2:21 am, June 22, 2014
No more DLCs. No more Updates. Balance, Debugg and Stabilize DCUO FIRST!!!
Over the last week while taking advantage of the summer sale, I did multiple Themyscira Divided runs as different might based powers ( powers I assumed to be might based). Mental, sorcery, and quantum. I came to several disheartening conclusions. DLCs and updates are not solving issues, they're making them worse.
First issue I have that every one knows about is might scaling versus precision scaling. Precision scale is completely OVER scaled and might is completely UNDER scaled. Tested several load outs with precision based friends using the weapon mastery combo then power rotation scenario. Full t6 in VI mods and they either kept up or was marginally close in full 91 cr with V expert mods. We all had around 160-170+ sp and only use trinkets no soda buffs.
Not going to pretend that I did a excel spread sheet or serious quantitative analysis, but its clear that precision is the way to go now. What was the point of Weapon Mastery if you give us the illusion of balance and play our way and clearly its a farce because of might and precision scaling.
Second Issue I have is the CONSTANT CHANGING OF MECHANICS of power types. For example Mental's Mass Terror is now only full frontal mid range area of effect. I haven't been mental since the release of Origin Crisis and quantum's release so i had no idea on how bad its been nerfed. I remember when Mass terror's area of effect was comparable to celestial's plague to cursing divine light combo area of effect. How is a mental dps supposed to keep up with the new and I might add only purchasable through the DLC or respec tokens powers with a diminished area of effect.
I did a simple comparison of burst damage and area of effect damage of gravity bomb in quantum and psychic shock in mental. I chose those two powers because of the instant burst and similar area if effect. With the same amount of might gravity bomb was hitting on average of 1000 damage per second more after the weapon mastery bonus than psychic shock. That's also with the same weapon hand blasters and with or without the power interaction of polarize and terrorized.
Tried sorcery and its clear on the the burst damage coupled with its damage over time and area of effect was CLEARLY superior to me . I used to be a firm believer of it the person not the power. but its clear to me now certain powers are just better due to this very strange philosophy SOE has of changing mechanics. Might based power should not have these HUGE might scaling disparities.
How are we suppose to chose whether we want to go might or precision when its clear that precision is over scaled and might is under scaled on top of having scaling issue between powers.
Healing, Tanking and controlling should be balanced as well. Example: Quantum controller's stuns in Themyscira Divided seem to last twice as long as mental's. I'm sure every class has a issue whether it be fire tanking vs ice tanking, nature healing vs lightning healing, etc...
Third issue is majority of bugs. Block glitch. WHY ARE WE STILL DEALING WITH THIS AFTER BEING RALLIED. No more needs to be said on it
Second bug issue is the loss of the user interface. Navigating through the D pad menus the quickly come out of it and then the user interface or heads up display is gone, never to return unless a relog. I loss my heads ups display regulary trying to put groups together, inspec or etc just to relog and WAIT still no heads ups display after reloging and had to completely quit out of game.
Best of all the CONSTANT FREEZING in Themyscira Divided. Always right at the beginning when the gate opens, or the palace main room with the amazon statue, or the boss fight towards the end. People then say to me after my tyraid upon relog from freezing get a PS4 you issues are solved. Then they freeze right after ON THEIR PS4, but it only take them 1 min to relog versus the usual 5-10min on a PS3.
Then there is the argument that been the norm "well DCUO was never meant for PS3. The system hardware cant handle the software." Why was it launched in the first place and not just the PC. I've never seen a acknowledgement from SOE saying that. If there was one, enlighten me.
There are more issues but these are the biggest i have. I really feel that this game NEVER ended the BETA phase and we pay to be BETA testers on the USPS.
Conclusion. DCUO has the potential of completely being one the best mmo's ever made. Its never going to reach that pontential until these basic issues of balance to play how I want, not pick the flavor or the month or be precision based. Or constantly dealing with bugs that really should be tested before going live and then just touched up on immediately after recognizing the issue. Let's finally end the BETA phase please.
First issue I have that every one knows about is might scaling versus precision scaling. Precision scale is completely OVER scaled and might is completely UNDER scaled. Tested several load outs with precision based friends using the weapon mastery combo then power rotation scenario. Full t6 in VI mods and they either kept up or was marginally close in full 91 cr with V expert mods. We all had around 160-170+ sp and only use trinkets no soda buffs.
Not going to pretend that I did a excel spread sheet or serious quantitative analysis, but its clear that precision is the way to go now. What was the point of Weapon Mastery if you give us the illusion of balance and play our way and clearly its a farce because of might and precision scaling.
Second Issue I have is the CONSTANT CHANGING OF MECHANICS of power types. For example Mental's Mass Terror is now only full frontal mid range area of effect. I haven't been mental since the release of Origin Crisis and quantum's release so i had no idea on how bad its been nerfed. I remember when Mass terror's area of effect was comparable to celestial's plague to cursing divine light combo area of effect. How is a mental dps supposed to keep up with the new and I might add only purchasable through the DLC or respec tokens powers with a diminished area of effect.
I did a simple comparison of burst damage and area of effect damage of gravity bomb in quantum and psychic shock in mental. I chose those two powers because of the instant burst and similar area if effect. With the same amount of might gravity bomb was hitting on average of 1000 damage per second more after the weapon mastery bonus than psychic shock. That's also with the same weapon hand blasters and with or without the power interaction of polarize and terrorized.
Tried sorcery and its clear on the the burst damage coupled with its damage over time and area of effect was CLEARLY superior to me . I used to be a firm believer of it the person not the power. but its clear to me now certain powers are just better due to this very strange philosophy SOE has of changing mechanics. Might based power should not have these HUGE might scaling disparities.
How are we suppose to chose whether we want to go might or precision when its clear that precision is over scaled and might is under scaled on top of having scaling issue between powers.
Healing, Tanking and controlling should be balanced as well. Example: Quantum controller's stuns in Themyscira Divided seem to last twice as long as mental's. I'm sure every class has a issue whether it be fire tanking vs ice tanking, nature healing vs lightning healing, etc...
Third issue is majority of bugs. Block glitch. WHY ARE WE STILL DEALING WITH THIS AFTER BEING RALLIED. No more needs to be said on it
Second bug issue is the loss of the user interface. Navigating through the D pad menus the quickly come out of it and then the user interface or heads up display is gone, never to return unless a relog. I loss my heads ups display regulary trying to put groups together, inspec or etc just to relog and WAIT still no heads ups display after reloging and had to completely quit out of game.
Best of all the CONSTANT FREEZING in Themyscira Divided. Always right at the beginning when the gate opens, or the palace main room with the amazon statue, or the boss fight towards the end. People then say to me after my tyraid upon relog from freezing get a PS4 you issues are solved. Then they freeze right after ON THEIR PS4, but it only take them 1 min to relog versus the usual 5-10min on a PS3.
Then there is the argument that been the norm "well DCUO was never meant for PS3. The system hardware cant handle the software." Why was it launched in the first place and not just the PC. I've never seen a acknowledgement from SOE saying that. If there was one, enlighten me.
There are more issues but these are the biggest i have. I really feel that this game NEVER ended the BETA phase and we pay to be BETA testers on the USPS.
Conclusion. DCUO has the potential of completely being one the best mmo's ever made. Its never going to reach that pontential until these basic issues of balance to play how I want, not pick the flavor or the month or be precision based. Or constantly dealing with bugs that really should be tested before going live and then just touched up on immediately after recognizing the issue. Let's finally end the BETA phase please.
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