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Game Crashes

2:21 pm, July 29, 2014 DCUO usually runs fairly well on my computer, I know from experience to expect maybe one crash every few days, its not that big of a deal. From what I understand this happens to a lot of players. My [..] View

graphic processor question

2:21 am, July 16, 2014 First off if this is the wrong place for this i apologize. currently i am using a laptop with an amd radeon graphics processor that according to can you run it beat out what is required. but at th [..] View

They did not take away hardstuns..

2:21 am, July 1, 2014 I still can't breakout from a counter as supposed in this update Knockdowns inflicted by interrupts, block breakers and blocking can now be escaped with Breakout. Also note that although the &# [..] View

Server down for 1hr now - fixing the League bug?

2:21 pm, June 17, 2014 So, USPC server's been down longer than usual - I assume they're fixing the League bug, but nothing noted anywhere (that I could find at least) to suggest this, and no hotfix notes etc. Hoping to ca [..] View

Proposed Changes to certain Iconic Powers

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 Please THUMBS UP so we can get a Dev to see this! Ok so as DCUO continues to work on balancing powers and giving users more options for DPS and support roles, I believe that revamping certain Iconic [..] View

Earth and Damage Absorption being Dead

2:21 am, May 12, 2014 I cant reply to the feedback of course but a lot of people are saying earth's damage absorption side of tanking is dead. Sure i cant say what are the changes on the test server but there is something [..] View

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