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Modding an Earth Tank (PvE & PvP)...

2:21 am, October 20, 2014 I'm currently saving the few extra drops I get from the raids to eventually go Tank with my Earth Toon (Khalon)...but I haven't the foggiest idea on how to mod for Earth Tanking. The same goes for PvP [..] View

artifact tanking

2:21 am, October 19, 2014 im a rage tank and I got my cr up enough to tank artifact today. the first part was easy I tanked the adds in the lower right corner and tanked the 1 boss in the upper left corner but then he would te [..] View

Ever Since Weapon Mastery i.....

2:21 pm, October 12, 2014 dont enjoy DPSing. I used to dps because it was the most active and difficult role, and I'm very good at video games. BUT now with weapon mastery, max damage is produced by repetitive and extremely no [..] View

How Many Times Do We Have To Bring Up Ice's Broken Shields?

2:21 pm, October 10, 2014 Winter Ward drops aggro. Bitter Winds IS NOT providing shielding. How's Earth tanking doing? I need to switch to something else so I can have maximum survivability in Survival Mode, and I don't know [..] View

tanking the boss

2:21 am, October 2, 2014 been playing as a healer lately but i also have played all of the roles as well to see whats its like tanks,troll,dps now 1.when tanking the boss why is it that alot of tanks do not use their tau [..] View

Why You Are Out of Power (Hint: It's not the troller)

2:21 am, October 2, 2014 I've been a power-set jumper & an Alt junkie for quite some time now. The beauty of it is that it allows you to see the game from every perspective - tanking, healing, dps'ing .... and trollin [..] View

How Do People Finish Excluding Healers?

2:21 am, September 28, 2014 Themyscira Divided I understand; it's tough without a healer, but doable. I have yet to finish Intergang Crime Wave without a healer, though. Joined a group today; the player making the group wanted a [..] View

Just a bit of tanking advice..

2:21 pm, September 26, 2014 I tank a lot and let me state clearly: I am not saying I'm the best tank in the world. However, being a tank, I kinda look at things from that perspective even when I'm playing another role and someon [..] View

What's the strategy for General Kraze?

2:21 pm, September 26, 2014 He's not teleporting to the farthest person anymore, and it seems like he's just teleporting to whoever in the group now. The one time when 2 tanking was a viable strategy, the devs remove it. Why? View

Top DPS vs Top Played Powers

2:21 am, September 21, 2014 With the Census data out I wanted to see if there was any correlation between what I believe are top DPS powers vs Top Played powers (CR over 103). Here is what I found: Top DPS Powers (broken int [..] View

Fire tanking using inferno

2:21 am, September 10, 2014 I wanted to create a thread that was constructive and generate some feedback amongst fire tanks about revisiting a frowned upon skill- inferno to tank mobs in these new t6 raids and ops. Because it wa [..] View

Please Be nice to the Tank. its a "tankless" job:)

2:21 pm, September 8, 2014 I run every role and enjoy doing so with my friends. I pug every role often and enjoy doing so EXCEPT Tanking. Yesterday I was doing Necro, my toon is totally geared, I have run everything with my l [..] View

The silent run

2:21 pm, September 2, 2014 I can admit I'm not very talkative in a pug group but I call out when someone is down or if something is about to happen. I ran Artifact yesterday and it was a ghost town , the first part of the raid [..] View

Unless You're a Tank, Stop Acting Like One Please

2:21 am, August 29, 2014 I understand that some people are awesome at meleeing and not interfering with the tank's duties. I also know controllers can sometimes get away with going ahead and crowd controlling enemies if thing [..] View

Something I found in intergang

2:21 pm, August 25, 2014 In the final boss battle if you go to the left console and stand on it in the right position Bruno will be unable to perform some attacks on you. You will still be effected by the following: -Bruno's [..] View

Controller Revamp Idea educated discussion

2:21 am, August 22, 2014 Well since the beginning of DCUO, trollers always complaing about being just batteries. Thwy have the ability to crowd control but that effects tanking. If a troller stunn adds they can not be pulled [..] View

Why isn't Gadgets getting the Pet Power AM?

2:21 pm, August 19, 2014 It is the one power in the game that is screaming for it and it makes the most sense. The suppressor turret is a staple in most Gadget DPS loadouts anyway. Why not make it the go-to mechanic and ti [..] View

Everyone has a role - LEARN THEM ALL

2:21 pm, August 12, 2014 I don't care if you want to play a tank or not, I don't care if you want to play a troller or not, I don't care if you want to play a healer or not - EVERYONE has a role, and EVERYONE needs to underst [..] View

League Hall: Lockdown 50min run + Lets get dangerous feat!

2:21 am, August 8, 2014 Thanks to ZER0 ELITE (DPS/Tank), Mr BeefCakes (DPS), Wonder Minaj(Heal), Kody Derp(Heal), The FifthElement(Troll), The Rican(Troll) and Moxy Rocks for awesome tanking! Good run guys. Heres a link View

So About the T6 Alert group lineup controversy

2:21 am, July 31, 2014 I hear these big three a lot. 2 DPS 1 Troll 1 Tank 2 DPS 1 Troll 1 Healer 1 DPS 1 Troll 1 Healer 1 Tank Listen man, if you're a good player with a group of guys who're good, you can do it with most [..] View

is anybody else mad about this?

2:21 pm, July 26, 2014 im pretty po'd fire tanking is getting the shaft again with this update. its pretty freaking obvious its not on par with ice and rage. i mean come on devs people have complained since gu23 about fire [..] View

Let's play....."Name That Glitch"!

2:21 pm, July 25, 2014 Okay, there's plenty of posts about what isn't working right now. Not gonna start another one. Instead, how about we call out some of the glitches that we actually had fun with in the past? My top [..] View

so....fire...(devs read)

2:21 pm, July 24, 2014 The cast time powers and subpar...they need to give a huge payoff, because we get interrupted a lot...fireburst is horrid...the damage needs to be buffed...mass det needs to have more consistent high [..] View

History Repeats Itself For The Fire Community

2:21 am, July 19, 2014 It is rather disappointing to be honest. The utter irony of it all gets to me. It angers me. Did the Devs not even acknowledge the mistakes they made in the first fire revamp. A year and 4 months ago, [..] View

Tanking Sm as Fire

2:21 am, July 13, 2014 I have always been a defender of the fire nation , I remember how hard it was trying to get a PUG group when Nexus first came out. I changed the minds of many people who said fire tanks sucked . Fi [..] View

No more Kiddie content

2:21 pm, July 10, 2014 My hopes for the future are for more stimulating content geared towards the adult DCUO player not the 6 to 14 year old bracket. We have enough faceroll content already to appease an army of kiddies. [..] View

Fire revamp leaves tank side cold

2:21 pm, July 10, 2014 This is really what they're doing? No tank buff improvements whatsoever? My first power was fire and was so looking forward to this revamp to improve fire tanking. So disappointed. Pleases do somethin [..] View

Survival Mode Set up Idea's

2:21 am, July 8, 2014 After reading a few Survival Mode Set up threads i decided to go at it and look at things from a Different perspective. I'm proposing a unique way to build a group instead of basing it on CR and who i [..] View

Kicking Over Powered players

2:21 pm, July 6, 2014 What is your take in kicking over powered players from an instance? I was trying to learn how to Earth tank in Oolong. I reasoned that Oolong would be "good practice" at Earth Tankin [..] View


2:21 pm, July 6, 2014 Hi Everyone, I am a 106 Cr, 153 SP Earth Tank. This thread is to talk about how SM has exposed these so called 106 beast tanks and the Beast Solo healers. Let me start off by saying I have run [..] View

DCUO Problem Solving

2:21 pm, June 23, 2014 Hi everyone. DCUO is and will always be a great game, however its heading down a dark road of late. One of the biggest problems its faces is the decline of support roles. Now we are becoming a game [..] View

No more DLCs. No more Updates. Balance, Debugg and Stabilize DCUO FIRST!!!

2:21 am, June 22, 2014 Over the last week while taking advantage of the summer sale, I did multiple Themyscira Divided runs as different might based powers ( powers I assumed to be might based). Mental, sorcery, and quantum [..] View

Bit the bullet.....

2:21 pm, June 12, 2014 And made a rage toon to try tanking. I am a little lost though, and need some advice. I am level 20 at the moment and trying to learn the role. This will be my first tank..... Sometimes when using a [..] View

A spot of RAGE help?

2:21 am, June 8, 2014 I was trying to find good rage loadouts for me mainly for tanking, but I was wondering if there's a way to go through the trees to get a nice DPS loadout as well? Currently following this loadout: I [..] View

Survival Mode - Finishing Round 6

2:21 pm, June 7, 2014 Screen shots to follow .. but, our group finished Round 6! Awesome Tanking, and healing all around! The group had constant contact, and stuck together and we made it through! View

Paradox warrior's mega flux damaged me for 7024

2:21 am, June 5, 2014 I have beat Paradox Wave with a couple groups, have yet to run it with my league but I only recently joined. I haven't yet tried an EO. Had a bad run last night trying to close tunnels and our group c [..] View

Combat counter mechanic in pve as Rage tank

2:21 pm, June 4, 2014 Argh... this is my nightmare, tanking AnB for the second time was so ridicules, I crashed 4 times x.x, never did this amount of crash in my entire life!!!! Hal Jordan hitting me for 5-7k no block stan [..] View

Falling asleep while watching TERRIBLE DPS.

2:21 am, June 4, 2014 Here lately I have fallen asleep in the T6 alert while tanking. And I really cant blame myself because I am watching the casuals "dps" this last boss. Has this happened to anyone els [..] View

Earth toon tanking

2:21 am, June 4, 2014 As some might know, I played as a dps for some time. Just saw the twitch video of Jens Anderson and Mepps talking about GU37. It hits live tomorrow <3 ever since earth powers went live for the [..] View

Themyscira Divided in 85:24

2:21 am, May 25, 2014 Right... Where to start... Screen-capped this to show that we were doing the 1-1-1-1 setup, with me tanking. After it took 30 minutes to get to the first boss (I wasn't the group leader btw... [..] View

where do u get the amazon disguise

2:21 am, May 20, 2014 i bought a few on the broker but i want to make my own. i like using it in the new alert to confuse my group when im tanking. it's really funny XD View

More "challenging" content needed & thoughts

2:21 am, May 13, 2014 A thought dawned upon me & would like to share it, hopefully it holds some weight. Inspiration of such came by FIRE tanking A&B; it is a unique challenge that I would say, that if appl [..] View

Earth and Damage Absorption being Dead

2:21 am, May 12, 2014 I cant reply to the feedback of course but a lot of people are saying earth's damage absorption side of tanking is dead. Sure i cant say what are the changes on the test server but there is something [..] View

Tank role is not the damage role

2:21 am, May 10, 2014 Last night I was tanking the t6 alert. All I got time for is to throw out a power to taunt enemies then block. I got a lecture from a pug heal. I'm not doing my job because the controller had more dam [..] View

Could someone possibly tell me what "Grant Immunity" Means?

2:21 am, May 8, 2014 I was tanking the new t6 alert like i have done plenty of times before, and one of the guys i was with told me to "Grant immunity" but that being said, i have tanked op3 nex dox and t6 [..] View

Is Weapon Mastery Useless for Support Roles?

2:21 am, May 7, 2014 I have been playing DUCO since launch and have over 150 SP on my healer, troller and tank. I am a tank at heart, though. DPS is the only role in the game that I have never tried to master. I have no i [..] View

Huh... Don't know how that happened...

2:21 am, May 4, 2014 O.k. today, I was online for a little bit but since I was lagging like hell I figured I'll just run some simple duos, maybe a 4-man or two.... I'm an EARTH tank, specced for tanking, with tanking gear [..] View

Passive Buffs to make 2-2-2-2 viable

2:21 am, April 15, 2014 Before I get inundated with scrubs telling me how I "HAVE NO RITE 2 WELL ME HOW 2 PLAY THIS IS DCUO PLAY UR WAY!!!1!", that's not the intention of this idea. It's to make running a bal [..] View

How To Fix Fire

2:21 am, April 14, 2014 I Feel that I have been going about this wrong for a long time. All I do is complain. All i do is tell the Devs what they have been doing wrong rather than telling them how to fix it. That has to chan [..] View

Getting kicked from Raids. Why?

2:21 pm, April 13, 2014 I am 82CR Earth Tank for PvE content and currently have 1010 Dominance. What am I doing wrong to be getting kicked? I would consider myself to be an above average tank (8-8.5/10), it's not hard. I [..] View

New Skill Point assignments - What to Master first

2:21 am, April 13, 2014 Wanted to post this here as a placeholder. I'll probably put a guide up if things go well and they get finalized for live. DLC10 and GU36 bring some major changes to skill points in addition to Weap [..] View

Devs, When Do You Plan On Compensating Quantum and Fire For The GU36 "Balance" Pass?

2:21 am, April 13, 2014 Just a question. So far, you have adjusted both Gadgets and HL due to the nerfs done to them by the GU36 Animation tightening and Jump cancelling fix. You compensated them. Rightfully so! Good job. I' [..] View

Are Iconic Anomaly instances benificial to support role players

2:21 pm, April 10, 2014 and would you like to see alternatives? The reason I ask this is, as a support role player only, I hate them! I figure that if I wanted to DPS then I would roll a DPS, or change one of my existing t [..] View

Need an outside opinion please.

2:21 am, April 5, 2014 So I'm having a bit of a dilemma and I need some help. So I started off playing this game as a fire tank and after about 7-8 months finally switched to dps as I was tired of hearing stuff about being [..] View

Armories with Mutiple powers

2:21 pm, March 30, 2014 Imagine if you could have multiple armories and 2 powersets. Let me know what you guys think about this idea. You can have 2 different powers at all times but in order not to abuse it there are cert [..] View

I would like to say "THANK YOU" (no sarcasm)

2:21 am, March 30, 2014 For what its worth, I was talking to a league mate a few days ago, we were discussing the power leveling of toons in DCUO. She mentioned something about wanting to try tanking. Several of the leag [..] View

Confessions of a Tank in T5 Raids

1:21 pm, March 21, 2014 Ok. So YOU are the best DPS on the planet. YOU are always on top of the scoreboard. You are always the loudest guy in the room. Hmmmmm.... Well I have to finally let my Tanking secret out. If I [..] View

Fire: Ok.... I Gotta QQ About Something Truly Petty

1:21 am, March 18, 2014 Hard Light: Work-in-progress................ You have got to be kidding me. HL is in danger of doing less damage thanks to the elimination of JC as a damage tactic. They NEED to be balanced so they [..] View

Fire Tank Perception: PUG Life Rant(Epic Dox Edition)

1:21 pm, March 7, 2014 So here I am on reset day, looking for something interesting to do. I didn't feel like DPS'ing(Dps'ing with fire competitively is too much non-relaxation), so I just waited for a DOX Epic run to shout [..] View

Tank Vs DPS role differences?

1:21 am, March 7, 2014 I play as a tank character, my gear is all tanking gear. I've been doing solo content, switching between both roles and the only difference I've noticed is I do more damage as a DPS. I seem to take [..] View

dcuo save the support class

1:21 am, February 28, 2014 i have been playing for too long. i have been ok with all the changes to dcuo, but with the recent announcement to weapon mastery i can see this game have all been going to the dps rout. yes the WM [..] View

As A New Tank...What Am I In For?

1:21 am, February 25, 2014 As a newish DCUO player looking to eventually get into endgame PvE I keep hearing how impossible it is to find a group/league as a tank, how unfriendly groups are to learning tanks and how demanding t [..] View

What Is A Fire Tank?

1:21 am, February 23, 2014 Here me out. I'm speaking on a pure conceptual basis. I've explain below Fire Tanks have 3 methods of mitigate damage Self-Heals Buffed Health 80% Increased healing from outside sources. But I woul [..] View

Ice Tanking Assault and Battery

1:21 am, February 22, 2014 So I got in my first A&B run today. I'm 101 Ice tank and was solo tanking it. I thought I was doing a pretty decent job, especially for my first time. We got to the last boss fight (Hank an [..] View

devs "not intended"

1:21 pm, February 21, 2014 so i was earth tanking A&B and i was thinking. wow my phase dodge is gonna be taken out soon because its not intended to work like this. then i got block broken by a bleez and almost died. t [..] View

Is tanking fun?

1:21 am, February 21, 2014 I have been playing this sense a little after beta and I have never tried tanking. Is it fun? All I see usually is that tanks buff their health/defense and pull and block the whole time. Is there more [..] View

Here Is Where The Fire Revamp Made Mistakes.

1:21 am, February 20, 2014 What is wrong with Fire in the current state of the game is directly the result of the revamp. OBVIOUS mistake the Devs made that they neglected to fix for whatever reason. They made great changes yet [..] View

Pre-lvl 30 Off Role Gear

1:21 pm, February 16, 2014 I think the pre-level 30 gears should be all unattuned. Personally I think all gear should be. But the pre-level 30 are a necessity in my opinion. Reason is simple. The whole level 1-30 purpose is f [..] View

What plays well with a Shield?

1:21 am, February 16, 2014 Any specific role or power? I tried out Sorcery dps and it was fun, gave ice tanking a go.. but haven't had a chance to test it out yet. Every alert I get put in has level 30's that just burn through [..] View

Moving Forward

5:41 am, February 11, 2014 I do not mind tank and spank content here and there but geeze there is just to much of it. Some of us here do like a challenge here and there and I am not talking about the one shot abilities either. [..] View

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