1:21 pm, February 13, 2014
Punish the Power-Spammers
Development team, I believe you need to design a mechanic which penalises players who spam powers relentlessly. Something along the lines of reducing a players damage output by 50-100% for both powers and weapon attacks if they spam more than 50% of their power, in a certain time-frame, for several seconds.
I believe you should do this because
1) Players feel certain powers are useless as DPSing powers due to their inability to clip/spam as effectively as others. Many players are demanding overhauls to power sets. Even ones such as Sorcery which you have only just recently revamped after listening to the suggestions of the community.
To save yourself time and money, instead of overhauling all powers, penalise any player that power-spams with a damage out debuff. Then those power-types using power-heavy loadouts which are doing massive damage in instances are no more useful than a weaker DPSing power set. It's much easier to tune individual powers that way.
2) Content doesn't need to be designed for either casual players or hardcore top end players. If you can't power-spam, you can't melt bosses much faster than a player who doesn't clip. Therefore an instance is just as challenging to those who depend on a fast burn to beat content as it is to those who don't depend on a fast burn. Accessibility is granted to all playing styles and the content is no easier or no harder for anyone.
A lot of top-end players say A&B is too easy. It is too easy, because they are playing in an over-geared team using power-spamming DPS play-styles. If you are a top-end player in this situation, ask yourself how easy the raid would be if you were penalised for spamming power. I imagine it would at least double the difficulty you currently face, at a bare minimum. Yet it wouldn't adjust the difficulty level, at all, for those who currently find it challenging.
3) Controllers, some of them at least, are having a really hard time at the moment because they are depended on purely for power-restoration. To many controllers, this is either too difficult and are demanding an overhaul to the controlling role or are giving up on controlling because they are bored of doing 2 powers and sick of the pressure inflicted upon them by groups.
Emphasis is being returned to controllers being used for crowd controlling but this isn't changing the communities attitude. Certain players feel comfortable taking 3 controllers into A&B to ensure sufficient power while all crowd-controlling duties are performed.
Penalise players for power-spamming and they won't power-spam. Meaning emphasis on only providing power is removed and you'll be forgiven for Crowd Controlling or applying a debuff to the enemies. Thus avoiding the need to revamp the role.
4) Stupid, community inflicted rules are no longer necessary. Things like taking 1 tank and 1 healer because any more is a waste and the burn needs to be efficient. Other rules such as DPS not picking up fallen team mates because the emphasis is on the burn would also not be necessary.
Probably gonna draw a lot of aggro for making a thread like this, but I believe many problems currently being experienced in the game would be eradicated if power-spamming was discouraged. If you read my entire post, I would assume your position in the game fits into one aspect I mentioned about why power spamming is damaging the game as pretty much everything is being affected by it.
This has nothing to do with clipping by the way. Clipping is cool. I use it all the time and it shouldn't be removed. Players should be able to clip, but excessive clipping to the point where your power bar is empty in less than 2 seconds is damaging the game for all players and it needs to be addressed. I feel something like this idea is the quickest and cheapest way to do it, without wasting much time on a solution (balancing powers) which wouldn't resolve all problems (controllers will still suffer and content will either be too easy for top-end players or too hard for non-top-end-players) or even guarantee the satisfaction of the players.
I believe you should do this because
1) Players feel certain powers are useless as DPSing powers due to their inability to clip/spam as effectively as others. Many players are demanding overhauls to power sets. Even ones such as Sorcery which you have only just recently revamped after listening to the suggestions of the community.
To save yourself time and money, instead of overhauling all powers, penalise any player that power-spams with a damage out debuff. Then those power-types using power-heavy loadouts which are doing massive damage in instances are no more useful than a weaker DPSing power set. It's much easier to tune individual powers that way.
2) Content doesn't need to be designed for either casual players or hardcore top end players. If you can't power-spam, you can't melt bosses much faster than a player who doesn't clip. Therefore an instance is just as challenging to those who depend on a fast burn to beat content as it is to those who don't depend on a fast burn. Accessibility is granted to all playing styles and the content is no easier or no harder for anyone.
A lot of top-end players say A&B is too easy. It is too easy, because they are playing in an over-geared team using power-spamming DPS play-styles. If you are a top-end player in this situation, ask yourself how easy the raid would be if you were penalised for spamming power. I imagine it would at least double the difficulty you currently face, at a bare minimum. Yet it wouldn't adjust the difficulty level, at all, for those who currently find it challenging.
3) Controllers, some of them at least, are having a really hard time at the moment because they are depended on purely for power-restoration. To many controllers, this is either too difficult and are demanding an overhaul to the controlling role or are giving up on controlling because they are bored of doing 2 powers and sick of the pressure inflicted upon them by groups.
Emphasis is being returned to controllers being used for crowd controlling but this isn't changing the communities attitude. Certain players feel comfortable taking 3 controllers into A&B to ensure sufficient power while all crowd-controlling duties are performed.
Penalise players for power-spamming and they won't power-spam. Meaning emphasis on only providing power is removed and you'll be forgiven for Crowd Controlling or applying a debuff to the enemies. Thus avoiding the need to revamp the role.
4) Stupid, community inflicted rules are no longer necessary. Things like taking 1 tank and 1 healer because any more is a waste and the burn needs to be efficient. Other rules such as DPS not picking up fallen team mates because the emphasis is on the burn would also not be necessary.
Probably gonna draw a lot of aggro for making a thread like this, but I believe many problems currently being experienced in the game would be eradicated if power-spamming was discouraged. If you read my entire post, I would assume your position in the game fits into one aspect I mentioned about why power spamming is damaging the game as pretty much everything is being affected by it.
This has nothing to do with clipping by the way. Clipping is cool. I use it all the time and it shouldn't be removed. Players should be able to clip, but excessive clipping to the point where your power bar is empty in less than 2 seconds is damaging the game for all players and it needs to be addressed. I feel something like this idea is the quickest and cheapest way to do it, without wasting much time on a solution (balancing powers) which wouldn't resolve all problems (controllers will still suffer and content will either be too easy for top-end players or too hard for non-top-end-players) or even guarantee the satisfaction of the players.
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