocket exhaust graphic. Ever. Then today someone is standing next to me at the bank - and THEIR identical retro-tec [..] View

Any tips for LAG?

2:21 am, May 13, 2014 Ever since the last GU i get extremely bad lag/FPS drop after about 40 minutes of game time and i have to log out/back in for it to be normal again. Ive NEVER had this problem in all my 3 years of p [..] View

Has graphic requirements for the pc changed since february?

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 BeforeAfterI posted another topic asking about a problem with my graphics before well now I have talked to support and was wondering if anything has changed since I played in february because they tol [..] View

Problems forcing AA through nVidia Control Panel

2:21 pm, May 9, 2014 I'm looking for a solution to a minor but extremely aggravating problem I've had with the game forever. I've got a GeForce 660Ti card and the game looks pretty jaggy even with everything maxed. I've r [..] View

New movement types OP.?

2:21 pm, May 4, 2014 Which movement type that we don't have do you think would be the best. Type yes for another movement type type no for no new movement types. Don't give me a paragraph explain action on why. Have fun a [..] View

A MMO Vet's GU36 Opinion

2:21 am, May 2, 2014 Hey guys, my thoughts on this new updated. Keep in mind that I started playing MMO RPGS when the 1st everyquest came out. The difficulty of content on DCUO has never been there. 1st. I play gadgets [..] View

'The Bat-Crave' event the solution to everyones problems

2:21 pm, April 30, 2014 Almost every player that doesnt have it wants it, and almost every player that doesnt want (or doesnt wear it) has it YES im talking about the Batman-Inspired Mask BUT WAIT I have a solution that will [..] View

Graphics card question

2:21 am, April 19, 2014 So I decided to give DC a shot on my pc, but when I tried to install it i got this error saying my graphics card is not capaple: (vendor id=ox0000, deviceid=0x0000, name =) I have no idea what the 0s [..] View

If anyone is having issues installing game or updates READ

2:21 pm, April 17, 2014 was the installation program downloaded with FIREFOX, cause thats what u should use... and anti virus you should not have any antivirus but MSE Microsoft security essentials, and CC cleaner... thats a [..] View

DCUO Graphics on PC VS PS4

2:21 am, April 12, 2014 Sony has not said anything about the graphics on the PS4 compared to the PC but has said that the PS4 version of Planetside 2 will be PC on max settings so does this mean that the PS4 version of DCUO [..] View

graphics card issue

2:21 pm, April 8, 2014 ok so was playin on my pc dcuo for a long period with same video card etc... and this morning i get this message Your graphics card is not capable enough for this game (VendorID=0x10DE, DeviceID=0x12 [..] View

I could use some advice on creating a particular costume, please...

2:21 am, April 8, 2014 As a few of you may be aware, I recently created as one of my alts the Modern Age, Pre-New 52 version of Johnny Quick from the Crime Syndicate of Amerika as a playable Villain. Next up, I'd like to c [..] View

I enjoy multiplayer so much, that I only just achieved the feat for completing 50 challenges.

2:21 am, April 3, 2014 I really do enjoy multiplayer on-line so much more than just playing a game by myself. I have always like competitive team play, mostly FPS games. I really do enjoy the PVP aspects of DCUO. I hav [..] View

The Misconceptions Between Legendary Members And Premium Players

2:21 am, April 3, 2014 Just to start it off: I am a consistent legendary subscriber For years now, there has been this debate between Premium and Legendary with some rational people sprinkled in. There is also, many false [..] View

Blue Screen of ***** Issue

2:21 pm, April 2, 2014 Dear DCUO staff The 1st time i play DC Universe is when you guys release the F2P patch, and THE most annoying issue that i encountered until now is a BSOD that occur after i play more than 1 hour. Thi [..] View

Last Days of Booster Gold Bundle HOORAY?!

2:21 pm, April 2, 2014 Geez Louise, how many times have you heard I bought 2 bundles And I got 2 Nimbus, or I bought 5 and I got one of each? I've heard someone tell me, my dad bought $100 dollars worth and he got 2 of eac [..] View

Combat Log Analyzer

2:21 pm, April 1, 2014 New version of tool which parses your combat log and produces tables and graphs: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/77793987/c...g_analyzer.html Code is stored and available on a Google project page: http://c [..] View

Putting an SSD in the PS4

2:21 pm, April 1, 2014 Hi guys, do you recommend putting an SSD in the PS4? i just bought one and read about how an SSD can have faster load times and slightly better graphics. anyone here done it? is it complicated? i am [..] View

The GU 36 in a perfect world

2:21 am, March 30, 2014 GU 36 (in a perfect world) Players will notice the following changes, NPC will act according to block breaking and immunity affects similar to players, NPC will no longer be able to attack while blo [..] View

Loading Screen Backgrounds Disappearing on PC

1:21 am, March 28, 2014 Whenever I load into an area, the loading screen background picture displays for a split second, then it disappears to only show a darkened version of where my character and the environment he was jus [..] View

What if the developers made an Successor/sequel to DCUO

1:21 pm, March 23, 2014 Do you think the developers should make a sequel to DCUO ? I sort of think so since PS4 just came out and they can capitalize on some amazing gameplay and graphics! Plus they can take what the have as [..] View

Slow movement animation.

1:21 am, March 19, 2014 Now, all my other games work perfectly and its only this game. I have a new computer with alright to badass graphics card. Graphics card: Nividia geforce 750ti PNY Processor: AMD fx tm-8300 eight co [..] View

DC Crash After Splash

1:21 am, March 19, 2014 I'm having the same problem a lot of people seem to be having, the game crashes after the logo bits. I've validated files, uninstalled and reinstalled, everything on my pc is up to date and my pc runs [..] View

Need Help! Getting 10 to 20 FPS in Raids

1:21 am, March 7, 2014 I have the new Surface Pro 2. My system Configuration is as follows: Processor: Intel i5-4300U 2.50 GHz Ram: 8 GB Graphic Card: Intel HD 4400 512 GB SSD Even at low resolution settings such [..] View

[DCUO] System Requirements (PC) for DC Universe Online

1:21 am, February 28, 2014 System Requirements (PC) Here are the current minumum PC system requirements to run DC Universe Online. Operating System: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) CPU / Processor: P4 3.0GHz or AMD equivalent RAM [..] View

PS4 Graphics question from issue.

1:21 am, February 24, 2014 Does anyone else on the PS4 get blue block shadows around some objects in DCUO. I get a blue transparent boxes around certain objects. Kal-el ship in BIA had blue shadow boxes around it, the explosion [..] View

VSYNC and Anti-Aliasing

1:21 pm, February 23, 2014 hello, all games under 10 years have anti-aliasing and a frame rate of 60 FPS on vsync. DC universe has a limitation of 30 FPS under Vsync. and without Vsync, the game is not playable. it is as if th [..] View

Improving DCUO - Re: Speech / Scorecard

1:21 pm, February 18, 2014 I was just looking at an interesting write-up connecting the 5 stages of grief with how people handle groups in DCUO. I find it very intriguing how social interaction happens in DCUO compared to othe [..] View

Took the dive and SSD'ed my PS4.... Took some times before & after....

1:21 am, February 17, 2014 Well as some of you know awhile back DeadMeat made a post on how they had to make changes to the unreal engine to pull much of the information off the HDD on the PS3 because of it's lack of memory... [..] View

Having control problems?

1:21 am, February 16, 2014 Hi I'm new here but I did beta test this game before it came out, on my old computer. I have the game installed and I finally managed to create a character in spite of the fact that I don't have a [..] View

Very slow FPS and choppy, but my system exceed the requirements

1:21 pm, February 15, 2014 Hi, I've recently updated my Graphics Card and my monitor from a nVidia GT 220 to a Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 and from a 1280x1024 resolution to a 1920x1080 resolution. I checked my benchmarks on CanY [..] View

The anomaly with the anomalies

1:21 pm, February 12, 2014 First off, I'd been hoping for PvE with legends toons forevs... So I'm super stoked that we have this things (truly the only reason I bought Origin Crisis DLC... AFTER WotL popped) and before this thr [..] View

Super"man" Statue?

5:41 am, February 11, 2014 I think the graphics team needs to provide superman with the appropriate surgery... View

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